FIDC | Resultados de la última convocatoria
Nota explicativa
Procedimiento de selección de las solicitudes de financiación presentadas al FIDC en 2024
Fase 1: Las Comisiones Nacionales para la UNESCO crearán un grupo de preselección compuesto principalmente por representantes del Ministerio de Cultura y/o de los ministerios responsables de las industrias culturales, así como por representantes de organizaciones de la sociedad civil especializadas en el ámbito de la cultura. Este grupo realizará un primer examen de la solicitud para verificar que es pertinente, que responde a las necesidades y prioridades del país, que el proyecto presentado es viable y que ha sido objeto de consultas previas con las partes interesadas. A continuación, el grupo realizará una preselección de un máximo de cuatro proyectos (un máximo de dos de autoridades/instituciones públicas y un máximo de dos de ONG) antes de las 12:00 (hora de París) del 29 de julio de 2024. Las candidaturas que no hayan sido seleccionadas en esta fase figurarán como "no preseleccionada". Por favor, tenga en cuenta que el estado "pendiente de preselección" indica que la Comisión Nacional no ha llevado a cabo o finalizado el proceso de preselección en línea.
Fase 2: Una vez recibidas las candidaturas preseleccionadas por las Comisiones Nacionales, la Secretaría de la UNESCO llevará a cabo un examen técnico para comprobar que los expedientes están completos y que los proyectos se ajustan a los ámbitos de intervención del FIDC y, por tanto, son elegibles. En esta fase, la Secretaría también examinará las solicitudes presentadas por organizaciones internacionales no gubernamentales (OING), ya que no están sujetas al procedimiento de preselección por parte de las Comisiones Nacionales. Las solicitudes que no hayan sido seleccionadas en esta fase figurarán como "no elegible".
Fase 3: Todos los proyectos elegibles serán evaluados por un Grupo Internacional de Expertos compuesto por representantes de las seis regiones geográficas. Cada expediente será evaluado por dos miembros del Grupo, de acuerdo con los criterios de evaluación establecidos para el FIDC. De conformidad con las Orientaciones relativas a la utilización de los recursos del Fondo Internacional para la Diversidad Cultural, párrafo 17.1.1, el Grupo de Expertos podrá recomendar al Comité Intergubernamental de la Convención de 2005, solo los proyectos que reciban al menos el 75% del número máximo de puntos que se adjudican, dentro del límite de los fondos disponibles. Las candidaturas que no hayan sido seleccionadas en esta fase figurarán como "no recomendada".
Fase 4: Las recomendaciones finales del Grupo Internacional de Expertos se comunicarán al Comité Intergubernamental de la Convención de 2005, que decidirá sobre la financiación de los proyectos recomendados en su 18ª reunión, que se celebrará en la Sede de la UNESCO en París del 11 al 14 de febrero de 2025.
Fase 5: La Secretaría de la UNESCO informará a los beneficiarios de la aprobación de su solicitud, así como de los pasos necesarios para proceder a la elaboración de un contrato para la ejecución del proyecto.
Para mayor información sobre los resultados de las distintas etapas de selección, diríjase a:
Resultados de la convocatoria 2024
ID | Título del proyecto | Nombre del solicitante | Tipo de solicitante | País del solicitante | Monto solicitado en US$ | Estatus | ʳܲԳٳܲó |
116 | SANKOFA, retour vers le futur | ONG GENETIC | NGO / ONG | Côte d'Ivoire - Côte d'Ivoire | $ 75,549.64 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
117 | Rich Cultures Unified in Diversity (RiCUDi): A project for Cultural Integration for the 21st Century. | Resource Hub for Development (RHD) | NGO / ONG | Kenya - Kenya | $ 99,890.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 30 |
118 | Cultivating Creativity | Peace by Youth | NGO / ONG | Pakistan - Pakistan | $ 98,850.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 26.5 |
119 | the South African Biennale | the african interpretation Centre | NGO / ONG | South Africa - Afrique du Sud | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
122 | Museu do Brega | Porto Cultural | NGO / ONG | Brazil - Brésil | $ 100.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
126 | Measuring the Impact - Quantifying the Cultural Industries' Contribution to Zimbabwe's Development | Culture Warriors Edutainment Trust | NGO / ONG | Zimbabwe / Zimbabwe | $ 99,890.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
128 | Strengthening Stakeholder Engagement in Ethiopia's Children's Literature Ecosystem | Policy Studies Institute | Party / Partie | Ethiopia - Éthiopie | $ 99,672.97 | Recommended / Recommandé | 35.5 |
139 | The Black Archive as a Socially Transformative Tool | University of Fort Hare | Party / Partie | South Africa - Afrique du Sud | $ 96,837.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
142 | Landmarking the Ornamental Variety of Ethnicity- LOVE | Initiative for Social Change, ISC | NGO / ONG | Bangladesh - Bangladesh | $ 99,999.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
156 | Enhancing Women and Youth Cultural Enterprises at the Sacred Mijikenda Kaya Forest World Heritage site. | NATIONAL MUSEUMS OF KENYA | Party / Partie | Kenya - Kenya | $ 74,247.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
166 | Engaging the Youth through Creative Entrepreneurship (EYCE) | The Benevolent Care and Support Initiative (BCSI) | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
170 | GAR | SAIDU KARIMU | Party / Partie | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 50,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
171 | Knowledge of right and wrong | Oyunsuren Munkhsaikhan | NGO / ONG | Mongolia - Mongolie | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
173 | Copyright Collective Management project | Department of Copyright and Related Rights of the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts | Party / Partie | Cambodia - Cambodge | $ 100,000.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 21.5 |
182 | Professionalizing the Theatre Sector in Nassau, The Bahamas | Dundas Civic Centre | NGO / ONG | Bahamas - Bahamas | $ 100,000.00 | Recommended / Recommandé | 32.5 |
183 | The City of Literature Summit | Abantu Book Festival (NPO) | NGO / ONG | South Africa - Afrique du Sud | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
185 | Strengthening the resilience and sustainability of rebuilt Creative Spaces and Expressions of the Marginalized Artists in Matabele land Communities in Zimbabwe | Shangano Arts Trust | NGO / ONG | Zimbabwe / Zimbabwe | $ 98,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
197 | Empowering local creatives through digital literacy and solutions | Raoul Rugamba | NGO / ONG | Rwanda - Rwanda | $ 100,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
199 | Equipping Female Film makers with Knowledge and Skills through Training on Filming, Video Documentary and Digital Marketing Program in Juba Central Equatorial State Republic of South Sudan | Street Beats Foundation | NGO / ONG | South Sudan - Soudan du Sud | $ 96,200.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 28.5 |
200 | Stimulating the Nigerian Authorities and Law Makers on Mix Curriculum for Research and Development of Cultural Materials | Centre for Leadership and Creativity | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
203 | PROJET DE MOBILITE DES ARTISTES DU SUD A TRAVERS LE BALAFON | ASSOCIATION CULTURA | NGO / ONG | Cameroon - Cameroun | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
211 | The School of Active Citizenship in Uganda - Youth Participation and Empowerment for Sustainable Development | Intercultural Development Agency (IDA) | NGO / ONG | Uganda - Ouganda | $ 99,950.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
215 | Creation of the Observatory of Cultural and Creative Industries and improvement of access to the labor market for young people between 18 and 30 years of age in Misiones (Argentina) | Secretariat of State for Culture of the Province of Misiones | Party / Partie | Argentina - Argentine | $ 63,320.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 25.5 |
218 | Empowering Namibian Communities through Creative Cultural Initiatives | Open Arms Trust | NGO / ONG | Namibia - Namibie | $ 89,300.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
220 | House of Talents and Youth Knowledge for culture, gender equality and personal development | Young Talent Association | NGO / ONG | Cabo Verde - Cabo Verde | $ 87,900.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 21.5 |
224 | Projet de renforcement de capacité de 50 jeunes en art de la scène. | Association Régionale pour la Santé et le Développement du Centre Nord ( ARSD/CN ) | NGO / ONG | Burkina Faso - Burkina Faso | $ 32,930.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
227 | Linking Academia with Craft Industry in Oman | Business Communication Unit, College of Economics and Political Science, Sultan Qaboos University | Party / Partie | Oman - Oman | $ 80,075.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
229 | Genesis arts and culture for Zimbabwe | Dendere arts trust | NGO / ONG | Zimbabwe / Zimbabwe | $ 99,910.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
231 | Uprising Creative Hub West Rand | Miykael Institute of Divine Arts | NGO / ONG | South Africa - Afrique du Sud | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
234 | Renforcement des capacités pédagogiques, techniques et de gestion des écoles membres de la Ligue Africaine des Ecoles Supérieures d’Art Dramatique à travers de la coopération Sud-Sud | Association Issil pour le théâtre et l'animation culturelle | NGO / ONG | Morocco - Maroc | $ 100,000.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 28 |
236 | Cultural and diverse university. A proposal for permanence in the academy. | PROINAPSA UIS Foundation. | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 99,658.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
242 | Connecting Mongol Ger Craftsmanship to Global Markets: A Pilot Project for Uyanga-style Ger Producers in Rural Mongolia | Mongolian Garvali Heritage Institute | NGO / ONG | Mongolia - Mongolie | $ 99,220.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
244 | A MAASAI EYE ON WEATHER FORECAST | ELATIA SIDAI ORGANIZATION | NGO / ONG | United Republic of Tanzania - République-Unie de Tanzanie | $ 98,500.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
246 | Casa Gallina 2019-2024: Methodologies for Community Participation. | Casa Gallina | NGO / ONG | Mexico - Mexique | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
248 | Food For Our Homes | Segun Odenuga | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
249 | Disabled Artists in Creative and Digital Industries | Nicky Claraentia Pratiwi | NGO / ONG | Indonesia - Indonésie | $ 99,967.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 28.5 |
250 | Isiko Mmogo Advocacy and Empowerment Programme | NGO Connect SA | NGO / ONG | South Africa - Afrique du Sud | $ 80,401.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
254 | Atelier International 43 | SUD ECRITURE | NGO / ONG | Tunisia - Tunisie | $ 20,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
256 | Pachasophía: dialogue through educommunication to recognize and learn from ancestral knowledge | Corporacion Grupo Randi Randi CGRR | NGO / ONG | Ecuador - Équateur | $ 99,895.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
257 | Renforcement des capacités pour l’émergence d’entreprises culturelles et la participation des actrices et acteurs de la société civile à l’élaboration des politiques culturelles | SCENE D'EBENE | NGO / ONG | Cameroon - Cameroun | $ 100,000.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 21.5 |
267 | Fostering creativity in youth through creating diverse and independent cinema and literature, creating sustainable support networks for the future. | YGM Foundation | NGO / ONG | Dominican Republic - République dominicaine | $ 73,628.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
272 | !S.A.N: Start Anti-discriminatory Narratives | Mosaiko Association | NGO / ONG | Angola - Angola | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
277 | ORANGE TECHNICAL SCHOOL FOR THE SELF-SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE DIVERSITY OF ARTISTIC EXPRESSIONS, CULTURAL GOODS, AND SERVICES. #Elarteylaculturanosongratis #Artandculturearenotfree | ASOCIACIÓN LA CASA DE LOS JOVENES | NGO / ONG | El Salvador - El Salvador | $ 92,600.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 20 |
280 | Next Ma/gaisa Star | SAN-Welwitschia Music Productions cc | Party / Partie | Namibia - Namibie | $ 50,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
291 | Mombasa County Cultural Development Initiative | Swahilipot Hub Foundation | NGO / ONG | Kenya - Kenya | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
294 | Atlas of cultural Industries in isolated territories of Chile | ONG POLOC | NGO / ONG | Chile - Chili | $ 88,829.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 29.5 |
304 | Structuration et renforcement des entrepreneurs culturels de la musique sur le continent Africain | Zone Franche, le Réseau des Musiques du Monde | NGO / ONG | France - France | $ 100,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
306 | ARTISTIC RESIDENCY ON AUDIOVISUAL DEVELOPMENT, CINEMATOGRAPHIC AND FILM SHOWCASE. | ACIGE ( National Film Association of Equatorial Guinea) | NGO / ONG | Equatorial Guinea - Guinée équatoriale | $ 99,500.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
312 | Resurrection of the intangible heritage of al-Anfoushy Shipbuilding yard in its social context of Alexandria | International development, environment, and culture association (IDECA) / Mohamed Soliman | NGO / ONG | Egypt - Égypte | $ 49,610.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
314 | Advancing Gender Equity and Professionalization in the East African Live Music Industry | Busara Promotions | NGO / ONG | United Republic of Tanzania - République-Unie de Tanzanie | $ 98,550.00 | Recommended / Recommandé | 34 |
315 | Musical Production, New Technologies, and Youth from Low-Income Neighborhoods in the District of Merlo | West National University / Universidad Nacional del Oeste | Party / Partie | Argentina - Argentine | $ 99,935.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
317 | International Online Theatre Festival 2025 and 2026 | The African Theatre Magazine | NGO / ONG | Uganda - Ouganda | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
318 | Municipal school of Arts (E.M.A) House of culture | Municipal Mayor's Office of Puerto Boyacá | Party / Partie | Colombia - Colombie | $ 99,998.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
320 | BioArt Network: Cultivating Biodiversity and Entrepreneurship with eco-friendly materials in four Regions of Colombia | Fundación Icarobernal Art | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
321 | les fugueuses | Fabula production | NGO / ONG | Tunisia - Tunisie | $ 50,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
328 | TERRAPOLIS | Creative Culture Support Foundation | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
329 | DEVELOPPEMENT ET PROMOTION DU JAZZ EN RDC, APPUI À LA MOBILITÉ AUX FESTIVALS AFRICAINS | CAFE MUSIC SMILE ONG | NGO / ONG | Democratic Republic of the Congo - République démocratique du Congo | $ 95,510.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 20.5 |
333 | Graffiti basketball and music #GBAM | Graffiti basketball and music foundation | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
340 | Lev Arbatsky's art gallery | Olga Tkacheva | NGO / ONG | Uzbekistan - Ouzbékistan | $ 10,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
341 | Supporting Digital Transformation of Creative Industries in Serbia with a Focus on the Crafts Sector | Ložionica d.o.o. Belgrade | Party / Partie | Serbia - Serbie | $ 98,800.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 27.5 |
342 | I Muhira : Cinematic Renaissance Initiative | IMPAKT | NGO / ONG | Burundi - Burundi | $ 88,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
345 | Empowering Displaced Women as Cultural Entrepreneurs through Local Textiles Production in FCT and Nasarawa State. | Daruwana Development Foundation | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
351 | Accessibility, education, community integration and Latin American mobility through artistic and cultural activities. | NAVE, Fundación Patrimonio Artístico Creativo | NGO / ONG | Chile - Chili | $ 99,900.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
354 | MAPPING AND STRENGTHING THE CULTURAL INDUSTRIES IN NIGERIA: AN ACCELERATOR PROGRAMME FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT | National Institute for Cultural Orientation | Party / Partie | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 100,000.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 21 |
355 | PROJET CULTUREL *DAGBÉ-NÉVA | VIVE L'AFRIQUE | NGO / ONG | Togo - Togo | $ 82,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
363 | filltheBLNK Borders | filltheBLNK Community | NGO / ONG | Canada - Canada | $ 100,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
365 | Vibra Pacífico: Laboratorios y Encuentro de Artes y Culturas Vivas para la paz y justicia social | Kitambo/ Foundation | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 99,648.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
368 | International Amofest 2025 | Better Music Africa | NGO / ONG | Ghana - Ghana | $ 99,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
371 | Lok Bazar | National Institute of Folk and Traditional Heritage-Lok Virsa, Islamabad | Party / Partie | Pakistan - Pakistan | $ 96,600.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
372 | Project to support indigenous cultural start-ups Music in the South – Kivu province in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo. | Secours de la Femme Rurale au Développement, Sfrd. | NGO / ONG | Democratic Republic of the Congo - République démocratique du Congo | $ 88,320.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
375 | Dancing lights | Association de la créativité scientifique | NGO / ONG | Tunisia - Tunisie | $ 99.66 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
377 | Creating a network for the documentation and dissemination of Caribbean vernacular architecture | LIGA Espacio para arquitectura | NGO / ONG | Mexico - Mexique | $ 60,550.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
380 | “Art and Peace Culture, strengthening youth leadership” | Fundación Museo de la Palabra y la Imagen. (Museum of the Word and Image Foundation) | NGO / ONG | El Salvador - El Salvador | $ 83,544.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
381 | Cultural Diversity with Technology, Entrepreneurial Spirit and Circular Economy Concepts for Impacts | International Centre for Environmental Education and Community Development (ICENECDEV) UN Global Compact Member | INGO / ONGI | China - Chine | $ 19,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
385 | MobiCiné Sénégal : Transformer l´accés et la distribution des films. | Culture Waw | NGO / ONG | Senegal - Sénégal | $ 97,516.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
393 | Artistic Curation: creating from the territories for youth and children | Fundación Festival Internacional Teatro a Mil / Teatro a Mil International Festival Foundation | NGO / ONG | Chile - Chili | $ 69,494.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 28.5 |
394 | Art4S: Empowering Young Artists in Serbia through Creative and Cultural NFTs | Education for Serbia | Fondacija "Obrazovanje za Srbiju" | NGO / ONG | Serbia - Serbie | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
395 | Young Latin American Design and Craft in Colombia. Local design residencies and international exhibitions. | G&T Foundation | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
397 | *Enhancing Technology to Promote Creative Arts.* | Zwoluga Entertainment Group | NGO / ONG | Zimbabwe / Zimbabwe | $ 99,750.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
400 | Art en Action | Kamina artist and researchers platform (KARP) | NGO / ONG | Togo - Togo | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
401 | Spreading intellectual property eco-system awareness to foster innovation and creativity among struggling rural social entrepreneurs of the Tooro sub-region in Western Uganda. | EMANGO-My Culture My Resource | NGO / ONG | Uganda - Ouganda | $ 98,500.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
402 | SOUTHERN AFRICAN ARTISTS USING INNOVATION TO PROMOTE DIVERSITY AND MARKETABILITY IN REGIONAL AND GLOBAL ARTS | CHIPAWO New Horizons Youth Arts Programme | NGO / ONG | Zimbabwe / Zimbabwe | $ 69,095.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
405 | L'artiste-citoyen au cœur du développement durable au Mali | Association Don Sen Folo | NGO / ONG | Mali - Mali | $ 99,519.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
406 | Linking Women Traditional Leaders with national and provincial structures in Peace and Security in South Africa | Centre for Mediation in Africa | Party / Partie | South Africa - Afrique du Sud | $ 99,999.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
407 | Strengthening the Arts Business Environment in Zambia | National Arts Council of Zambia | Party / Partie | Zambia / Zambie | $ 95,960.00 | Recommended / Recommandé | 33 |
408 | Unveiling Vulnerable Women's Gendered Narratives: Empowering Through Media Arts and Skills | royalwomeninitiatives | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 99,927.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
416 | Cultural Renaissance: Empowering Communities through Sgalabada Arts Centre" | Sgalabada Arts Centre | NGO / ONG | South Africa - Afrique du Sud | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
417 | Traduire l'enfance | Institut de Traduction de Tunis | Party / Partie | Tunisia - Tunisie | $ 96,860.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
420 | Fostering socio-economic empowerment and protection of vulnerable Palestinian communities in East Jerusalem – Phase II | Burj Al Luqluq Social Center Society | NGO / ONG | State of Palestine - Etat de Palestine | $ 99,600.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
426 | Spirit of Uganda : Empowering regional and international festivals in Uganda as central incubators and visibility for the expression of cultural diversity | Boutique Foundation | NGO / ONG | Uganda - Ouganda | $ 97,790.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
427 | DEVELOPING PERFORMING ARTS TO PROMOTE RWANDAN CULTURAL HERITAGE FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. | Rwanda Cultural Heritage Academy | Party / Partie | Rwanda - Rwanda | $ 87,231.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
432 | Emerging Art Leaders Programme (EALP) | Yemisi Shyllon Museum of Art, Pan-Atlantic University | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 99,456.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
433 | Gule 2.0: Understanding local policies and access to local and international markets for performing arts | Circus Zambia | NGO / ONG | Zambia / Zambie | $ 99,970.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 30 |
434 | Strengthening Pedagogical and organisational Capacities of Educational, Vocational and Technical Training Institutes in Orange Economy in Kenya | Meru University of Science and Technology | Party / Partie | Kenya - Kenya | $ 100,000.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 28 |
435 | Plenty of Voices | Coro Universitario de Mendoza, Secretaría de Extensión, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo | Party / Partie | Argentina - Argentine | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
439 | Empowering local community through rebranding of Bende and Fipa traditional dances in Southern Circuit of Tanzania | Mkwawa University College of Education (a constituent college of the University of Dar es Salaam) | Party / Partie | United Republic of Tanzania - République-Unie de Tanzanie | $ 97,675.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
443 | GAMBRE Portail Culturel | Association Burkinabè des Domaines Internet (ABDI) | NGO / ONG | Burkina Faso - Burkina Faso | $ 83,530.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 6.5 |
453 | Support the young artists in Basra | Fondazione Terre des Hommes Italia | INGO / ONGI | Italy - Italie | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
454 | BEhind the CREATIVity | Ahiler Development Agency (AHIKA) | Party / Partie | ü쾱 - ü쾱 | $ 88,864.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
455 | Promoting access to arts education for youth & vulnerable groups in Mozambique | Associacao Cultural Xiluva Artes | NGO / ONG | Mozambique - Mozambique | $ 100,000.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 30 |
463 | Création d'un centre de ressources pour la bande dessinée et le webtoon: CrealabTheque | KANARIMAGIK | NGO / ONG | Senegal - Sénégal | $ 100.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
469 | WINGS AND ROOTS: Empower Afro-descendant women in Bolivia through Art and Culture | FUNDACION CINEMATECA BOLIVIANA | NGO / ONG | Bolivia (Plurinational State of) / Bolivie (État plurinational de) | $ 99,250.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
472 | Digital Storytelling for the Youth and Gender Equality Trainings for the Cultural and Creative Industries | Foundation "Novi Sad - European Capital of Culture" | NGO / ONG | Serbia - Serbie | $ 87,600.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 30.5 |
474 | Mixed Ability Dance Integration | Unmute Dance Company | NGO / ONG | South Africa - Afrique du Sud | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
476 | Gender@Work – The African Hub for Women in Music | Music In Africa Foundation | NGO / ONG | South Africa - Afrique du Sud | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
478 | Social and Cultural Integration of the Blind in Ukraine | Львівський обласний осередок всеукраїнської громадської організації «Українська спілка інвалідів – УСІ» / Lviv Regional Branch of All-Ukrainian Public Organization "Ukrainian Union of people with disabilities - USI" | NGO / ONG | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 86,977.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 29.5 |
482 | Integrating AI in the Creative Arts Sector in the SADC Region: A Collaborative Case Study of Malawi, Zambia, and Angola | Catholic University of Malawi, Traditional Culture Research Group | Party / Partie | Malawi - Malawi | $ 100,000.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 19.5 |
484 | workshop for cultural curators in northern nigeria | open arts development foundation | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 10,600.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
487 | Voices | Kyiv National Academic Operetta Theatre | Party / Partie | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 88,151.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 25.5 |
491 | Projet de soutien à la résilience et relance des activités culturelles et vivre ensemble, sur les sites des déplacés causés par les conflits armés. (Sites de MAKARY ET BIAMOU dans la commune de Makary) | ASSOCIATION POUR LE DEVELOPPEMENT SOCIAL (ADS) | NGO / ONG | Cameroon - Cameroun | $ 1,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
498 | Deliver local art to the world | Nukus branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Muhammad Al-Khwarizmi | Party / Partie | Uzbekistan - Ouzbékistan | $ 63,812.20 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
501 | Cultura Activa (Active Culture) | El Núcleo | NGO / ONG | Argentina - Argentine | $ 84,500.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
503 | Cultural Bridge Collaboration between Federal University Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria (Department of Theater Arts) and Light of Hope and Support Initiative | Federal University Theater Arts Department and Light of Hope Collaboration | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
504 | Reviving Handloom Legacy: Empowering Artisans through Skill Enhancement and Technological Upgrades | Kalpataru Institute of Technology | Party / Partie | India - Inde | $ 89,548.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
507 | Action de renforcement et d'Encadrement du secteur culturel sudesois pour un changement social | Jacmel Jazz Festival | NGO / ONG | Haiti - Haïti | $ 99,989.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
516 | The audiovisual industry in Salta as a driver of regional development: empowering the youth through training in audiovisual production. | Secretary of Culture of the province of Salta | Party / Partie | Argentina - Argentine | $ 99,958.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 29.5 |
520 | Creation of digital environment of the State Art Museum of the Republic of Karakalpakstan named after I. Savitsky based on virtual and augmented reality technologies | Makhkamov Bakhtiyor Shukhratovich | Party / Partie | Uzbekistan - Ouzbékistan | $ 89,330.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
521 | Strengthening the pedagogical and organizational capacities of educational vocational and then training institutes in the cultural and creative sectors in Kenya | AMKA SPACE FOR WOMEN'S CREATIVITY | NGO / ONG | Kenya - Kenya | $ 90,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
522 | Dynamic Digital Cuture Hub (RUDI-BUDI) | Yayasan SENA WANGI | NGO / ONG | Indonesia - Indonésie | $ 96,871.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
523 | Unity in Diversity: Promoting Cultural Pluralism and Acceptance in Afghanistan | AYNAAK AFGHAN MEDIA AND CULTURAL ORGANISATION | NGO / ONG | Afghanistan - Afghanistan | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
524 | Transforming Indigenous leather work and basketry cooperatives in the Gibe Region | the Institute of Oromo Studies (IOS), Jimma University | Party / Partie | Ethiopia - Éthiopie | $ 98,871.43 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
527 | The power of cultural ,norms and customs diversity in the socio-economic and political development of uganda. | Alternative Digtalk ltd | NGO / ONG | Uganda - Ouganda | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
530 | FIDES Project (Festival Internacional del Desarrollo y la Economía Sostenible) | Fundación Voluntades | NGO / ONG | Chile - Chili | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
531 | LÖNNI OU SAVOIR Act 2 | Art au-Delà du Handicap (ADH) | NGO / ONG | Burkina Faso - Burkina Faso | $ 99,925.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
533 | Equité sur scéne! | ONG Forge Arts | NGO / ONG | Niger - Niger | $ 99,550.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
534 | Beyond Binary and Socio-cultural Stereotypes: Promoting Awareness for Intersex individuals in Nigeria and The Gambia; and fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) | Imade Good Works Initiative | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
535 | Digital Inclusion Music Creator in Latin America | ALCAM (ASOCIACIÓN LATINOAMERICANA DE COMPOSITORES Y AUTORES DE MÚSICA) | INGO / ONGI | Uruguay - Uruguay | $ 83,200.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 20 |
538 | Renforcer l'Entrepreneuriat Culturel Féminin au Rwanda | Karemera Umulinga Carole | NGO / ONG | Rwanda - Rwanda | $ 100,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
545 | Inclusion culturelle de jeunes vivant avec le handicap par la valorisation de leur créativité artistique | ONG BAL'LAME | NGO / ONG | Niger - Niger | $ 90,312.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
547 | Historias Contadas: Making histories of musica llanera matter through collaborative ethnography | Orquesta Henry Rubio of the Alma Llanera Program | Party / Partie | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) - Venezuela (République bolivarienne du) | $ 100,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
548 | Rebooting cultural heritage for a new generation | NGO "Bridge of Changes" | NGO / ONG | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 32,507.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
550 | Empowering Internally Displaced Persons to Promote Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development through Recycled Art | TeamUpcyclers | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
551 | Museo internacional para la Democracia | Fundación para la Democracia Internacional | NGO / ONG | Argentina - Argentine | $ 100.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
552 | Me voilà: here I am | Al-Ahd Association for Development | NGO / ONG | Egypt - Égypte | $ 63,260.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
553 | Valorisation de l’offre culturelle sénégalaise à travers les technologies du web sémantique et du web de données ouvertes | Ecole de Bibliothécaires, Archivistes et Documentalistes (EBAD) | Party / Partie | Senegal - Sénégal | $ 96,555.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
555 | Promoting Cultural Diversity and Economic Empowerment for communities in Baringo Conservancies | Baringo County Conservancies Association(BCCA) | NGO / ONG | Kenya - Kenya | $ 99,968.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
556 | Digital Art Workshop: The New Dimension of Art | Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality | Party / Partie | ü쾱 - ü쾱 | $ 96,950.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
558 | Cartographie, création d'un réseau national et l'égalité des genres dans le secteur culturel et créatif au Tchad | Réseau Culturel et Artistique pour la Formation et la Francophonie (RECAF) | NGO / ONG | Chad - Tchad | $ 99,244.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
559 | Promotion of Cultural Entrepreneurship among local population living near World Heritage Sites in Azerbaijan | Global Entrepreneurship Network Azerbaijan Public Union (GEN Azerbaijan) | NGO / ONG | Azerbaijan - Azerbaïdjan | $ 99,850.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
567 | Palestinian Women embroidery | Palestinian woman organization | NGO / ONG | Egypt - Égypte | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
574 | Projet de renforcement des capacités techniques et opérationnelles des acteurs culturels en République de Guinée | Fonds de Développement des Arts et de la Culture (FODAC) | Party / Partie | Guinea - Guinée | $ 94,440.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 17.5 |
577 | Engagement of e-commerce, formal and indigenous training to promote the cultural Heritage of the marginalized Rendille community, Marsabit County | Africa Nazrene University | NGO / ONG | Kenya - Kenya | $ 95,577.80 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
578 | Empowering Indigenous Voices: Enhancing Digital Storytelling Capacity in Indonesian Communities | Monash University Indonesia | Party / Partie | Indonesia - Indonésie | $ 91,926.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
579 | “Plataforma Cultural Jesuítica” (Jesuit Cultural Platform) | Fundación Tierra Sin Mal | NGO / ONG | Argentina - Argentine | $ 97,250.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
580 | Cultural Empowerment in Conflict-Affected Syria: Strengthening Civil Society and Cultural Policy | Salam Humanitarian Foundation (SHF) | NGO / ONG | Syrian Arab Republic - République arabe syrienne | $ 98,700.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
585 | Mapping and Advancing the Potential of Cultural and Creative Industries | Union of Macedonian Associations in the Creative Industries UMPAKI Skopje | NGO / ONG | North Macedonia - Macédoine du Nord | $ 99,930.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 31 |
586 | FIRST STEPS خطوات أولى | CITIZENS.ARTISTS مواطنون.فنانون | NGO / ONG | Syrian Arab Republic - République arabe syrienne | $ 98,720.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
589 | Enhancing Cultural Diversity through Technology in Storytelling | The Creative Arts and Visual Imagery Centre | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 99,230.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
590 | Mekgabo E Mesha: Mapping and Developing a Database for Namibian Fashion Industry Professionals | Museums Association of Namibia | NGO / ONG | Namibia - Namibie | $ 98,872.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
592 | Talent & Hope: Cultural Inclusion for Jordanian Orphans & Foster Children | Haya Cultural Center | NGO / ONG | Jordan - Jordanie | $ 99,999.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
593 | "Art pour l'Égalité : Autonomisation des Jeunes et des Femmes Ruraux au Sud-Kivu" | Developpement et Innovations en Milieu Rural (DIM/ONGD) | NGO / ONG | Democratic Republic of the Congo - République démocratique du Congo | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
598 | Protection and promotion of diversity of cultural expression in the digital environment of West Bengal and Gujarat | DPIIT IPR CHAIR, WEST BENGAL NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF JURIDICAL SCIENCES | Party / Partie | India - Inde | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 | |
604 | Vozes do Vidigal (Voices of Vidigal) | Instituto Aupaba | NGO / ONG | Brazil - Brésil | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
606 | Basis for the strengthening of the Centre for Transdisciplinary Studies of the National University of the Arts | Universidad Nacional de las Artes | Party / Partie | Argentina - Argentine | $ 56,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
607 | Empowering Mexican Indigenous Voices: Integrating Indigenous Symbols and Languages into Digital Spaces | Metalingua | NGO / ONG | Mexico - Mexique | $ 99,416.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
611 | Digital Griot: Bridging Generations Through Interactive Storytelling | Tebere Arts Foundation | NGO / ONG | Uganda - Ouganda | $ 94,524.79 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
612 | Steppe Stories: Creating Digital Archival Platform and Empowering Photographers | Mongol Durslemj (Mongolian Visuals) Association PBNGO | NGO / ONG | Mongolia - Mongolie | $ 40,115.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
614 | Éclosion Créative : Renforcement des Capacités des Jeunes Artistes et Entrepreneurs Culturels en Afrique de l'Ouest | ASSOCIATION ART D’AFRIQUE | NGO / ONG | Benin - Bénin | $ 97,500.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
617 | Creativity center for social reinsertion in Mexico City | Centro Creativo y de Reinserción "Mi Valedor" | NGO / ONG | Mexico - Mexique | $ 49,390.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
621 | Makikipi | Centro Loyola Ayacucho | NGO / ONG | Peru - Pérou | $ 35,135.14 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
624 | "Echoes of Tradition: Unveiling Pakistan's Cultural Legacy" | Pakistan National Commission for UNESCO | Party / Partie | Pakistan - Pakistan | $ 98,500.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
626 | "Warferstein- innovative anti-propaganda project with a performative and digital component" | Art-workshop "Bloom" | NGO / ONG | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 63,700.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
628 | IMMERSIO Cameroun, centre de formation en technologies immersives | EDU'ACTIV | NGO / ONG | Cameroon - Cameroun | $ 96,700.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
631 | Performing theatre in various cities in Ukraine | NGU Foundation for support of reforms in Ukraine | NGO / ONG | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 98,500.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
637 | Indigenous Language, Arts, and Crafts Preservation Project in northeast Cambodia | Conserve Indigenous Peoples Languages Organization(CIPL) | NGO / ONG | Cambodia - Cambodge | $ 90,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
639 | AfroAsia Culture Hub: The creative arts in reconciliation of historical and cultural divides | AfroAsia Project at the University of Cape Town | Party / Partie | South Africa - Afrique du Sud | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 | |
642 | Documenting Palestinian content on the free encyclopedia | wikipalestine | NGO / ONG | State of Palestine - Etat de Palestine | $ 57,800.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
646 | Use of ICTs to empower and strengthen the cultural and creative capacities of coastal communities in northern Mozambique, through the potential of tufo dance | Mozambique Island Conservation Office- GACIM | Party / Partie | Mozambique - Mozambique | $ 98,820.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
647 | "Cultural Connect: Empowering Youth and Educators in Heritage and Creative Opportunities" | Azerbaijan Young Teachers Association | NGO / ONG | Azerbaijan - Azerbaïdjan | $ 50,850.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
649 | Cultural Expressions against Childhood and Adolescent Gambling Addiction. Promotion of Creativity and Art. Mar del Plata. Buenos Aires Province. Argentina | Apertura Foundation, Transformation for the New Argentina (Fundación Apertura, Transformación para la Nueva Argentina) | NGO / ONG | Argentina - Argentine | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
650 | Combating Food Insecurity in South Africa’s Culturally Diverse Urban Areas Through the Promotion of Traditional Food Systems | Human Sciences Research Council | Party / Partie | South Africa - Afrique du Sud | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
652 | ProjectCARE | National Gallery of Art, Nigeria | Party / Partie | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
653 | PRODUCTION CULTURELLE DES JEUNES TALENTS SOUS LA THEMATIQUE DE LA GUERRE DE SIX JOURS A KISANGANI | MONDUKA | NGO / ONG | Democratic Republic of the Congo - République démocratique du Congo | $ 96.33 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
654 | Global sensibilities in English teaching: Approaches and techniques for developing intercultural awareness in the classroom | Dr. Hazrat Umar | Party / Partie | Pakistan - Pakistan | $ 41,982.26 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
655 | Les expressions artistiques culturelles au service de la paix et la cohésion sociale | Ginna Dogon /Festival Ogobagna | NGO / ONG | Mali - Mali | $ 60,003.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
659 | Strengthening Cultural Development in Multicultural Devolved Units (Baringo, Trans-Nzoia, and Narok Counties) in Kenya | Egerton University | Party / Partie | Kenya - Kenya | $ 99,950.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
660 | 132 / 5.000 Strengthen pedagogical capacities in the area of ART AND CULTURE in educational institutions in marginal areas of San Salvador | Fundación Salvadoreña ܳó y Trabajo | NGO / ONG | El Salvador - El Salvador | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
664 | "Cultivating Cultural Diversity through Media Advancement in Rwanda." | FONDATION SAINT DOMINIQUE SAVIO - FSDS (in Acronym). | NGO / ONG | Rwanda - Rwanda | $ 100,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
665 | Anima: Strengthening the Puppetry art sector in Colombia | UNION INTERNACIONAL DE LA MARIONETA | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
666 | Botswana Folklore and Cultural Music documentation and capacity building for sustainable (cultural) tourism | NGWAO LOSHALABA | NGO / ONG | Botswana / Botswana | $ 99,995.20 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
671 | ALL STREETS ECONOMY, Une économie culturelle de proximité | Groupe 30 Afrique | NGO / ONG | Senegal - Sénégal | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
678 | Empowering Women in Nigeria's Cultural and Creative Sectors | Linus Idahosa Foundation for Empowerment Africa | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 98,100.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
681 | Programa Colectividades | Subsecretaria de Cultura de Puerto Madryn | Party / Partie | Argentina - Argentine | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 | |
682 | Mujer Raíz | ASPEm - Asociación Solidaridad Países Emergentes | NGO / ONG | Peru - Pérou | $ 99,990.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 29 |
683 | "Km 0: Cultural Center of the Wetlands" | "Km 0: Cultural Center of the Wetlands" | NGO / ONG | Argentina - Argentine | $ 61,750.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
686 | Strengthening the Creation and Performing Arts Industry for Young Audiences (Fortalecimiento a la creación e industria de Artes Escénicas para jóvenes audiencias) | Agrupacion Social y Cultural MB2 | NGO / ONG | Chile - Chili | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
689 | Empowering Disabled Community through Cultural Diversity Programs in Jessore | Protibondi Kollyan Somity (PKS) | NGO / ONG | Bangladesh - Bangladesh | $ 32,588.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
690 | mobiCINE Haïti tournée 2024-2025 | FONDATION MWÈM | NGO / ONG | Haiti - Haïti | $ 97,500.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
692 | CulturaPro | Fondasyon Ti Souf | NGO / ONG | Haiti - Haïti | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
693 | Mar del Plata Audiovisual Attraction Centre | Municipalidad de General Pueyrredón / City of Mar del Plata | Party / Partie | Argentina - Argentine | $ 99,800.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
694 | Utamaduni Express Kenya | G1 PIONEERS ORGANIZATION | NGO / ONG | Kenya - Kenya | $ 87,006.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
695 | Production of costumes of Uzbek national ornament in unique styles and development of national tourism. | Doniyorova Shahnoza | Party / Partie | Uzbekistan - Ouzbékistan | $ 60,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
696 | Strengthening of leadership skills and civil and political rights for women banana farmers in the Urabá region. | Fundación social de sintrainagro Nuevo Milenio | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 97,375.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
697 | Behind the art scenes: Ukrainian Art Market Analysis 2024 | "Spilne Art" | NGO / ONG | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 99,840.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
698 | Cultural Bridges: Strengthening Western Region in Guatemala | Universidad Popular de Guatemala | NGO / ONG | Guatemala - Guatemala | $ 91,875.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
699 | Digital heritage: The Heritage Museum for uniting generations. | Виконавчий комітет Вараської міської ради/Executive Committee of Varash City Council | Party / Partie | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 52,145.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
700 | Darkhan Mongol Bankhar | Nyampurev Altan-Ochir | NGO / ONG | Mongolia - Mongolie | $ 29,920.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
703 | Conservation du patrimoine culturel et des systèmes de production agricoles et de gestion de l'eau et l'économie de la rareté et transmettre le patrimoine oasien aux générations futures | Association INSSANE | INGO / ONGI | Morocco - Maroc | $ 98,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
704 | Strengthening of social impact businesses in creative industries in Latin America through capacity development | Asociación Alterna ONG | NGO / ONG | Guatemala - Guatemala | $ 90,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
725 | Global Ability Photography Challenge by Youth4Jobs Foundation | Youth4Jobs Foundation | NGO / ONG | India - Inde | $ 73,968.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
729 | "Voske Daran" Audio Mobile Application | "Hovhannes Toumanian Museum" SNCO | Party / Partie | Armenia - Arménie | $ 86,793.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
731 | Strenghtening Cultural stakeholders toward promoting intercultural dialogue and gender equality | Centre for Peace and Development Organization (CPD) | NGO / ONG | South Sudan - Soudan du Sud | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
732 | "Journey of Cultures: Documenting and Celebrating Moldovan Heritage" | A.O. Association for Human Rights Lex XXI | NGO / ONG | Republic of Moldova - République de Moldova | $ 100,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
733 | ANALYSIS, DIAGNOSIS, AND STRENGTHENING OF THE MUSICAL ECOSYSTEM IN MENDOZA, ARGENTINA | MIMM ( Movimiento Independiente Mendocino de Musicos y Hacedores Afines) ( Mendocino Independent Movement of Musicians and Related Makers) | NGO / ONG | Argentina - Argentine | $ 87,650.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
734 | Jamaica Junior Theatre Theatrix Apprenticeship Programme | Jamaica Musical Theatre Company | NGO / ONG | Jamaica - Jamaïque | $ 100,000.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 21 |
735 | Global Cultural Connect | Ikirenga art and culture promotion | NGO / ONG | Rwanda - Rwanda | $ 100,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
744 | The artistic journey of young Efeler; on the way of the Seikilos Epitaph | Efeler Municipality | Party / Partie | ü쾱 - ü쾱 | $ 97.83 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
749 | We Major Project | Filmakademie Baden Württemberg | Party / Partie | Germany - Allemagne | $ 90,680.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
751 | Les voix de la paix pour la culture au service du développement | Grdr Migration - Citoyenneté - Développement | INGO / ONGI | France - France | $ 99,950.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
755 | FESTIVÁL SUDIKU - SUKU HO DIVERSIDADE KULTURÁL (Village with Cultural Diversity) | ArtEmpreender Association | NGO / ONG | Timor-Leste - Timor-Leste | $ 99,500.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
757 | Reggae Fusion: Empowering Vulnerable Youth through Theatrical Performance and Reggae Music in Kingston, Jamaica | The Women's Resource and Outreach Centre WROC | NGO / ONG | Jamaica - Jamaïque | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
759 | Bridging the gap in ensuring access to the markets for cultural goods produced by communities | Sizanethemba Foundation | NGO / ONG | South Africa - Afrique du Sud | $ 62,120.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
762 | First-Ever Anti-piracy Campaign for creatives in Northern region, Botswana | TJOOTAMBATAMBA ARTS CREATION | NGO / ONG | Botswana / Botswana | $ 83,250.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
766 | Expansion of the soul of Colombian Caribbean music. | Corporación Cultural Sukundú | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 92,150.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
767 | Human-Scale Pluriversity: Social and Community Transformations for Sustaining Cultural Diversity in Southern Chile | Manfred Max Neef Foundation | NGO / ONG | Chile - Chili | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
768 | Art pluriel : action de structuration et professionnalisation des acteurs des arts de la marionnette et des arts vivants en Côte d'Ivoire | Association Ivoire Marionnette | NGO / ONG | Côte d'Ivoire - Côte d'Ivoire | $ 90,000.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 24 |
769 | Participatory strategy for strengthening the value chain of flute and drum music and advocacy for its recognition and promotion in Popayán, Cauca, Colombia. | Fundación Mambrú Internacional | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 99,924.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
770 | Promotion of local cultural diversity in Chile connecting generations through the encouragement of ancestral cultural expressions | Fundación ú y ܳó (Foundation Music and Education) | NGO / ONG | Chile - Chili | $ 68,018.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
771 | MILENARY INNOVATION LAB - Meetings between designers and artisans | ADHA Foundation | NGO / ONG | Ecuador - Équateur | $ 99,530.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 28 |
772 | Ensuring Cultural Preservation Through Digitization Policy, Advocacy and Framework in Ghana | Dikan Center | NGO / ONG | Ghana - Ghana | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
774 | Imagined Latin Cities, Communities and Borders | Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales (FLACSO) | INGO / ONGI | Argentina - Argentine | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
776 | GUINEA GULF CREATIVE ACADEMY | OMAJ | NGO / ONG | Cameroon - Cameroun | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
777 | Empowering Malawian Artisans: A Journey of Cultural Exchange and Sustainable Development | charles levison | NGO / ONG | Malawi - Malawi | $ 68,848.38 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
779 | Projet d’autonomisation des artistes évoluant dans la musique, le Fashion, l’humour et le slam pour la promotion de la diversité des expressions culturelles dans les provinces du Nord et Sud-Kivu en République Démocratique du Congo | Coalition pour la Sauvegarde des Droits Humains (CSDH) | NGO / ONG | Democratic Republic of the Congo - République démocratique du Congo | $ 95,025.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
780 | Enhancing Cultural Practitioners with Skills that can make them Independent and Successful. | T. A. Marryshow Community College | Party / Partie | Grenada - Grenade | $ 96,032.47 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 22 |
784 | Cluster Weaving Cali to the Rhythm of Salsa | CORPORACIÓN PARA EL DESARROLLO SOCIAL Y CULTURAL DEL VALLE DEL CAUCA - CORPOVALLE | Party / Partie | Colombia - Colombie | $ 99,916.24 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
785 | “Restore me Now! Strengthening the pedagogical capacities of educational, vocational and technical institutions in Lango through cultural and creative sectors” | AFRICAN NETWORK FOR CHANGE | NGO / ONG | Uganda - Ouganda | $ 99,999.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
787 | Bibliotecas Activas of the Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana Benjamín Carrión: A Plan for Book Accessibility and Reading Promotion in the Provinces of Carchi, Imbabura, Guayas, Manabí, Napo, and Orellana. | Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana Benjamín Carrión- sede nacional | Party / Partie | Ecuador - Équateur | $ 96,534.50 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 28.5 |
789 | Plate-forme de Podcasts pour le Théâtre | Association des arts | NGO / ONG | Tunisia - Tunisie | $ 99,600.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 21.5 |
791 | Building Happy Schools Through Power of Dance | ChezaCheza Dance Foundation | NGO / ONG | Kenya - Kenya | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
792 | Strengthening of the capacities of the emerging cultural industry in the Metropolitan Area of the Aburrá Valley | Fundación Casa Tres Patios | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 88,512.80 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
794 | Cultural Innovators: Empowering youth through creativity and entrepreneurship | Fundación Parque Metropolitano La Libertad (La Libertad Metropolitan Park Foundation) | NGO / ONG | Costa Rica - Costa Rica | $ 98,669.00 | Recommended / Recommandé | 34.5 |
795 | EmpoderArte - Mujeres artesanas de Nariño y Casanare (EmpowArtment: Artisan Women in Nariño and Casanare) | Fundacion Capital-FundaK | NGO / ONG | Panama - Panama | $ 99,852.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
796 | Barrios en Foco | Dirección General de eventos y transformación territorial / General Management of Events and Territorial Transformation | Party / Partie | Argentina - Argentine | $ 99,600.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
797 | Cultural Paths | Instituto Samaúma | NGO / ONG | Brazil - Brésil | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
798 | Inclusive Cultural Future: Strategies and Practices for Ukraine | Kharkiv Regional Foundation “Public Alternative” | NGO / ONG | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 99,826.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
800 | United Voices - Festival for Uniquely Abled Artists | Association for active inclusion and appropriate treatment of persons with disabilities - Equality NGO | NGO / ONG | North Macedonia - Macédoine du Nord | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 | |
801 | Ambassadors of Palestinian Heritage | Beit Suryk Feminist Center Association | NGO / ONG | State of Palestine - Etat de Palestine | $ 80,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
802 | Digital Laboratory: Enabling Tools and Strategies for the Sustainability of Territorial Creative Ecosystems | Red Nacional de Territorios Creativos (National Network of Creative Territories) | NGO / ONG | Chile - Chili | $ 99,500.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
804 | Preserve, protect and promote the indigenous knowledge, skills, and practices of Ethiopia's cultural expressions in traditional clothing at the Shiro Meda. | Capacitate Human Habitat & Tourism Development (CHTD) | NGO / ONG | Ethiopia - Éthiopie | $ 97,708.50 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
809 | Newsroom Diversity and Inclusion in Nigerian News Media for National Development | Centre for Media, Policy and Accountability (CMPA) | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 96,628.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
813 | Kütralkura Créatif : Elaboration et gestion de routes créatives pour un développement inclusif et durable dans le territoire du Geoparc, région de La Araucania, Chili | ASSOCIATION DES COMMUNES DE MONTAGNE DE LA ARAUCANIE | Party / Partie | Chile - Chili | $ 97.24 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
817 | Art and culture for inclusion and Non-Violence. | Corporación Cultural Camaleón de Urabá | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 92,875.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
818 | APPUI A LA CROISSANCE DE L’ENTREPRENARIAT DES ICC ET MISE EN PLACE D’UNE POLITIQUE CUTURELLE NATIONALE INCLUSIVE EN RDC | IYOAFRICA ABSL | NGO / ONG | Democratic Republic of the Congo - République démocratique du Congo | $ 71,200.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
820 | The GirlChild HopeThrough Dance Against Female Gential Mutilations : A Study of Selected Communities in Eastern Nigeria | Dance Oracle For Health | NGO / ONG | Canada - Canada | $ 80,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
822 | ‘Preservation and Promotion of Dominica’s Kweyol Language’ | Konmité Pou Etid Kwéyol (KEK) | NGO / ONG | Dominica - Dominique | $ 97,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
824 | Fostering an artistic and cultural ecosystem in Venezuela | Civil Association Modo Cultura | NGO / ONG | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) - Venezuela (République bolivarienne du) | $ 93,069.90 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
825 | Developing a monitoring, evaluation and digitalization framework for the arts and cultural practitioners in Zimbabwe | CifoSUDE | NGO / ONG | Zimbabwe / Zimbabwe | $ 94,320.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
826 | Play it! – Strengthening cooperation in music industry to make a change | World Music Association of Serbia | NGO / ONG | Serbia - Serbie | $ 27,020.00 | Recommended / Recommandé | 32.5 |
827 | Échos de la Diaspora : Programme de Développement Littéraire pour les Jeunes Écrivains Afro-Descendants | Association des baobabs | INGO / ONGI | Canada - Canada | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
828 | Training program in cultural management and sustainable development for Afro-Peruvian organizations. | Asociación SienteMag | NGO / ONG | Peru - Pérou | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
830 | Mapping Study and Integration of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) in Provincial and National Cultural Policies of Pakistan | Pakistan National Council of the Arts | Party / Partie | Pakistan - Pakistan | $ 98,550.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 20.5 |
831 | Who cares filmmakers? Building a safe and healthy environment in the Chinese film industry. | University of Nottingham Ningbo China | Party / Partie | China - Chine | $ 99,053.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
832 | Effective Cultural music education | Kwoliti Music Empire | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
834 | Art Education and Leadership development in the context of Social Solidarity based economy practices and creative liberation experiences. | National Institute of Art and Design named after Kamoliddin Behzod | Party / Partie | Uzbekistan - Ouzbékistan | $ 85,130.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 27 |
837 | PARCOURS DE FORMATION "EXPLOITATION ET DIFFUSION DE FILMS AFRICAINS AU SENEGAL" | Centre Yennenga | NGO / ONG | Senegal - Sénégal | $ 99,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
838 | Writers' and Readers' Cafe | Rwanda Children's Book Organisation (RCBO) | NGO / ONG | Rwanda - Rwanda | $ 98,800.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
839 | Culture and Innovation Zambia | People's Action for Accountability and Good Governance in Zambia (PAAGZ) | NGO / ONG | Zambia / Zambie | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
840 | Moving with time: Digitising the Malawian book publishing industry to improve the reading culture amongst youths in Malawian Universities | Mzuzu University | Party / Partie | Malawi - Malawi | $ 94,500.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
848 | Town Rallies | Sınırlı Sorumlu Yedi İklim Adil Eğitim Kooperatifi (Yedi İklim Limited Cooperative for Fair Education) | NGO / ONG | ü쾱 - ü쾱 | $ 95,610.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
849 | FilmForge HUB (demo naming, the Online Hub for filmmakers) | NGO UKRAINIAN FILM ACADEMY | NGO / ONG | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 72,200.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
850 | Kanavu Fellowship | CPB Foundation | NGO / ONG | India - Inde | $ 92,510.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
851 | CultureConnect: Fostering Cultural Exchange and Sector Development in the Great Lakes | Espace Plus | NGO / ONG | Rwanda - Rwanda | $ 99,981.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
853 | Le Son du Terrain | ONG Benin Ecotourism Concern | NGO / ONG | Benin - Bénin | $ 99,929.73 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
856 | MEA Sustainability Studio | Environment Without Borders Foundation | NGO / ONG | Egypt - Égypte | $ 99,800.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
857 | Femmes artistes en Lumière : Connecter, Créer, Financer | Secrétariat National de l'Eduction Catholique | NGO / ONG | Burkina Faso - Burkina Faso | $ 73,528.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
858 | FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DE DOUGGA | MOKHTAR BELATEK | NGO / ONG | Tunisia - Tunisie | $ 58,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
859 | Bridging the Copyright Knowledge and Strategy Gap for the Development of Cultural and Creative Industries in Eswatini | Eswatini Copyright & Neighbouring Rights Society | Party / Partie | Eswatini - Eswatini | $ 84,990.00 | Recommended / Recommandé | 35 |
860 | Enhancing Educational Excellence: Strengthening Pedagogical and Training Capacities in the Cultural and Creative Sectors | The Human Security Institute | NGO / ONG | Pakistan - Pakistan | $ 85,200.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
861 | Synchronization. Uniting Ukrainian hospital clowns around common goals | Kharkiv Foundation for Psychological Research | NGO / ONG | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 99,458.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
862 | Cultural Innovation Hub: Fostering Creativity and Entrepreneurship in Rural Communities | M-TAFSIRI AFRICA | NGO / ONG | Kenya - Kenya | $ 45,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
864 | INTEGRATION DU GROUPE FOLKLORIQUE DES PYGMEES DANS L’AUDITION DE LA PROVINCE DE MAI-NDOMBE. | MBOLI GROUP FOUNDATION | NGO / ONG | Democratic Republic of the Congo - République démocratique du Congo | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
865 | EmpowerHer: Supporting Young Women in Cultural Market | Youth Solidarity Public Union | NGO / ONG | Azerbaijan - Azerbaïdjan | $ 37,240.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
866 | Relance de l'industrie musicale à Madagascar | Direction des arts et de la promotion artistique/Ministère de la communication et de la culture | Party / Partie | Madagascar - Madagascar | $ 98,350.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
868 | The African Screenwriters Residency | Realness Institute | NGO / ONG | South Africa - Afrique du Sud | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
869 | Fostering Indigenous Communities through Promoting Dynamic Cultural Sectors in Chittagong Hill Tracts of Bangladesh | Arannayk Foundation | NGO / ONG | Bangladesh - Bangladesh | $ 92,658.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
870 | Promoting Gender Equality and Cultural Diversity and Promotion of Products made by Tribal Women in Dhaka and 3 Hill Districts Areas of Rangamati, Khagrachari and Bandarban in Bangladesh | Nari Unnayan Shakti | NGO / ONG | Bangladesh - Bangladesh | $ 99,275.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 18 |
871 | Organization of the annual film festival of archival film documents in Uzbekistan | National Archives of Films, Photographic and Sound Documents of Uzbekistan | NGO / ONG | Uzbekistan - Ouzbékistan | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
872 | Empowering Youth from Disadvantaged Areas of Gaborone Through Jazz Music | Botswanana Society For Jazz Education | NGO / ONG | Botswana / Botswana | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
873 | AIr de temps : une ingénierie culturelle au Sénégal en faveur de l'entreprenariat. | Association Jant-Bi | NGO / ONG | Senegal - Sénégal | $ 55,450.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 19 |
874 | Programme de formation Les Elles Du Cinéma | Les Elles Du Cinéma | NGO / ONG | Burkina Faso - Burkina Faso | $ 96,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
875 | Boosting diversity of art expressions through fair practice code and regional integration of art market in Western Balkans | Faculty of Dramatic Arts / Cetinje, University of Montenegro | Party / Partie | Montenegro - Monténégro | $ 86,370.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 29 |
877 | The Development and Production of Comprehensive Arts and Crafts Curricula for University and School Students. | The Palestinian Museum | NGO / ONG | State of Palestine - Etat de Palestine | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
880 | Ethnomusicology; Our Hope’s Rest. | 99th Livery | NGO / ONG | Ghana - Ghana | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
887 | Deaf Filmmaker Profession Support (DeaFPS) | Mondiblanc Film Workshop | NGO / ONG | Indonesia - Indonésie | $ 64.32 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
889 | Comprehensive Strengthening of Afro-Colombian Cultural Industries in Guamal | Afroguamal | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
890 | Unity in Diversity: An Exhibition of Traditional and Contemporary Art | Africa Initiative For Humanitarian Development | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
891 | Projet d'Evaluation pour la Relance des industries Culturelles dans la région de Kidal (PERICK) | Consortium ONG Tekewte de Kidal - Direction Régionale de la Culture de Kidal - Bureau CEDAR | NGO / ONG | Mali - Mali | $ 96,449.85 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
892 | Music education of young people aged 15-25 with Special Needs | Kirsehir Municipality | Party / Partie | ü쾱 - ü쾱 | $ 33,460.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
894 | Formation professionnelle dans le secteur des ICC en ruralité sahélienne sénégalaise | Globe Sénégal Culture et Développement | NGO / ONG | Senegal - Sénégal | $ 94,186.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
896 | Enhance freedom and effectiveness of street theatre groups in arts, policy reform and sustainable development “Nickname: SDGs_STARS” | AlMahrousa for Development and Participation- MDP | NGO / ONG | Egypt - Égypte | $ 78,030.00 | Recommended / Recommandé | 32 |
898 | Ukrainian Transformation | Hama | NGO / ONG | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 96,850.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
900 | Roots of Hope: Youth, Art and Community | Fe y Alegría Ecuador | NGO / ONG | Ecuador - Équateur | $ 90,713.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
901 | Picoazá: Ritmos de Resiliencia | Fundación Progressio Ecuador | NGO / ONG | Ecuador - Équateur | $ 98,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
902 | Évent meet | DAS'ART THEATRE CLUB | Party / Partie | Benin - Bénin | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
903 | Empowering youth and women in Ethiopia through visual art | Ministry of Tourism | Party / Partie | Ethiopia - Éthiopie | $ 99,967.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 27.5 |
904 | Creative Talent Empowerment: Support for Movie Scripts and Music Productions | Dominic Onyeji | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 7,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
905 | Gambia's Competitive Culture Project | National Centre for Arts and Culture | Party / Partie | Gambia - Gambie | $ 100,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
908 | Revenue streams for African visual artists | Nokeng Cultural Foundation | NGO / ONG | South Africa - Afrique du Sud | $ 56,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
909 | Women for Development | Junior Achievement Americas (legally represented by JA Worldwide) | INGO / ONGI | Argentina - Argentine | $ 100,000.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 20.5 |
911 | Heritage conservation in three counties | Creatives Garage | NGO / ONG | Kenya - Kenya | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 | |
913 | Applying digital solutions to streamline structures and processes for the regulation and development of the film industry in Ghana. | NATIONAL FILM AUTHORITY | Party / Partie | Ghana - Ghana | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 | |
914 | Resilience in Performance: Revitalizing Moroccan Cultural Heritage and Advancing Earthquake Recovery | The High Atlas Foundation | NGO / ONG | Morocco - Maroc | $ 99,100.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
915 | Renforcement de la diversité culturelle et de l’égalité des genres à travers le développement des industries créatives à Sikasso | ArtEnsemble | NGO / ONG | Mali - Mali | $ 100,000.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 20.5 |
917 | Music for everyone. Continuing Training in Vocal Technique and Body Expression, with 280 Scholarships for Vulnerable Population, framing the cultural and social restructuring in the city of Cali Valle del Cauca. | ECOS DE COLOMBIA CULTURAL ASSOCIATION | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 98,982.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
918 | Garden Sessions | Safe Havens Freedom Talks (SH|FT) | INGO / ONGI | Sweden - Suède | $ 100,000.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 27 |
920 | "Transforming Lives through Music and Culture" | Asociación de Orquestas Infantiles y Juveniles del Perú | NGO / ONG | Peru - Pérou | $ 99,963.80 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
922 | Enhancing knowledge and skills of women artisans from ethnic minor communities in Bangladesh | Design in Global Foundation | NGO / ONG | Bangladesh - Bangladesh | $ 96,663.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
923 | Building Bridges - towards a stronger creative sector in Lao PDR and the Mekong Region | HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation | INGO / ONGI | Switzerland - Suisse | $ 99,945.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 26.5 |
924 | Gender mapping, mentorship and skills development programme, India | Anahad Foundation | NGO / ONG | India - Inde | $ 99,383.68 | Recommended / Recommandé | 34 |
925 | Creating a musical band for girls | women house development center | NGO / ONG | State of Palestine - Etat de Palestine | $ 100.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
927 | Création d'un centre de formation d'ingénérie culturelle à Cuba | Aurelia Ediciones / Ven-Tu | NGO / ONG | Cuba - Cuba | $ 99,040.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
928 | AnimHouse | ONY | NGO / ONG | Madagascar - Madagascar | $ 99,577.00 | Recommended / Recommandé | 33 |
930 | promote a long lasting cooperation between culturally significant towns in Egypt and Europe for creative and cultural industrial economy. | community development and youth training association | NGO / ONG | Egypt - Égypte | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
931 | Virtual Museum Routes of Freedom | Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia | Party / Partie | Colombia - Colombie | $ 95,197.20 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
932 | Upcycle Fashion Studio Offers Vocational Training, Equitable Access to Creative Industries | nisria community programme | Party / Partie | Kenya - Kenya | $ 99,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
933 | Djibouti Cultural Expression Connect: Empowering Artists with Disabilities through Digital Platforms and Skills Training | M. doualeh Said Mahamoud, Director General of ANPH and Advsior of the President of Disability matters | Party / Partie | Djibouti - Djibouti | $ 100,000.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 25.5 |
934 | Echoes of the Unseen Tribes: Fashion Legacy Of Zimbabwe & Botswana | Zimbabwe Fashion Week Trust | NGO / ONG | Zimbabwe / Zimbabwe | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
937 | Weaving Future Project (WFP) - Empowering Iraqi Young Artisans through Digital and Cultural Integration | Alliance of Iraqi Minorities Network | NGO / ONG | Iraq - Iraq | $ 99,300.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
940 | Promoting Sustainable Development for Disabled and Distressed People through Cultural Diversity Programs in Gazipur City Corporation | National Fellowship for the Advancement of Visually Handicapped (NFAVH) | NGO / ONG | Bangladesh - Bangladesh | $ 18,224.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
941 | SanArte. Residencies for artists in vulnerable situations, at risk and/or extreme fatigue | Lekil Kuxlejal A.C. | NGO / ONG | Mexico - Mexique | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
942 | The Research and Promotion of Mongolian Traditional Games and Play | Association of Early Childhood Education Research NGO | NGO / ONG | Mongolia - Mongolie | $ 78,540.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
944 | InnoBA: red de las industrias creativas de la provincia de Buenos Aires (InnoBA: Network of the Creative Industries from the Buenos Aires Province) | Direction for Promotion and Cultural Producción, Undersecretariat of Creative Industries, Cultural Institute of Buenos Aires Province. | Party / Partie | Argentina - Argentine | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
946 | Accelerating HerStory Movement in Cultural and Creative Industry in Tanzania | Readership for Learning and Development | NGO / ONG | United Republic of Tanzania - République-Unie de Tanzanie | $ 88,026.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 30 |
947 | Teatroxlaidentidad (Theaterxidentity, TXI its acronym in Spanish),, planting theater and identity in Argentina. Theatrical training on memory for strengthening democracy to build the future | Teatroxlaidentidad (Theaterxidentity, TXI its acronym in Spanish) | NGO / ONG | Argentina - Argentine | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
949 | Laboratorio de Juego | Asociación Civil La Poderosa, Integración por la ܳó Popular | NGO / ONG | Argentina - Argentine | $ 96,316.80 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
950 | Institut des Arts de Mfilou | Armée du Salut - Poste de Mfilou | INGO / ONGI | Congo - Congo | $ 64,276.32 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
951 | El Avispero Cultura | Movilizatorio | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 99,994.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
952 | Festival Internacional de Cine sobre Derechos Humanos "Bajo Nuestra Piel" 8th and 9th edition | Fundación Munasim Kullakita | NGO / ONG | Bolivia (Plurinational State of) / Bolivie (État plurinational de) | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 | |
954 | Ethno Music Empowerment for Namibian Schools | YOUNG MEN’S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION Welfare Organization (WO No: 517) | NGO / ONG | Namibia - Namibie | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
955 | MY STORY : MY HERITAGE | FIVE COWRIES ARTS EDUCATION INITIATIVE | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 95,974.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
958 | "Elarca: Voices for the Empowerment of Wayuu Youth" | Los Hijos del Sol Organization | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 99,462.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
959 | Social and Economic Development Incubator | Fortress Foundation | NGO / ONG | Rwanda - Rwanda | $ 100,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
960 | Programme d'Education Artistique et Culturel | FEHIKANTO | NGO / ONG | Madagascar - Madagascar | $ 95,620.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 18.5 |
969 | Ecole d'Expressions Culturelles et Créatives (EECC) | Juste Bouger Artistiquement au Gabon (JBAG) | NGO / ONG | Gabon - Gabon | $ 98,404.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
972 | SHAMS (Sun): Supporting Holistic Arts and Media Skills | Le collectif créatif | NGO / ONG | Tunisia - Tunisie | $ 86,800.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 28.5 |
973 | Brothers Who Sing Project (Hermanos que cantan” Project) | Asociacion Gozo y Espery Esperanza | NGO / ONG | Honduras - Honduras | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
978 | Cultural Revitalization and Creative Empowerment Ukrainian Communities | “FOUNDATION OF SOCIAL INNOVATIONS ‘COUNTRY TO UKRAINE’” | NGO / ONG | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 99,856.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
979 | Infinite Journey Cultural Proyect | National Council of Plastic Arts | NGO / ONG | Cuba - Cuba | $ 94,575.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
981 | Igniting regenerative and circular models in the fashion industry through the development of the HxN collaborative platform | Asociación civil Hecho por Nosotros (HxN) | NGO / ONG | Argentina - Argentine | $ 95,285.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
984 | COMUNA PREES | INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIONES INTERDISCIPLINARIAS EN EDUCACION POLITICA Y CULTURA, A.C. | NGO / ONG | Mexico - Mexique | $ 43,701.22 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
985 | Enhancing Inclusive Cultural Empowerment and Gender Transformation in Jebbu-Miango and Kwal Communities of Bassa LGA in Plateau State | Youth Adolescent Reflection and Action Centre (YARAC) | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 98,676.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
986 | LOOK AT ME | NGO / ONG | Morocco - Maroc | $ 99,980.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 | |
988 | EMPOWERING JOURNALISTS AND ARTISTS BY PROMOTING THE USE OF ARCHIVES AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AWARENESS IN TIMOR-LESTE | Centro Audiovisual Max Stahl Timor-Leste | NGO / ONG | Timor-Leste - Timor-Leste | $ 99,987.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
990 | Fawaz Aziz Rob | Party / Partie | Bangladesh - Bangladesh | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 | ||
991 | Strengthening participation of indigenous story tellers in Malawi | University of Malawi- Department of Literary Studies | Party / Partie | Malawi - Malawi | $ 94,480.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 23.5 |
993 | AQUATICA | AIESEC in the University of Nairobi | INGO / ONGI | Kenya - Kenya | $ 10,400.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
997 | MULTIVERSES | Fundación Julio Salinas | NGO / ONG | Argentina - Argentine | $ 99.81 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
998 | Digital Horizon | Trio Media Kenya | Party / Partie | Kenya - Kenya | $ 100,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
999 | Promoting Gender-Sensitive Cultural Expression and Heritage for Environmental Awareness and Climate Action in Jonglei State, South Sudan | Environmental and Climate Action South Sudan (E-CASS) | NGO / ONG | South Sudan - Soudan du Sud | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1000 | Enhancing Pedagogical and organizational capacities in film, and performing arts training institutions | Kabale University | Party / Partie | Uganda - Ouganda | $ 99,932.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 31 |
1002 | Sowing Changes in the Land of the Sun | Mala de Histórias | NGO / ONG | Brazil - Brésil | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1003 | IJOYA | ENSEMBLE VOCAL LES AIRS SACRES (EVAS) | NGO / ONG | Benin - Bénin | $ 98,840.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
1004 | The Black Speculative Arts Movement Global South | Zaika dos Santos - Blacks Speculative Arts Movements and The African American Future Society | INGO / ONGI | Brazil - Brésil | $ 87,320.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
1005 | PROMOTION OF CULTURAL DIVERSITY FROM THE DEVELOPMEN OF CREATIVE CULTURAL INDUSTRIES OF YOUNG PEOPLE FROM YARACUY - VENEZUELA, FOR THEIR SOCIAL EMPOWERMENT. | Center for Research and Safeguarding of Heritage and Cultural Diversity ARFEY-CIRPADIC | NGO / ONG | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) - Venezuela (République bolivarienne du) | $ 99,750.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
1006 | Revitalization and Cultural Empowerment in the Mixtec Region | Mixteca Technological University (UTM), | NGO / ONG | Mexico - Mexique | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1007 | Art and Accessibility, creative encounters and new media | ASOCIACION VEINTIOCHO ONCE | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 83,115.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1008 | Many Brazils | Politize! - Civic Education Institute | NGO / ONG | Brazil - Brésil | $ 99,330.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1013 | From Chile to the World: South-North International Promotion of Chilean Classical Music | SIMUC: International Society for the Chilean Music (Sociedad Internacional por la ú Chilena). | NGO / ONG | Chile - Chili | $ 99,160.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1015 | Mapping and Promotion of Artistic and Cultural Productions in the Microregion of São João Del Rei, Minas Gerais. | ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS ARTISTAS DE SÃO JOÃO DEL REI MG (Associação ADRO) | NGO / ONG | Brazil - Brésil | $ 97,260.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1016 | Movement [Create] Well-Being | MOVIMENTO BEM-ESTAR | NGO / ONG | Brazil - Brésil | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1018 | Vukubone Sound Xchange | Antidote Culture Foundation | NGO / ONG | Eswatini - Eswatini | $ 87,637.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 29.5 |
1019 | “ El renacer de mi tierra” por el desarrollo del suroeste antioqueño en Colombia | “The reawakening of my land” - for the development of the southwestern region of Antioquia, Colombia | Fundación Prolírica de Antioquia | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 75,530.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1020 | Creation and consolidation of the Collective of Cultural Communities, for the promotion of the cultural, socio-environmental and artistic diversity of the Lake Titicaca basin of Bolivia. | NGO Environmental Defense League (ONG Liga de Defensa del Medio Ambiente) | NGO / ONG | Bolivia (Plurinational State of) / Bolivie (État plurinational de) | $ 99,050.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
1021 | MADE by HER: Fostering Diversity and Creative Growth in Female Performing and Visual Artists. | Mutaciones Artes Didacticas y Experimentaciones A.C. | NGO / ONG | Mexico - Mexique | $ 42,938.00 | Recommended / Recommandé | 34.5 |
1022 | les industries culturelles locales à l’ère du numérique | Festival au Desert/EFES | NGO / ONG | Mali - Mali | $ 99,709.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1023 | Strengthening Capabilities and Value Chain in the Ecuadorian Audiovisual Sector | CORPORATION OF AUDIOVISUAL PRODUCERS AND PROMOTERS OF ECUADOR (COPAE) | NGO / ONG | Ecuador - Équateur | $ 98,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1024 | Artivism for cultural diversity. Indigenous, Montuvia, Afro, Chola and Mestizo communities develop cultural capacities to defend nature in Ecuador. | Acción Ecológica / Art-Os | NGO / ONG | Ecuador - Équateur | $ 99,921.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1025 | MuseTech Alliance | eMuseum | NGO / ONG | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 94,405.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1026 | Renforcement des organisations de la société civile du secteur culturel et créatif pour une meilleure participation à l’élaboration, la mise en œuvre et le suivi des politiques culturelles au Bénin | Théâtre d'Afrique | NGO / ONG | Benin - Bénin | $ 100,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
1027 | Diablesse Diaries: From Community to CARIFESTA and Back | Taitu Heron | NGO / ONG | Barbados - Barbade | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1029 | From the root: Script Residency for Racial Equity | Algo en Común Non-profit organization | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 99,999.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1030 | CIRCULA.RG - El poder transformador del Upcycling | Fundación Mirgor Desarrollo Comunitario hacia el Futuro | NGO / ONG | Argentina - Argentine | $ 141.80 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1031 | ‘Film Forward: Strengthening Creativity and Collaboration in the Caribbean Film Industry’ | The Possibilities Agency | NGO / ONG | Barbados - Barbade | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1032 | Festival International des Femmes Metteuses en Scène "Jassad", 3e édition | Association Théâtre Aquarium | NGO / ONG | Morocco - Maroc | $ 99,999.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1033 | "Heritage of the Mountains: Preservation and Promotion of Cultural Traditions of Northern Tajikistan" | Firuza Mirdzhumaeva | NGO / ONG | Tajikistan - Tadjikistan | $ 80,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
1034 | Freedom Stages: Empowering Women in Prison Through Theater | La Cana, Proyecto de Reinserción Social | NGO / ONG | Mexico - Mexique | $ 76,091.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1035 | Caravane pour la Diversité Culturelle | Fondation festival sur le Niger | NGO / ONG | Mali - Mali | $ 96,562.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
1038 | Sustainable Cultural Empowerment through Ceramic Arts in Achuar Amazonian Communities in Ecuador | ATASIM Foundation | NGO / ONG | Ecuador - Équateur | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
1040 | Analysis Model for Assessing the Economic Impact of Massive Events in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires | UNDERSECRETARY OF THE UNDERSECRETARIAT OF FESTIVALS AND EVENTS | Party / Partie | Argentina - Argentine | $ 76,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1041 | Artivism and Theatre to Empower Women: Strengthening the Capacities of Vulnerable Dominican and Guatemalan Groups to Foster Their Cultural Participation. | Asociación Solidaria Andaluza Desarrollo | INGO / ONGI | Dominican Republic - République dominicaine | $ 99,856.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
1043 | Artist Residency | Black Rock Senegal | NGO / ONG | Senegal - Sénégal | $ 94,594.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1046 | Danza Naranja | ASOCIACION DOMINICANA DE PROFESIONALES DE LA DANZA ADPDANZA | NGO / ONG | Dominican Republic - République dominicaine | $ 89,050.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
1047 | Inclusion through Arts and Technology | Fundacion Espacio Creativo | NGO / ONG | Panama - Panama | $ 100,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
1048 | Indian Photo Festival | Lightcraft Photo Foundation | NGO / ONG | India - Inde | $ 95,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1049 | Indigenous Artisan Development Program for Product Development, Design & Gender Equality in rural communities in Belize. | Home of Indigenous Arts Belize Limited | NGO / ONG | Belize - Belize | $ 99,955.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
1055 | Strengthening capacity of cultural entrepreneurs in Taita Taveta County, Kenya, on how to use bamboo to make, market and sell cultural products, | Afrika Green Revolution | Party / Partie | Kenya - Kenya | $ 89,700.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1056 | SONIDOS PARA LA CONSTRUCCION DE LA PAZ | INSTITUCION EDUCATIVA JUAN IGNACIO ORTIZ | Party / Partie | Colombia - Colombie | $ 90.27 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1057 | Advancing Gender Equality through Cultural and creative Inclusion | Population Media Centre | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1058 | The internal, transformative and entrepreneurial strength of the Moravite women | Corporación al servicio del beneficio ambiental – CORSERBA | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 70,209.38 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1059 | Enhancing women and youth participation through initiation ceremonies | Lindi Women Paralegal Aid Centre (LIWOPAC) | NGO / ONG | United Republic of Tanzania - République-Unie de Tanzanie | $ 98,353.86 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1060 | Training Program in Diversity, Sustainability, and Sustainable Development for Agents of the Cultural Houses of Manizales, Colombia. | Department of Culture and Civics of Manizales. Mayor's Office of Manizales | Party / Partie | Colombia - Colombie | $ 98,500.00 | Recommended / Recommandé | 32.5 |
1061 | Film Nomad Lab 2025 | Film Nomad NGO | NGO / ONG | Mongolia - Mongolie | $ 100,000.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 29.5 |
1062 | Local Memories Network: strenghtening potentials of a cultural industry of memory | Museu da Pessoa/Museum of the Person | NGO / ONG | Brazil - Brésil | $ 99,350.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
1063 | (Un)visible Women | Non-Governmental Organization “Feminist Workshop” | NGO / ONG | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 61,563.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1064 | Culture Forward: Driving investment and advancing cultural policy in Montenegro for global integration | Milos Karadaglic Foundation | NGO / ONG | Montenegro - Monténégro | $ 99,800.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 26.5 |
1065 | Promoting Collaboration and Sustainability of Cultural Expressions in the Effia-Kwesimintsim Municipality (E.K.M.A) and Beyond. | Effia-Kwesimintsim Municipal Assembly | Party / Partie | Ghana - Ghana | $ 99,050.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1068 | Project for the development and promotion of public policies to strengthen the visual arts in Ecuador. | Fundacion Guayasamin | NGO / ONG | Ecuador - Équateur | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1071 | Of Home and Hearth: Empowering Indigenous Women in India to Mainstream Creative Spatial Practices | Tata Steel Foundation | NGO / ONG | India - Inde | $ 99,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1073 | re:sound Central Asia | Meruyert Tulenova | NGO / ONG | Germany - Allemagne | $ 100,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
1074 | Cultural Tourism around Heritage and Cultural Expressions in Vieux Grand Port | Our Heritage Foundation | NGO / ONG | Mauritius - Maurice | $ 99,399.62 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1075 | Children Kinofest - developing communities through the art of cinema | NGO "ART OF CINEMA" | NGO / ONG | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 59,250.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1076 | Projet de Réinsertion de la Jeunesse par la Culture (REJECU) | YSMAT MULTI SERVICES | NGO / ONG | Côte d'Ivoire - Côte d'Ivoire | $ 84,312.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1079 | Exploring, Advancing, Maintaining, Repeating and Disseminating the Art of Traditional Balinese Mandolin Music, Indonesia. | Sanggar Seni Neo Nolin | Party / Partie | Indonesia - Indonésie | $ 89.42 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1084 | Strengthening the creative industry in Malawi by developing a digital platform for cultural assets that embody its cultural identity, values, beliefs, and heritage | Department of Innovations and Creativity Office of the President and Cabinet | Party / Partie | Malawi - Malawi | $ 95,734.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1085 | Surabaya 24h | ICCN and JENAMA | NGO / ONG | Indonesia - Indonésie | $ 98.40 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1086 | Mansoura National University Center of cultural diversity and gender equality | Faculty of Pharmacy, Mansoura National University | Party / Partie | Egypt - Égypte | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1088 | Culture vs War. Rebuilding | Association of Cinema Promotion and Assistance in Ukraine - Watch Ukrainian! | NGO / ONG | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 99,984.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1089 | ELCA Film Lab | EbonyLife Creative Academy | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1091 | Voices from the Margins - A community led theatre show by slum dwellers | Mongol Deep Foundation | NGO / ONG | Bangladesh - Bangladesh | $ 81,190.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1092 | Supporting young artists in the field of national music and pop art in Karakalpakstan. | Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Karakalpakstan | Party / Partie | Uzbekistan - Ouzbékistan | $ 31,650.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1093 | Pamoja : Diversité et Art pour la paix | INITIATIVE DE DEVELOPPEMENT POUR LA RDUCTION DE LA PAUVRETE | NGO / ONG | Democratic Republic of the Congo - République démocratique du Congo | $ 98,650.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1094 | Dabeiba en Colores (Dabeiba in Colors): Articulation of the local cultural ecosystem towards the revitalization and sustainability of the sector with a restorative approach | Conciudadania Corporation | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 94,818.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1096 | ComunicaTE.A: high technology for an independent social and cultural life of people with ASD | Fundation Familias CEA Córdoba | NGO / ONG | Argentina - Argentine | $ 99,665.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1098 | VOICES OF FREEDOM, culture and art of peace for youth in conditions of social inequality | PUNTO DE FUGA COLECTIVO TEATRAL A. C. | NGO / ONG | Mexico - Mexique | $ 98,920.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1099 | Strengthening the film industry in Haiti | Ա𱷴dzܱè | NGO / ONG | Haiti - Haïti | $ 85,300.25 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1101 | ArtTech Connect (ATC) | Ronnex Solutions | Zimbabwe / Zimbabwe | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 | |
1103 | Palestinian Cultural Heritage Digital Archive | Palestinian Ministry of Culture | Party / Partie | State of Palestine - Etat de Palestine | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
1104 | Revitalisation et Promotion de la Poterie Traditionnelle Tunisienne : Une Voie vers le Développement Culturel et Économique Durable" | Association Banzart El Baya pour la jeunesse, développement et la citoyenneté | NGO / ONG | Tunisia - Tunisie | $ 95,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1106 | ArtEchoes: Ukrainian Voices in the Europe’s Artistic Dialogue | Internews Ukraine | NGO / ONG | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 96,596.95 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1107 | Documenting The History of Mamatoto - the leading midwife-led Birth Centre in the Caribbean | Mamatoto Resource and Birth Centre | NGO / ONG | Trinidad and Tobago - Trinité-et-Tobago | $ 40,274.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
1108 | Launching heritage craft cooperatives for an approach that ensures the sustainability of papyrus production in Egypt (the Qaramous village model) | مؤسسة الوطن الداعم للتنمية / Supportive Homeland Association for Development (SHAD) | NGO / ONG | Egypt - Égypte | $ 98,650.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1110 | Music4Malawi | Ntha Foundation | NGO / ONG | Malawi - Malawi | $ 100,000.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 21.5 |
1112 | : Projet d’Appui aux Politiques Publiques Culturelles Inclusives pour l’Autonomisation des Artistes Handicapés (APACIAH) | Ministère des Affaires Sociales | Party / Partie | Cameroon - Cameroun | $ 84,484.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 23.5 |
1113 | Web Portal 'Cultural Space of Ukraine' | NGO "UKRANIAN SMILE" | NGO / ONG | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1115 | Peacebuilding Initiatives through Music and Narrative for Children and Adults in Ambon, Indonesia | Yayasan Cahaya Guru | NGO / ONG | Indonesia - Indonésie | $ 98,456.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1117 | Strengthening the cultural and creative ecosystem of the Northwest Region | Service of creative and cultural enterprises Northwest Region: Regional Delegation of Arts and Culture Northwest | Party / Partie | Cameroon - Cameroun | $ 92,718.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1118 | Enhancing Cultural Participation and Capacity in Malawi | Centre for Social Concern | NGO / ONG | Malawi - Malawi | $ 98,624.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
1122 | Culture_Map.TN | Centre International de Tunis pour l'Economie Culturelle Numérique | Party / Partie | Tunisia - Tunisie | $ 99,904.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 23 |
1126 | Timnbila Promotion Center In Zava Distrit - Inhambane Province | Associação Desenvoçvimento Norte - Sul/ North - South Development Association (DNS - Moçambiqiue) | NGO / ONG | Mozambique - Mozambique | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
1128 | 976 Art Platform to Promote Mongolian Art at the Local and International Market | Mongolian Contemporary Art Support Association | NGO / ONG | Mongolia - Mongolie | $ 99,845.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1129 | VerdeVita Ukraine: Building Sustainable Practices in Ukraine’s Cultural Sectors | Association of Sustainable Development Experts | NGO / ONG | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 38,500.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1131 | The Atlas of Uncertainty | University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg | Party / Partie | South Africa - Afrique du Sud | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1132 | Project Proposal for Establishment of a Training programme, organization of Seminars and the carrying out of Expos for marketing of the Baskets in Murang’a County for Muranga Baskets Weavers in Gatanga, Kiharu and Mathioya constituencies. | VERONICA MAINA FOUNDATION | Party / Partie | Kenya - Kenya | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1133 | Suza's summer academy | Fondation MAM | NGO / ONG | Cameroon - Cameroun | $ 37,935.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1134 | Empowering Cultural Professionals and Entrepreneurs through Skills Development and TBC Awareness Integration | Rekat Peduli Indonesia | NGO / ONG | Indonesia - Indonésie | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1135 | “The Future is Zanig” Exploring the intricate world of resistance music | NGO / ONG | Kenya - Kenya | $ 91,400.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 | |
1137 | Traditional meets urban for cultural sustainability | Batalo East | NGO / ONG | Uganda - Ouganda | $ 100,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
1138 | Music for Peace in Buenaventura | Fundación Monómeros | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 93,397.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1139 | Uplifting farmers from tribal areas through cultural practices. | CNRI | NGO / ONG | India - Inde | $ 10,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1142 | Tejiendo Quindío: Governance and cultural management project | Musical Corporation Palosanto | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 100.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1145 | METAMORHPHOSE | UNAH-RDCONGO | NGO / ONG | Democratic Republic of the Congo - République démocratique du Congo | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1148 | An artistic residency to restart the city through cultural diversity | Громадська організація “КУЛЬТ ФУД”, NGO CULT FOOD | NGO / ONG | Ukraine - Ukraine | $ 99,890.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 24 |
1151 | Laboratoire d'Empowerment en Arts Dramatiques (LEAD) | Clinik'Art association culturelle | NGO / ONG | Togo - Togo | $ 99,350.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 22.5 |
1154 | Creating a media album of musical folklore of peoples of the Jizzakh region | Kurbonova Dilnoza | Party / Partie | Uzbekistan - Ouzbékistan | $ 90,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1156 | ASCEND (Art & Storytelling for Community and National Development) - An intervention to establish competent practice networks to harness the power of media and storytelling to improve behavior change and catalyze sustainable decolonized development | Solina Centre for International Development and Research | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 99,999.76 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1160 | Art of Play | FUDELA | NGO / ONG | Ecuador - Équateur | $ 97,625.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1164 | Indigenous Womens’ Networks of Cultural Expressions Strengthening | Tierra Nueva | NGO / ONG | Paraguay - Paraguay | $ 70,969.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
1165 | Ma culture pour la Promotion des Droits à la Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive des adolescent et jeunes et la lutte contre les VBG au Burkina | Réseau Africain Jeunesse Santé et Développement au Burkina Faso (RAJS/BF). | NGO / ONG | Burkina Faso - Burkina Faso | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1168 | Préservation Linguistique et Culturelle en Afrique Centrale | WikiLinguila ASBL | NGO / ONG | Democratic Republic of the Congo - République démocratique du Congo | $ 98,071.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1172 | KEF BAZAAR - Digital Inclusion for Financial Empowerment | Karis and Eleos Hand of Hope Foundation | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 98,849.98 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1174 | AVIJOZI | Chocolate Tribe | NGO / ONG | South Africa - Afrique du Sud | $ 84,111.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1178 | Terracotta Tales: Connecting terracotta artisans and emerging professionals for a sustainable livelihood | Bangladesh National Museum | Party / Partie | Bangladesh - Bangladesh | $ 99,998.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
1179 | Building A Digital Arts and Visual Communication Hub: Shaping the Future through Promoting CCIs in the city of Ankara | Ankara Social Sciences University | Party / Partie | ü쾱 - ü쾱 | $ 97,100.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 29 |
1182 | ACADEMIE DE LA CULTURE ET DES DROITS HUMAINS | ClubBF1 | NGO / ONG | Burkina Faso - Burkina Faso | $ 47,100.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1183 | BRASS DAY : Célébration des Cuivres | AMIAP-TOGO | NGO / ONG | Togo - Togo | $ 41,685.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
1187 | Cultural Innovation Lab | Ayoob Thanoon Younus | NGO / ONG | Iraq - Iraq | $ 82,600.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
1196 | Incubating filmmaking practitioners for sustainable film industry in Tanzania | Tanzania Film Board (TFB) | Party / Partie | United Republic of Tanzania - République-Unie de Tanzanie | $ 98,886.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 22.5 |
1201 | Recherche et plaidoyer sur l'entrepreneuriat culturel des femmes victimes de l'extrémisme violent au Cameroun | Observatoire du Politique en Afrique | NGO / ONG | Cameroon - Cameroun | $ 87,700.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1203 | A corpus of Eswatini place names: Etymology, gender, form, culture and location. | University of Eswatini Faculty of Humanities | Party / Partie | Eswatini - Eswatini | $ 90,586.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
1204 | The Future of Indian Handicrafts - From Handmade to Hyperconnected. | Presidency University , Bengaluru | Party / Partie | India - Inde | $ 74,797.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 22 |
1208 | A Comprehensive Inventory of Tangible Heritage in Grenada | Jam Consultancy | NGO / ONG | Grenada - Grenade | $ 100,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1210 | Between footprints and Lines: Regional Route to Promote and Preserve Analog Graphic Reproduction Techniques in Valle del Cauca, Colombia | Fundacion la otra esquina | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 94,019.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1213 | Digital Cultural Industries Development Initiative | Initiative to Resist Institutional Slavery and Exploitation (IRISE) | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 95,590.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1214 | The All- in green studio | Taniah Entertainment Association | NGO / ONG | Seychelles - Seychelles | $ 99,746.40 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
1216 | Rescuing intercultural reading | Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí | Party / Partie | Ecuador - Équateur | $ 34,511.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
1217 | Initiatives aimed at the development of cultural tourism with the participation of young people in the southern region of Azerbaija | Samir Akhundov | NGO / ONG | Azerbaijan - Azerbaïdjan | $ 33,200.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1218 | Script writing and production film workshop for female film makers in South Sudan | Da Hakim's Empire | Party / Partie | South Sudan - Soudan du Sud | $ 35,000.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
1219 | Thaqafatona (Our Cultures) | Nakhleh Esheber Club | NGO / ONG | State of Palestine - Etat de Palestine | $ 95,850.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 22.5 |
1220 | The Afro-Art Project | Nadeli Creative LBG | NGO / ONG | Ghana - Ghana | $ 45,048.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1222 | Empowering boys, girls and young people in artistic and cultural skills in the city of Corozal, Sucre, Colombia. | Fundacion Voces Hacia Lo Alto | NGO / ONG | Colombia - Colombie | $ 99,702.67 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1225 | Fostering Creative Economy in Tajikistan (FCET) | Huquqshinoson | Party / Partie | Tajikistan - Tadjikistan | $ 100,000.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
1226 | Empowering Indigenous Women Writers of Pakistan in the E-Publishing Sector | Community Development Council | NGO / ONG | Pakistan - Pakistan | $ 11,000.00 | Non pre-selected / Non présélectionné | 0 |
1228 | “Designing a community theatre and performing arts strategic plan to strengthen citizens and leaders engagement in governance of development programmes in Uganda”. | Poverty Alleviation and Community Development Foundation(PACODEF) | INGO / ONGI | Uganda - Ouganda | $ 74,325.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
1230 | Innovative Salutions: Enhancing Africa's Future through Arts | Africa Arts Association: AfrAA | INGO / ONGI | Namibia - Namibie | $ 98,600.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
1231 | Cultural Engagement with Children | Hunerkada A project of ARTIST GUILD | NGO / ONG | Pakistan - Pakistan | $ 99,999.00 | Non eligible / Non éligible | 0 |
1232 | Rejuvenating the Egun language through music | African Music Library Organization | NGO / ONG | Nigeria - Nigéria | $ 53,526.00 | Not recommended / Non recommandé | 23.5 |
1235 | MBCAC (Marché Burundais des Contenus Audiovisuels et Cinématographiques | FESTICAB | NGO / ONG | Burundi - Burundi | $ 95,175.00 | Pending pre-selection / En attente de présélection | 0 |
Resultados de la convocatoria 2023
ID | Título del proyecto | Nombre del solicitante | Tipo de solicitante | País del solicitante | Monto solicitado en US$ | Estatus | ʳܲԳٳܲó |
2023-11443 | Celebrating cultural heritage and encouraging inclusion | Purewish foundation uganda | NGO | Uganda | 35000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11449 | Homestay study program | Pt homestay study program | NGO | Indonesia | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11459 | Capacity building, empowerment and training of women association in madagascar | Academy of design and innovation | Party | Mauritius | 100000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-11461 | Lebatho theatre for development and mentorship program | Siboniso vezi | NGO | South Africa | 73000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11463 | Projet d’appui à la cocréation et le renforcement des politiques et stratégies de promotion et de financement de la diversité des expressions culturelles pour la croissance des icc en rdc et congo brazza | Cafe music smile | NGO | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 93678 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11466 | Strengthening the promotion and protection of artistic rights in uganda (spar) | Media council of uganda | Party | Uganda | 99929 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11468 | Strengthening entrepreneurship in azerbaijan's creative industries | Azerbaijan state university of economics (unec) | Party | Azerbaijan | 70870 | Non Recommended | 21.0 |
2023-11473 | Enhancement of writing abilities among the communities | Facultad de estudios superiores acatlán | Party | Mexico | 98442 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11476 | Rural district copyright awareness campaigns | Zimbabwe music rights association | NGO | Zimbabwe | 100000 | Non Recommended | 23.5 |
2023-11477 | Palestinian child forum | Ahmad salem abuswereh | NGO | Palestine | 95600 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11484 | Addressing climate change crisis and promoting tailored diversity, inclusion and sustainable development in sub-saharan africa. | Munashe crispen mazodze | NGO | South Africa | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11486 | Trase chimen - autonomisation de femmes anciennes détenues par l'apprentissage de métiers de l'audiovisuel en haïti | Association 4 chemins | NGO | Haiti | 100000 | Non Recommended | 26.0 |
2023-11492 | Social rent a car business | Mohammad moostafa mahmood | NGO | Bangladesh | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11496 | Strengthening women's entrepreneurship with the ceramic art of the seljuk period | Konya maturation institute | Party | ü쾱 | 71384 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11497 | Nubian artistic outreach | United cultural empowerment and social community organisation (ucesco-africa) | NGO | Kenya | 67293 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11501 | Strengthening drug prevention services in jordan | The jordan anti drugs society | NGO | Jordan | 85000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11506 | Great moses music academy | Great moses music academy | NGO | Nigeria | 75297 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-11507 | The importance of art is sensitivity. | Erkan sugut | NGO | ü쾱 | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11514 | The regional hub for sign language and deaf culture studies | Kenyan sign language research project (kslrp) - university of nairobi | Party | Kenya | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11518 | Zikonnect, la musique pour (re) connecter la jeunesse haïtienne avec son identité culturelle | Fondation haiti jazz | NGO | Haiti | 99300 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11522 | The secrets of printing history: armenian books with latin alphabet as the gateways in the crossroads of middle east-europe cultural civilsations dialogue | Fundamental scientific library of the national academy of sciences of armenia | Party | Armenia | 57305 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-11524 | Youth orientation, opening for unity, upliftment through theatre (yoouuth) | Natya chetana | NGO | India | 99645 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11527 | Projet de professionnalisation et de dynamisation de l’industrie nationale du livre du bénin | Ecrivains humanistes - bénin | NGO | Benin | 70031 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11530 | Nft for africa | ʲï | NGO | France | 48500 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11541 | Rhibanit cultural heritage exhibition project | Global society for middle-belt heritage | NGO | Nigeria | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11546 | Let's empower and culturalize our marginalized groups through puppet | Fridge theatre | NGO | Palestine | 78000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11547 | Music education in public schools by electric bikes | Koshumas training institute | Party | United Republic of Tanzania | 11780 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11548 | Rwanda circus art festival | The young circus performrs ltd | Party | Rwanda | 40740 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11552 | Regenerating a prudent policy management regime for sustainable governance and promotion of uganda’s diversity of cultural expressions | Islamic university in uganda - iuiu | NGO | Uganda | 94166 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11554 | Projet d’encadrement des jeunes désœuvrés et vulnérable à des formations professionnelles pour leur auto-prise en charge. création d’un centre professionnel des métiers en informatique, la coupe et couture et l’esthétique | Fondation espoir et vie | NGO | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11556 | Valorisation de l'industrie de la mode du cheveu afro naturel | Abok art association | NGO | Cameroon | 74313 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11557 | Empowerher: reviving traditional treasures in nablus | Seeds for development & culture | NGO | Palestine | 100 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11558 | Empowering young artists (dance and music) in indonesia to develop heritage-based artworks | Borobudur writers and cultural society | NGO | Indonesia | 92 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11559 | Autonomiser les artistes haitiens | Anthony adler st eloi | NGO | Haiti | 50000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11561 | The tuelimishane mashinani social assistance fund | Bidvest dream plg youth group | NGO | Kenya | 80000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11563 | The establishement of a private "music museum" in rwanda | U&i ark | NGO | Rwanda | 99000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11566 | Bonfire tales | Milton francisco | NGO | Angola | 100000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-11567 | Promoting rural culture in labor education in china | East china normal university | Party | China | 61000 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11575 | Development of innovative creative outputs for economic growth in south africa | Linda linganiso | NGO | South Africa | 88457 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11577 | Empowering the deaf community through performance and interpreting | Sign language interpreter trust (slit) | NGO | Zimbabwe | 100 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11579 | Haïti, pays de créateurs de rêves, valorisation des métiers d'arts et du design | Fondation culturama | NGO | Haiti | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11587 | Transferring muhajir cultural values based on gastronomy to businesses to be established under the leadership of the new generation of women. | Uluslararası sanat eğitimcileri derneği | NGO | ü쾱 | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11593 | Vaal's finest artists | Mondliart | NGO | South Africa | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11594 | Empowering young female yoruba oral artists with entrepreneurial and digital competences. | Ohunalumani nigeria limited. | NGO | Nigeria | 35 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11595 | Shanduko inguquko wabantu (siw) | Let them trust | NGO | Zimbabwe | 91000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11596 | Mapping uganda's post-covid landscape of the creative and cultural sector | Bayimba cultural foundation limited | NGO | Uganda | 97 | Non Recommended | 22.5 |
2023-11603 | العلاج بالفن لمتلازمة داون | منتدى رواد الشمال للثقافة والفنون واحياء التراث | NGO | Jordan | 20000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11604 | Awale festival | Association goffoh | NGO | Côte d'Ivoire | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11605 | Déambulation chorégraphique au congo | Espace baning'art | NGO | Congo | 97798 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11609 | Projet d'appui au renforcement de la productivité audio-visuelle et numérique dans le grand nord cameroun | Fadart fondation | NGO | Cameroon | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11610 | Résidence d'écriture dramaturgique et passage au plateau | Art'image | NGO | Armenia | 95000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-11611 | Former, autonomiser et accompagner les artistes musiciens défavorisés du sud de la république démocratique du congo. acronyme "faamus rdc" | Asbl dynamuzik | NGO | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11612 | Our voices. rural women in malawi telling their stories through social media | Positivo malawi | NGO | Malawi | 83624 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11614 | Promotion of cultural entrepreneurship in the digital art sector among young people in conditions of social vulnerability in two local governments of uruguay (río negro and artigas). | Intendencia departamental de río negro | Party | Uruguay | 99891 | Recommended | 31.0 |
2023-11615 | The power of art: promoting gender equality and cultural diversity | Craft and art association for culture and heritage | NGO | Jordan | 90000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-11618 | ‘’création d’un environnement culturel viable’’ | Réseau culturel et artistique pour la formation et la francophonie (recaf) | NGO | Chad | 64163 | Non Recommended | 24.5 |
2023-11626 | Ciclo de las artes: promoting well-being and identity through arts and culture in children and youth in foster care institution in chile | Fundacion huella gestion social | NGO | Chile | 98837 | Non Recommended | 20.0 |
2023-11627 | Biocultural landrace maize seed protection: communitarian and family in-situ seed banks, participatory breeding, and biocultural seed fairs | Semillas de vida | NGO | Mexico | 98860 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11628 | Cultural project south / central cibao dominican republic | Fundacion ayuda solidaria estrella de jesus fundaseje, | NGO | Dominican Republic | 100000 | Non Recommended | 21.0 |
2023-11630 | Embracing africanism in song | Loveseed foundation | NGO | South Africa | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11631 | Orange technical school, for the economic development of salvadoran youth and artists | Association of the house of young people | NGO | El Salvador | 88198 | Non Recommended | 22.0 |
2023-11639 | Value projectiles for the proposed setting up of a cultural heritage center and museum in nyamira county, kenya under structured land donated to nmk for the abagusii community | Seito kajiado social group | NGO | Kenya | 99935 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11640 | Fund for csos: creative processes with social impact | Federación red argentina para la cooperación internacional | NGO | Argentina | 87100 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11642 | Empowering african writers: strengthening capacities, developing markets, and promoting cultural industries in the digital age | Dr. wale okediran | NGO | Ghana | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11643 | Knowing to care: recovering circular economies of cultural and material recycling to activate local creativity | Nube lab | NGO | Chile | 99744 | Non Recommended | 25.5 |
2023-11648 | Contemporary digital arts | Nafasi art space | NGO | United Republic of Tanzania | 99000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11651 | Cafuzo: fomenting cultural exchange and social inclusion through the preformative and multimedia arts of the northeast of brazil | Casa do menor são miguel arcanjo | NGO | Brazil | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11652 | Yaounde film lab | Tara group | NGO | Cameroon | 99926 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11657 | Strengthening of young people in disadvantaged neighbourhoods of tucumán (argentina) through the interactive didactic notebook on human rights, art and local culture. | Andhes (noa lawyers in human rights and social studies) | NGO | Argentina | 98000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11659 | Cultural crossroads: proxy - fostering contemporary art and cultural diversity | Shida kartli cultural heritage revival and development fund | NGO | Georgia | 90000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-11665 | Riviving cultural heritage of the indigenous people of iraq | House of coexistence in sinjar | NGO | Iraq | 99940 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11667 | “strengthening artists and stakeholders innovation awareness for the development of the creative and cultural sectors of the gambia” | Artwatch - the gambia | NGO | Gambia | 76421 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11668 | The uwi film camp | Lynnessa parks | Party | Trinidad and Tobago | 97600 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-11671 | Ge tech | Jalife hamze hernández | NGO | Mexico | 50 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11677 | The indigenous music archive of uganda | 1000 shades of green tour & safari company | Party | Uganda | 72930 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11678 | Operetta judran (the walls) | Rania kadamani | Party | Palestine | 62600 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11680 | First ibero-american convention of drummers - women and dissidence in drumming | Escuela internacional de tamboreras | NGO | Argentina | 75800 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11684 | Dhbus ich k'aay bejlae: sharing and celebrating the cultural and linguistic expressions of the region. | Culture box project | NGO | Mexico | 90000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11686 | Tous en scene au numerique | École supérieure des arts du spectacle - esas | NGO | Togo | 99477 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11687 | Building social cohesion through intergenerational cultural expressions in vulnerable neighborhoods in the city of quilpué, chile | Municipality of quilpué, chile | Party | Chile | 70185 | Non Recommended | 26.5 |
2023-11688 | Construction of the public policy of culture of valledupar to strengthen the cultural and creative sector and the improvement of the quality of life in the city. | Municipality of valledupar | Party | Colombia | 86000 | Non Recommended | 22.5 |
2023-11693 | Bridging the gap: mapping skills and building capacities for the macedonian game development industry | Institute for sociological, political and juridical research, university. "ss. cyril and methodius" in skopje | Party | North Macedonia | 99258 | Non Recommended | 24.5 |
2023-11697 | Tango, the total music | Academia nacional del tango de la república argentina | NGO | Argentina | 66143 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11698 | Hipercommunicando: promotion of sociocultural diversity in multimedia platforms of the jobabo municipality, south of las tunas, cuba. | Radio cabaniguán municipal station | Party | Cuba | 98247 | Non Recommended | 25.0 |
2023-11699 | A cultural triangle: incentivizing artistic and economic opportunities in mongolia-brazil-south africa | Jazzlab ngo | NGO | Mongolia | 87450 | Non Recommended | 19.5 |
2023-11701 | Création d'un incubateur de formation et de renforcement des capacités des femmes cinéastes émergentes africaines porteuses de projet (l'academie du cinema au feminin) | Yerda | NGO | Côte d'Ivoire | 97656 | Non Recommended | 23.5 |
2023-11702 | Immer film | Centre national du cinema et de l'image | Party | Tunisia | 80 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-11703 | Focus lab | Focus gabes association | NGO | Tunisia | 80000 | Non Recommended | 26.0 |
2023-11704 | پԳ | Natacha clerge | Party | Haiti | 1563 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11710 | Building sustainable businesses for artists and culture producers in palestine | The arab culture organization | NGO | Palestine | 96920 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11712 | Development of the russian diaspora in poland | Wot foundation | NGO | Poland | 99870 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11713 | Autonomisation économique des jeunes tisserands par des techniques innovantes de production et l’accès aux marchés en côte d'ivoire | Réseau ivoirien pour la défense des droits de l'enfant et de la femme (riddef) | NGO | Côte d'Ivoire | 99576 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11715 | Building and empowering the capacities of youth with disabilities for sustainable employment in the mosaic craft in southern jordan (al-quwaira and the wadi araba district) | University of jordan/aqaba branch | Party | Jordan | 91890 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-11716 | Comparative studies of climate change and food security in agri-ecological savannah zone in the upper west region of ghana west africa | Aminu bonifacio | INGO | Ghana | 100000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-11719 | Nurturing cultural diversity through rural women youth empowerment | Organization for community development | NGO | Pakistan | 36483 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11721 | Enhancing cultural services and markets in local communities | Stephin stephin rafiq | NGO | Pakistan | 30000 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11722 | Lang kouman | Wiki kouman | NGO | Côte d'Ivoire | 95564 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11725 | Projet d’appui à l’autonomisation des artistes handicapés (pa2ah) | Ministere des affaires sociales | Party | Cameroon | 99629 | Non Recommended | 24.5 |
2023-11727 | Projet de formation professionnelle des jeunes dans le domaine audiovisuel | Arkdr - association radiodiffuseurs de kayes pour le développement rural | NGO | Mali | 98101 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11729 | Computer studies in samoa | Agnes wong soon | Party | Samoa | 50000 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11732 | Rencontre des danseurs de kinshasa (redakin) | Likit'arts kongo | NGO | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 60342 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11735 | Impact measurement of interactive theatres performances on social justice | Global 2 local ngo | NGO | Armenia | 86 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11737 | Supporting women in the fight against poverty through poultry farming | Open community foundation | NGO | Uganda | 40000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11738 | Cultural literacy for gen z | "mongol garvali" institute of heritage | NGO | Mongolia | 100 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11739 | Klaket - film atölyesi / clapboard - film workshop | Tomeb - union of performing artists of theater, cinema, opera and ballet (tiyatro, sinema, opera ve bale i̇cracı sanatçıları meslek birliği) | NGO | ü쾱 | 99992 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11741 | Empowering schools, girls, youths and women with creative digital cultural makerspaces in north central, nigeria. | Rising hope girls educational foundation | NGO | Nigeria | 58338 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11746 | Festival interanacional de cinematografia y series 2023 | Paulino suarez | NGO | Mexico | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11748 | Music for life | Premananda fundation | NGO | Ecuador | 86528 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11750 | Carry my voice | Hasan demirtas | NGO | ü쾱 | 100 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11752 | Strengthening the film industry of jamaica, through the empowerment 50 filmmakers | Literary and creative arts | NGO | Jamaica | 100000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-11753 | Tamaduni initiative | Husisha initiative organization | NGO | Kenya | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11755 | Her creative hustle in the digital space | Magamba network | NGO | Zimbabwe | 95970 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11757 | Reviving culture, art and community cultural sensitivity | Philani ncube | NGO | Zimbabwe | 95030 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11760 | Tacir : contribution à l’accès équitable et décentralisé à la créativité pour le renforcement de l’inclusion sociale des jeunes dans les régions de l’ouest tunisien. | Amavi : association de multimédia et de l’audiovisuel (amavi) جمعیة الملتمیدیا والسمعي البصري | NGO | Tunisia | 99355 | Recommended | 30.0 |
2023-11761 | Rike sensitization programme (rsp) | Rike | NGO | Kenya | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11764 | Promotion, positioning and professionalization of musical diversity in valparaíso, chile | Ilustre municipalidad de valparaíso | Party | Chile | 100000 | Recommended | 30.0 |
2023-11769 | Transforming disabilities into future abilities | Kapadokya eğitim ve araştırma derneği - kevader (cappadocia education and resarch association - cera) | NGO | ü쾱 | 96500 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11770 | Valorisation des matériaux locaux et bio-sourcés pour le développement durable de l’industrie culturelle au cameroun (ddic) | Institut des beaux-arts de foumban, université de dschang | Party | Cameroon | 100000 | Non Recommended | 23.0 |
2023-11772 | Promoting gender and sexual diversity through culture for the community, especially individuals and the lgbtiq community in west jav | Yayasan pesona bumi pasundan | NGO | Indonesia | 99923 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11777 | Cultural entrepreneurship incubator for women and vulnerable groups | Amatsu development initiative | NGO | Nigeria | 70 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11782 | Cultural connectors for the meeting in diversity: promotion of youth protagonism in artistic languages for inclusion and equity in argentina | Fundación encontrarse en la diversidad para la educación intercultural- meeting in diversity for intercultural education | NGO | Argentina | 99080 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11783 | development of an e-commerce platform for mianwali artisans products | Namal university | Party | Pakistan | 93800 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11786 | European design upgrade: ukrainian capacity building | Golocal | NGO | Ukraine | 97338 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-11787 | Minority children's poetry on the international stage | Americans for democracy & human rights in bahrain | NGO | Kuwait | 95000 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11789 | Supporting cultural governance of the ale community of south ethiopia through strengthening human and institutional capacities | Association for the conservation of culture ( acc) | NGO | Ethiopia | 99700 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11790 | Renforcement des capacités et initiation à l'entrepreneuriat dans les arts à lubumbashi-rdc | Institut supérieur des arts et métiers de lubumbashi (isam l'shi) | NGO | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11791 | Development of glass art with odunpazarı municipality glass art training and online marketplace | Odunpazari municipality | Party | ü쾱 | 97236 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11793 | Strengthening capacities within traditional wrestling and dancing sector in south sudan | Dr.priscilla nyanyang educational foundation | NGO | South Sudan | 97900 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11794 | Inspiring female scientists: promotion of scientific vocations from literature in argentine girls and adolescent girls | Cooperativa de trabajo chirimbote ltda. | NGO | Argentina | 99597 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11809 | "between us, emphakathini" - capacitating rural artists through intangible infrastructure | The forgotten angle theatre collaborative (fatc) | NGO | South Africa | 92463 | Non Recommended | 22.0 |
2023-11811 | Improving social cultural condition for early school students in zanzibar | Zanzibar antipoverty organization | NGO | United Republic of Tanzania | 96000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11815 | Développer le marché local pour la culture au rwanda et améliorer l'accès aux marchés régional et international pour renforcer les capacités économiques des artistes et opérateurs culturels | L' espace plus | NGO | Rwanda | 99936 | Non Recommended | 21.5 |
2023-11818 | Revision de la politique culturelle nationale du togo assortie d'une nouvelle strategie et d'un plan d'actions | Institut regional d'enseignement superieur et de recherche en developpement culturel (ires-rdec) | Party | Togo | 96386 | Non Recommended | 28.0 |
2023-11819 | Grassroots comics intervention for inclusion of the voices of the four different immigrants groups of india | Sharad sharma | NGO | India | 96400 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11821 | Strengthening the creative and cultural industry in ecuador | Fundación para el desarrollo empresarial y social | NGO | Ecuador | 78848 | Non Recommended | 23.0 |
2023-11823 | Sexual harassment safety contact officer (sco) complaints reporting system | Sisters working in film and television (swift) | NGO | South Africa | 89 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11825 | Vers une culture du design au maghreb : workshops algérie tunisie | Res'arti | INGO | France | 98451 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-11826 | Demonstrating and expanding the impact of the esperanza azteca music education model for the cognitive and socio-emotional development of childhood and youth in mexico | Fundación tv azteca a.c. | NGO | Mexico | 99992 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11828 | Ingénierie au féminin | Femmes ingénieures actives pour le développement inclusif-fiadi en sigle | NGO | Burundi | 99650 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11833 | Culture all the way - program to support emerging artists, mainly women, throughout the entire process of cultural industries, from creation to publication in corrientes (argentina) and paraguay. | Fundacion ceder | NGO | Argentina | 47543 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11835 | Upscaling the film/tv industry of botswana | Botswana screen society | NGO | Botswana | 100 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11842 | Empowering young people, educators and entrepreneurs for a culturally sensitive food technology and design sector: education 5.0 approachtry: education 5.0 approach | Midlands state university | Party | Zimbabwe | 99150 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-11843 | Estimation of arts and cultural related spending by the audiences and its impact on economy of the pakistan | University of the punjab | Party | Pakistan | 99580 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11844 | Revitalizing the film industry for livelihood enhancement (refile) | Ministry of gender, labour & social development (mglsd) | Party | Uganda | 99960 | Recommended | 30.0 |
2023-11846 | The elimination of the outcome of the cultural genocide and promotion of diversity of cultural expressions | Sonmaz mashall cultural relations public union | NGO | Azerbaijan | 88708 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11851 | Bridging the digital divide using art and design | Inkcubeko nezobugcisa npo | NGO | South Africa | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11852 | Inside stories formative process in arts with a restorative focus | Fundación la mixera | NGO | Colombia | 25000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11854 | Arte en la periferia / art in the periphery | Paraguayan center for sociological studies | NGO | Paraguay | 99873 | Non Recommended | 21.0 |
2023-11855 | You+film: promoting gender equality and inclusiveness in turkey's film industry | Kadir has university | Party | ü쾱 | 99856 | Non Recommended | 29.0 |
2023-11856 | Cinéma numérique ambulant dans la région de grands lacs | 3tamis | NGO | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 67405 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11860 | Professional development and upskilling programme for designers, technicians and managers in the performing arts in india | National centre for the performing arts | NGO | India | 100000 | Non Recommended | 21.0 |
2023-11862 | Culture faces climate change (cfcc) | Al-samman foundation for development and humanitarian aid | NGO | Egypt | 100000 | Non Recommended | 16.5 |
2023-11866 | Quilombola culture | State department of education of the state of mato grosso | Party | Brazil | 6000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11867 | Grow local grow equal | Beats by girlz türkiye (legal name: sınırlı sorumlu ada sanat teknoloji kadın girişimi üretim ve i̇şletme kooperatifi) | NGO | ü쾱 | 99930 | Recommended | 31.5 |
2023-11869 | Promoting the use of intellectual property rights in zimbabwe for cultural and creative industries in the digital era. | Culture warriors edutainment trust | NGO | Zimbabwe | 88500 | Non Recommended | 24.0 |
2023-11872 | Art for all: promoting cultural diversity and inclusion for sustainable development in nigeria | Electher development initiative | NGO | Nigeria | 98700 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11873 | Promouvoir et redynamiser les orchestres de la culture traditionnelle burundaise (inanga, ikembe, indingiti, umuduri) pour une cohésion sociale, le développement et le changement des mentalités. | Eric manirakiza | NGO | Burundi | 99850 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11874 | Strengthening the ecosystem of cultural entrepreneurship in honduras through the use of immersive technologies for the culture heritage preservation. | Marlon alexander medina chavez | Party | Honduras | 77900 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11877 | Soutien à la mobilité et à l'accès aux marchés pour les artistes et professionnels de la culture en afrique. | Instance nationale des droits de l'homme | NGO | Morocco | 95000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11880 | “performing, community and independent arts project to strengthen artistic networks and empower the rural and marginalized areas in the municipality of san miguel de allende, guanajuato, mexico | Cesar jose antonio arias de la canal | NGO | Mexico | 86000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11885 | Proposal for the establishment of a sculptural path in the open spaces of the cultural house aquiles nazoa | Ministry of culture, national museums | Party | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | 40 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11888 | Exploring the potential of traditional cultural crops in andhra pradesh and tamil nadu for promoting healthy diets and reducing the burden of non-communicable diseases: a study of farmer producer organizations as a mechanism for enhancing income&culture | Reddy praneeth karnam | NGO | India | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11890 | Creator women in the creative industries with new technologies | Sandra lorena diaz montoya | NGO | Colombia | 87733 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11891 | Expanding the wine and flavor road | Regional development agency of odesa region | Party | Ukraine | 84000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11893 | Supporting the jazz (ethio-jazz) culture in ethiopia | Art for purpose initiative | NGO | Ethiopia | 99200 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11894 | Pourquoi pas moi?/why not me? "plaidoyer en faveur des droits des enfants et jeunes ayant un handicap surtout mental et/ou sensoriel" | Renaitre grands-lacs/handicapés, femmes et enfants en initiatives de survie (renaitre grands-lacs/hafenis | NGO | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11897 | Sustainable digital art literacy for marginalized artists in pakistan | Lums | NGO | Pakistan | 99238 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11898 | Renforcer la capacité des danseurs syriens et favoriser les échanges autour de la diversité culturelle en syrie. | Ministry of culture | Party | Syrian Arab Republic | 99992 | Non Recommended | 24.0 |
2023-11899 | Cultural strategy policy recommendations for strengthening creative industry in iraq | Art plus ngo | NGO | Iraq | 90230 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11903 | Strengthening the entrepreneurial skills of young malawian artists and cultural professionals | Chifundo luwayo | NGO | Malawi | 97036 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11905 | ±ԻǴDz | Association globe senegal culture et developpement (gscd) | NGO | Senegal | 99860 | Non Recommended | 27.5 |
2023-11910 | Youth4 change film festival | Umbono art media | NGO | South Africa | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11912 | Helping youth with disability and young mothers get an audiovisual studio and teach them how to use traditional musical instruments | Fesd (friends of environment and | NGO | Rwanda | 80000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11913 | Advocating for strengthening of cultural and creative industries legal and policy framework. | Uganda parliamentary forum for creative industries | NGO | Uganda | 100 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11916 | Talent management to rescue a tradition (trade of luthiers) | Upr consultants | Party | Cuba | 45500 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11918 | Epicentro cultural | Universidad de cuenca | Party | Ecuador | 99834 | Non Recommended | 26.0 |
2023-11919 | Utamaduni witu vinya witu, our culture our power | Seroney benjamin | NGO | Kenya | 62700 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11920 | Promotion of the cultural expressions in children and youth’s orchestras of the autonomous city of buenos aires through conducted improvisation. | Asociacion civil musica en el aire | NGO | Argentina | 99250 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11922 | Un viaje a la historia | Fundación corripio inc. | NGO | Dominican Republic | 99170 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11923 | Projet de renforcement de capacités et de compétences d'acteurs culturels issus des couches vulnérables (personnes en situation de déplacées internes, personnes handicapées et population hôte des pdi) de la région du nord du burkina faso | Association culturelle passaté | NGO | Burkina Faso | 99998 | Non Recommended | 21.0 |
2023-11927 | Textile et mode traditionnels dans l'aire lac ahémé et ses chenaux | Nonvizan | NGO | Benin | 94258 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11931 | Social equality within the cultural and creative industry | Creative industry innovation center (ciic) | NGO | Mongolia | 99214 | Recommended | 30.0 |
2023-11934 | Supporting women and youth initiatives in the cultural sector, | Mongolian national university of art and culture | Party | Mongolia | 90000 | Non Recommended | 21.5 |
2023-11935 | Blending indigenous with buddhist-inspired sustainable food practices: fostering cultural diversity and global cooperation | Dr. rajendra prasad central agricultural university, pusa, samastipur, bihar, india | Party | India | 94000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11936 | Youth culture cafe | Gaziantep metropolitan municipality | Party | ü쾱 | 96028 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11939 | Projet jeunes talents : autonomisation des jeunes créateurs et dynamisation du secteur culturel au cameroun | Fondation jocelyne ngassa | NGO | Cameroon | 62236 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11940 | Empowering women and girls for cultural diversity | Lucy kathure | NGO | Kenya | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11945 | Youth cultural empowerment and diversity project | Macedonian civic education center (mcec) | NGO | North Macedonia | 94230 | Non Recommended | 22.0 |
2023-11951 | Sharing our knowledge and trades: experiences of artisans in building community in chile. towards an intercultural horizon | Metropolitan university of educational sciences (umce in spanish - universidad metropolitana de ciencias de la educación) | Party | Chile | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11953 | Contemporary nigerian art music - promoting a cultural heritage | Festival of praise choir and orchestral society | NGO | Nigeria | 99998 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11954 | Rescuing the historical memory of valle de chalco solidaridad | Comisión local para la preservación del patrimonio cultural de valle de chalco solidaridad | INGO | Mexico | 250 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-11955 | Recognising the power of peruvian sense of humour writings and acting | Nexos comunitarios | NGO | Peru | 98000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11956 | Developing sustainable cultural entrepreneurship in unguja, zanzibar | Kitaaolojia house | NGO | United Republic of Tanzania | 99700 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11957 | Artworld türkiye | Türki̇ye organ nakli̇ vakfi | NGO | ü쾱 | 99823 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11958 | Promoting cultural entrepreneurship in the pre-tertiary education system in ghana. | Ghana education service | Party | Ghana | 99 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11959 | Un réseau inter-régional de danse au sénégal | Ecole des sables-germaine acogny | NGO | Senegal | 94920 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11960 | پٱ | Fundación ecuatoriana obra de jesús maría y josé (jmj foundation) | NGO | Ecuador | 99989 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11964 | Renforcement des capacités de jeunes africains dans le domaine de la création cinématographique et sensibilisation du jeune public aux différents métiers du cinéma - "histoire d'un regard" | Cinémathèque de tanger | NGO | Morocco | 99980 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11966 | Idudi demonstration primary school | Muwaza david | Party | Uganda | 74713 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11967 | Cultural heritage as inspiration for young people in cultural industries | Association fairy tale | NGO | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 48271 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11968 | Renforcement des filières arts visuels et design artisanal, au village artistique de noailles à croix-des bouquets. | Fondation africamerica | NGO | Haiti | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11972 | Training for sustainable development of creative agents in campeche. | Instituto mexicano del arte al servicio de la educación (imase) - mexican institute for arts in service of education | NGO | Mexico | 89289 | Non Recommended | 20.0 |
2023-11973 | Chinese new folk craft - naze naze | Beijing contemporary art foundation | NGO | China | 86400 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-11974 | Pulang pergi (round trip) | Hyphen — | NGO | Indonesia | 97534 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11984 | Les rencontres de la photographie | Voix plurielles | NGO | Morocco | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11985 | Mapping lagos’ cultural industries and capacity/skill development for inclusive cultural policies. | Lagos state government, ministry of tourism, arts and culture | Party | Nigeria | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11989 | Cultural diversity in perspective | Winnie luwembe | NGO | Malawi | 95 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11991 | Development and promotion of the music industry to improve competitiveness and artistic capacity as an instrument for territorial social cohesion | Intendencia de colonia | Party | Uruguay | 77705 | Non Recommended | 16.0 |
2023-11992 | Empowerment of women in the cultural creative industries among the ameru community of the republic of kenya | Directorate of culture-county government of meru | Party | Kenya | 99995 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11993 | L'art musical et scénique des peuples autochtones pygmées | Congo watch | NGO | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 88950 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11994 | Music as a space for integration between generations: generation of a chamber orchestra of older people from youth mentors. | Municipality of florida | Party | Uruguay | 97830 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11995 | Women of minsk – then and now: promoting creative expression across generations | State institution "minsk city history museum" / государственное учреждение «музей истории города минска» | Party | Belarus | 54220 | Non Recommended | 28.0 |
2023-11996 | Afroasia culture hub: the creative arts in reconciliation of historical and cultural divides | Afroasia project at university of cape town | Party | South Africa | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11997 | Cultural expressions | Bustop tv | NGO | Zimbabwe | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-11999 | Acordes por la paz - “voices of reconciliation and equality” in music schools across colombia | Fundación nacional batuta | NGO | Colombia | 99957 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12000 | "my expression - our territory", towards intercultural communities. | Tatiana delgado | NGO | Colombia | 99814 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12001 | Survey of musicians in the the country | Permanent presidential music commission | Party | Kenya | 70960 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12003 | Equis' feminist film development fund for women and gender diverse individuals in ecuador. | Fundación equis | NGO | Ecuador | 99994 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12006 | Corre²cria, gamification and digital games | Instituto minas pela paz - impp | NGO | Brazil | 99997 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12007 | Bulera youth centre construction project. | Mukwaya robert foundation africa | NGO | Uganda | 83444 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12010 | Tutoring africa | Niyon | Party | United Republic of Tanzania | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12011 | Music against poverty | Jaime liverpool | NGO | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | 99120 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12013 | Participatory cultural production with indigenous communities in india | Maraa | NGO | India | 98000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12014 | Strengthening the capacities of cultural institutions through cultural policy development in zrenjanin | City of zrenjanin | Party | Serbia | 96600 | Non Recommended | 22.5 |
2023-12015 | Projet "mieux ensemble" : renforcement de la résilience et promotion de la diversité culturelle et solidarité agissante des communautés dans 2 provinces du burundi | Global peace chain burundi | NGO | Burundi | 100000 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12016 | Promotion of roma music and creation of conditions for further development of roma artists | Centre for research, development and application of practical knowledge and skills ceir novi sad | NGO | Serbia | 89390 | Non Recommended | 21.0 |
2023-12018 | Ensuring the diversity of cultural expression in vietnam: case study of performing arts | Institute of state and law | Party | Viet Nam | 75699 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12019 | Mapping and advancing the potential of cultural and creative industries | Union of macedonian associations in the creative industries umpaki skopje | NGO | North Macedonia | 99930 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12020 | Amplifying women’s voices (paza sauti) | Busara promotions | NGO | United Republic of Tanzania | 88317 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12025 | Center for research and preservation of heritage and cultural diversity | Center for research and preservation of heritage and cultural diversity arfey-cirpadic | NGO | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | 53 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12026 | Network of cultural heritage social entrepreneurship in turkey, improving cultural social entrepreneurship capacities at turkish universities | S.s. yaren fikri mülkiyet hakları ve proje danismanligi kooperatifi | NGO | ü쾱 | 99649 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12027 | Enhancing cultural diversity and expression: policies and strategies for creation, production, distribution, and access. | World student community for sustainable development | NGO | Kenya | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12028 | Usanifu- empowering youth and women in cultural and creative industries at the lamu old town(whs) | National museums of kenya (nmk) | Party | Kenya | 100000 | Non Recommended | 24.0 |
2023-12030 | The voice of seikilos comes to life with special individuals | Efeler municipality | Party | ü쾱 | 54045 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12033 | Culture - my way | Teryan cultural center | NGO | Armenia | 99516 | Recommended | 30.0 |
2023-12034 | Women supporting heritage and diversity | Marian ayad | NGO | Egypt | 100000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12035 | Indigenous peoples cultural development project (ipcdp) | Social association for rural advancemnt (sara) | NGO | Bangladesh | 99915 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12037 | Digital transformation in kenya's cultural sector: policies, capacity-building, and entrepreneurship | Strathmore university kenya | INGO | Kenya | 98000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12038 | Establishing and implementing a functional market place in the east african community | Imongot claudia | Party | Uganda | 96050 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12039 | Formation en alternance : renforcement des capacités pédagogiques et opérationnelles dans les métiers de la postproduction. | Centre yennenga | NGO | Senegal | 99962 | Non Recommended | 21.5 |
2023-12040 | La parenté à plaisanterie, entre l’expression et l’œuvre artistique dans les pays mandingue autour du thème « bien-être social » | Ecole du patrimoine africain-epa | INGO | Benin | 100000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12041 | Resilart: empowering communities through cultural resilience | Corporación partners colombia | NGO | Colombia | 97414 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12042 | Projet d'inventaire et de promotion de la diversité des expressions culturelles de la région de tombouctou | Association pour le développement de l'art et métier du livre à tombouctou - adamlt | Party | Mali | 90552 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12043 | Building a cultural legacy from complejo teatral de buenos aires and beyond: empowering managerial skills for sustainable growth and innovation with xirgu | Fundación amigos del teatro san martín | NGO | Argentina | 99436 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12045 | Prévenir la marginalisation des jeunes du quartier de ponta d’agua en développant l’accès à la culture et en favorisant leur insertion sociale et professionnelle. | Ong cabralistes | NGO | Cabo Verde | 55732 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12046 | Strengthening bibliodiversity and the circulation of cultural content in mexico and ibero-america by connecting professionals within the publishing industry and implementing training programs at the guadalajara international book fair. | Fundacion universidad de guadalajara | NGO | Mexico | 99950 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12047 | The muisne storytelling youth house | Fundacion octaedro | NGO | Ecuador | 96480 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12048 | Strengthening of the afro-diasporic cultural sector of montevideo | Secretariat of racial ethnic equity and migrant populations (seerpm) | Party | Uruguay | 59000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12049 | Formation de jeunes femmes et hommes à l'art de la marionnette | Compagnie ivoire marionnettes | NGO | Côte d'Ivoire | 79978 | Non Recommended | 23.5 |
2023-12053 | Ayllu project: monitoring and active participation of the peruvian population and indigenous peoples using journalism tools to create a community of citizens who exercise their power | Association convoca | NGO | Peru | 98000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12054 | Forum républik ville : pour le renforcement de l’industrie musicale katangaise et favoriser l’autonomisation des jeunes et des femmes à travers l’entrepreneuriat culturels | One nation asbl | NGO | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 99750 | Non Recommended | 27.0 |
2023-12055 | Sustainable livelihoods enhancement project (slep) | Angel care organization (aco) | NGO | South Sudan | 99585 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12056 | Culture sportive comme moyen de lutte contre l'obésité et la violence scolaire | Comité congolais pierre de coubertin (ccpc) | NGO | Congo | 99146 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12057 | Awareness against gender-based obnoxious cultural practices through community theatre | Mosaic theatre production | Party | Nigeria | 84999 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12058 | Cultural heritage and art education preservation {cheaep} in limpopo, south africa | Xclusive spot theatre | NGO | South Africa | 95000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12060 | Strengthening in non-regularized neighborhoods and local productive development | Corporación arte y cultura “urcu quitus" | NGO | Ecuador | 94596 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12061 | Projet de création d'industries culturelles et de formation en alphabétisation numérique pour la jeunesse des gonaïves | Initiative citoyenne pour le développement communautaire intégré (icdci) | NGO | Haiti | 85000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12063 | Mapping and creating networks among cultural partnerships in jalisco, mexico, strengthening capacities to develop community actions. | Centro de investigación y estudios superiores en antropología social (ciesas). | Party | Mexico | 89652 | Recommended | 30.0 |
2023-12068 | Strengthening of human and business capacities of the cultural and creative industry in medellín | Museo de antioquia | NGO | Colombia | 99828 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12071 | Cultural and artistic project preserving traditions | Voices of the pacific stereo social foundation | NGO | Colombia | 100 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12072 | Gidan dabino multilingual centre for cultural diversity | Gidan dabino global resources | NGO | Nigeria | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12073 | Towards community empowerment for cultural tourism and heritage protection in kenya | Juhudi community support center | NGO | Kenya | 92420 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12074 | Throughout regions | Dilfuza samandarova | Party | Uzbekistan | 28200 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12075 | Improving arts service delivery | Tanzania film board (tfb) | Party | United Republic of Tanzania | 99914 | Non Recommended | 16.0 |
2023-12078 | Centre d’innovation a l’entreprenariat culturel et creatif | Akewa accelerateur | NGO | Gabon | 75090 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12079 | “madad:“renforcement des capacités en entrepreneuriat dans les métiers d’arts et culture dans les régions | Centre de tunis pour l'économie culturelle numérique (ticdce) | Party | Tunisia | 96460 | Non Recommended | 22.0 |
2023-12080 | Enhancing intellectual property rights in ethiopia (eipre) | Selam ethiopia | NGO | Ethiopia | 99800 | Recommended | 32.0 |
2023-12081 | Momentafrika : reconnecting- strengthening- boosting performing artists | Africa moment | INGO | Spain | 98000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12082 | Formation diplomante en danse | Artea culture | NGO | Senegal | 99758 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12083 | Strengthening the local professional network and capacities of the local artists, cultural practitioners. | Arts foundation of kavango (afoka) | NGO | Namibia | 68 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12084 | Strengthening the tvet and digitalization competences of cultural actors in the gaza strip | Atfaluna society for deaf children | NGO | Palestine | 99785 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12085 | L'espace culturel et artistique riad sultan pour l'entreprenariat et l'industrie culturelle et créative à tanger | Association bab bhar cinemasrah | NGO | Morocco | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12087 | Composing trust communities of practice | Culture solutions eu | INGO | France | 92000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12088 | Art as a tool for social transformation of the commune 13 of medellín | Fundación las golondrinas | NGO | Colombia | 99000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12089 | Footprints of the teacher: “implementation and expansion of the comprehensive training model, promotion and dissemination of accordion music that strengthens young artists and contributes to the definition of cultural policies in the territories". | Fundacion cocha molina | Party | Colombia | 99690 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12091 | Marginal notes: a publishing transfeminist experience | Asociación civil no tan distintas, mujeres en situación de vulnerabilidad social | NGO | Argentina | 99000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12092 | Native story lab | Documentary resource initiative | NGO | India | 94159 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12093 | A new begining | Kahramanmaraş balkan türkleri kültür ve dayanışma derneği | NGO | ü쾱 | 99600 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12095 | Congo filmz academy, festival & awards | Mama na bana | NGO | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12096 | Cultural promotion for sustainable development | Uganda museum | Party | Uganda | 99350 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12097 | Strengthening the paraguayan creative industries federation lab -fic lab | Paraguayan federation of creative industries | NGO | Paraguay | 99500 | Non Recommended | 14.0 |
2023-12099 | Commercial, relational and digital capabilities for cultural and creative initiatives led by young women in colombia | Universidad de antioquia | Party | Colombia | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12105 | Empowering disabled and economically disadvantaged women in the cultural and creative sectors: fostering artistic skills, entrepreneurship, and inclusive participation | Sanskriti university | NGO | India | 99556 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12106 | Le projet d’appui culturel « vivre ensemble » est un projet de prévention de l’extrémisme violent et à la lutte contre les conflits liés à la transhumance au bénin | Abcna | NGO | Benin | 96548 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12109 | Embracing culture for sustainable development | | NGO | Palestine | 80000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12111 | Promoting cultural diversity through women empowerment in sindh and baluchistan provinces of pakistan | Prof. dr. hamadullah kakepoto | Party | Pakistan | 99992 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12114 | Amélioration des conditions de vie et de travail des artistes balafonistes au cameroun | Association cultura | NGO | Cameroon | 99904 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12115 | Professionnalisation du cinema amateur sur l'axe labé-mamou | Troupe artistique pottal du cecoje | NGO | Guinea | 88300 | Non Recommended | 17.5 |
2023-12116 | Cultural tapestry unveiled: digitizing and translating heritage for a diverse tomorrow | National institution "conservation center gostivar" | Party | North Macedonia | 99961 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12118 | Design thinking: a new approach to utilize subject content and develop innovative ideas | Eduenterprise | NGO | Qatar | 70000 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12119 | My skill, my rights | Hameed ul mehdi | NGO | Pakistan | 85 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12125 | Mise en oeuvre de la perception de la redevance sur copie privée | Culture droit et développement des peuples (cddp) | NGO | Niger | 99084 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12126 | Onboarding the next generation of creative leaders | Kuta arts foundation | NGO | Nigeria | 29 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12127 | Making children’s media sustainable in mexico | Vientos culturales a.c. | NGO | Mexico | 99817 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12129 | Stand up comedy sureste | Proyecto difa alternativas y actualización, a.c. | NGO | Mexico | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12130 | From fragmented initiatives to sustainability: empowering ukraine's dramatic network | Theatre na zhukah | NGO | Ukraine | 99497 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12134 | Voices of hope and harmony | Gardenia syndicate group | NGO | Syrian Arab Republic | 99790 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12135 | Sounds of nam music project: professionalizing the namibian music industry through capacity-building, policy reform and incubation of talent | Namibian partnership solutions | NGO | Namibia | 86195 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12139 | Developpement et promotion du jazz en rdc et afrique centrale | Jazzkif founders | NGO | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 97281 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12140 | Young people dancing towards equality: promotion of a favorable environment for cultural entrepreneurship in dance with a gender, youth, and intersectional focus in the nariño department. | Fundación únete | NGO | Colombia | 99310 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12141 | Mainstreaming gender equality in malawi's cultural and creative sector | Department of arts, ministry of local government, unity and culture | Party | Malawi | 99980 | Recommended | 31.0 |
2023-12142 | Eac documentary incubator: building creative, entrepreneurial and training program | Martin mhando | NGO | United Republic of Tanzania | 100000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12147 | Apwen women in pictures (apwen-wip) | The association of professional women engineers of nigeria | NGO | Nigeria | 100000 | Non Recommended | 26.5 |
2023-12151 | Jazz emprende | Negolution | NGO | Cuba | 78279 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12152 | Policy of free access to audiovisual archives with cultural content in michoacan mexico | Michoacan radio and television system | Party | Mexico | 98980 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12155 | Creadoras camp incubator of feminist influencers in latin america | Fundación hoja blanca ong | NGO | Colombia | 100 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12156 | Ukuo. leading the piaroa people to new languages for transmission of their knowledge | Fundacion etnollano | NGO | Colombia | 99500 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12157 | Roots for peace | Academia colombiana de artes y ciencias cinematográficas | NGO | Colombia | 100 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12158 | Theater and territory: a creative project as a bridge for community participation and cultural syncretism | Universidad centro latinoamericano de economía humana (claeh) | NGO | Uruguay | 100000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12159 | Voices unheard: amplifying diversity and inclusion through multimedia storytelling | Ali nisar | NGO | Pakistan | 80 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12160 | Creative and economic education for the development of women in mexico. | Colectivo akelarre a.c (akelarre a.c. collective) | NGO | Mexico | 100 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12161 | Marine offshore safety culture assessment of the gulf of guinea- special focus on nigeria and ghana | Prof chinedum onyemechi : federal university of technology owerri | Party | Nigeria | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12162 | Formation et accompagnement des compagnies artistiques programmées au festival rethes 2024 | Association des rencontres theatrales de sokode | Party | Togo | 89388 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12163 | Rejuvenation of hand loom heritage through technology up-gradation | Dr. t rangaswamy | Party | India | 96926 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12165 | 쾱ɲ | Obseravatoire pour le développement de la jeunesse "odj" | NGO | Burundi | 98745 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12166 | Interactive theatre for gbv awareness and capacity building across jordanian governorates | Solidarity is global institute jordan (sigi) | NGO | Jordan | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12167 | Assegai: empowering administrative policy for zimbabwean digital creatives | Kay media (private) limited | NGO | Zimbabwe | 97512 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12168 | Art incubator "creative ukraine": transforming cultural and creative industry | Port of culture | NGO | Ukraine | 98130 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12171 | Spin the red wheel of roma culture! | Regionalna agencija za ekonomski razvoj sumadije i pomoravlja doo / regional economic development agency for sumadija and pomoravlje ltd. | Party | Serbia | 98467 | Non Recommended | 25.0 |
2023-12172 | We won't forget our culture: cultural classes, marketing, and merchantability in for women in iraqi refugee camps | European centre for democracy & human rights | NGO | Iraq | 100000 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12173 | Enhancing the resilience and development of palestinian artists by offering them specialized training, production grants, and artistic residencies and marketing their artwork | General union of cultural centers | NGO | Palestine | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12174 | Appui à la conception et à l’actualisation des curricula de formation en management culturel et créatif en afrique centrale (cacmac) | Université internationale de langue française au service du développement africain « université senghor » à alexandrie en égypte | INGO | Egypt | 98530 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12176 | Identifying and empowering the talented and gifted youth with disabilities through social and cultural integration in rwanda | Umbrella of organizations of persons with disabilities in the fight against hiv&aids and for health promotion (uphls) | NGO | Rwanda | 99981 | Non Recommended | 27.0 |
2023-12177 | Tune and story for social change | New voices for non-violence nvnv | INGO | France | 94930 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12178 | The train project | Keane amooti foundation uganda | NGO | Uganda | 100 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12182 | Strengthening capacities of indigenous youth on content production on cultural heritage | Eye media | NGO | South Sudan | 89 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12185 | Empowering women and youth entrepreneurship through rwanda’s dynamic traditional musical | Youth led musacl therapy(ylmt) | NGO | Rwanda | 96000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12187 | Ard south art residency | Ard art institution | Party | Egypt | 99 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12188 | Cultural projects to develop capacities among young men and women while promoting gender equality | Baherah organization for women affairs | NGO | Iraq | 100 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12189 | Ipart - inhambane province of art and turism | Culturarte | NGO | Mozambique | 95000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12190 | Scientific twist - policies and creative markets for folk art in india | Centre for civil society | NGO | India | 64980 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12191 | Experimental model of the light museum in cameroon | Eurobiopark | NGO | Cameroon | 98267 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12193 | Promoting cultural and creative entrepreneurship with youths in nigeria: an accelerator programme for sustainable development | National institute for cultural orientation | Party | Nigeria | 100 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12194 | 1. strengthening multi-level governance roles in mainstreaming cultural diversity and integration into plans and budgets of mmdas in ghana. | Sekondi -takoradi metropolitan assembly (stma) | Party | Ghana | 97500 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12198 | Mentoring female artists for resilience (mefare) project | Girl child art foundation(gcaf) | NGO | Nigeria | 82000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12199 | Empowering nigerian artists and cultural professionals project | The restored heart foundation | NGO | Nigeria | 80 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12200 | Iberohub audiovisual: integration platform for entrepreneurs in the audiovisual industry in iberoamerica | International school of creativity and innovation | NGO | Colombia | 95500 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12201 | Renforcement de la gouvernance culturelle pour la promotion de la diversité des expressions culturelles, genre, trans-genre, sécurité et paix en afrique francophone : cas du togo | Reseauclep | NGO | Togo | 96500 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12202 | Unlocking culture & creative economy program for developing countries | Muhammad idris | INGO | Pakistan | 100000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12203 | T-movie cinemarketplace pour une nouvelle génération de cinéastes afin de renforcer l’industrie du cinéma local | T-movie | NGO | Madagascar | 94028 | Non Recommended | 19.5 |
2023-12204 | Films for gender equality youth capacity building | Film for impact foundation | NGO | Nigeria | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12207 | ⲹ-ٳ | Association olia lima musique-education sans frontiere | Party | Cameroon | 60290 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12208 | Creative pot | Afrikera arts trust | NGO | Zimbabwe | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12209 | Book festival | Univerzitet u novom pazaru | NGO | Serbia | 20 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12210 | Ubc capacity building project for culture and creative industries | Uganda broadcasting corporation | Party | Uganda | 97610 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12213 | Socio-cultural empowerment of the gokwe north marginalized tonga ethnic group | Chiyubunuzyo arts & culture association | NGO | Zimbabwe | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12214 | Celebrating diversity: exploring and promoting cultural expression | Source of hope foundation | NGO | Nigeria | 70000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12215 | Projet d’appui a l’exercice durable de l’art de guerison par les plantes au togo | Aimes-afrique | NGO | Togo | 92814 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12216 | Promoting, strengthening cultural and creatives industry start-ups among people with disability/social groups in nigeria through business, market development | Africa foundation for young media professionals | NGO | Nigeria | 100 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12217 | Supporting cultural expressions of national ethnicities in albania - (scene) | H2h foundation | NGO | Albania | 98900 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12218 | Cuban women in creative industries: challenges for individual emancipation and local development. | Felix varela center | NGO | Cuba | 90190 | Non Recommended | 26.5 |
2023-12219 | 侱Ա岹 | Réseau international de la jeunesse féminine (resi-filles) | NGO | Côte d'Ivoire | 98249 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12220 | New voices annual theatre festival | Arts matters | NGO | South Africa | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12222 | Art a la cart | Association of modern dancers and choreopgrapers | NGO | Serbia | 40 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12223 | Reviving a dying theatre culture through skilling and professionalizing. | The mariam ndagire film & performing arts centre limited (mnfpac) | Party | Uganda | 100 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12227 | Cultural and creative agents network for regional innovation and growth. | Universidad el bosque / university el bosque | NGO | Colombia | 100000 | Non Recommended | 21.0 |
2023-12228 | Fostering women's empowerment through tech education and entrepreneurial support in the traditional culture of mianwali | Namal university, miawali | Party | Pakistan | 88000 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12231 | Introduction of turkish-islamic works and leaders | Karatay municipality | Party | ü쾱 | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12233 | Mekgabo e mesha: mapping and developing a database for namibian fashion industry professionals | Museums association of namibia | NGO | Namibia | 99042 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12234 | Mediaciones. creation of networks and capacities for the sustainability of media arts in latin america | Universidad del valle | Party | Colombia | 96850 | Non Recommended | 25.5 |
2023-12236 | Une œuvre autour du monde | L’association méditerranéenne des arts plastiques contemporains, (amapc) | NGO | Tunisia | 80000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12237 | Fighting gendered ageism in cultural life | Tierra violeta | NGO | Argentina | 65000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12238 | Renforcement pour la diffusion des jeunes talents de la scène dans la région des hauts-bassins, burkina faso | Association des jeunes pour le partage et la sensibilisation (ajps) | NGO | Burkina Faso | 54780 | Non Recommended | 24.5 |
2023-12239 | Narratives from zimbabwe archive | Zimbabwe international film festival trust (zifft) | NGO | Zimbabwe | 99520 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12240 | Protecting the tumbuka cultural expressions | Tumbuka heritage | NGO | Malawi | 66939 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12241 | Building a sustainable creative space for contemporary african artists | Noldor artist residency | NGO | Ghana | 99 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12242 | Cultural entrepreneurship incubator | Colectivo y jub tomate a.c. | NGO | Mexico | 87228 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12245 | Preservation of traditional bakharkhani (a type of food) and socio-economic and professional development of professionals | Dr. mizanur rahman shikkha trust (mrst) | NGO | Bangladesh | 100 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12247 | Developpement de la litterature dans les langues creoles de la caraibe | Omdac | NGO | France | 80400 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12249 | Fenix boosting the classical dance ecosystem in venezuela through the consolidation of programa de formación de ballet and sistema nacional de danza teresa carreño (teresa carreño ballet training program- tcbtp and the national dance system- ndstc) | Fundación teatro teresa carreño | Party | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | 99960 | Non Recommended | 15.5 |
2023-12250 | Youth going intercultural: support young entrepreneurs for intercultural society empowering youth organizations | The national assembly of youth organizations of the republic of azerbaijan | NGO | Azerbaijan | 81780 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12251 | Cinema notebooks | Barış için kültürel araştırmalar derneği | NGO | ü쾱 | 99985 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12255 | Strengthening cultural plans and initiatives in the biosphere reserve of the choco andino of pichincha, ecuador | Fundacion imaymana | NGO | Ecuador | 89250 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12257 | Program to promote cultural innovation projects for young creators in the province of buenos aires, argentina | Dirección de promoción y producción de cultura en territorio, subsecretaría de industrias creativas, instituto cultural de la provincia de buenos aires. | Party | Argentina | 100000 | Non Recommended | 21.5 |
2023-12258 | Kingsridge horse event | Channel for the indomitable youth empowerment foundation | NGO | Nigeria | 96 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12259 | L'unsine des films d'école du cameroun | Acirec | NGO | Cameroon | 99684 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12260 | Projet « synergies d’actions pour la reconnaissance, la professionnalisation et la dynamisation des osc du secteur culturel et créatif de la chaîne de création de spectacles jeune public au bénin | Théâtre d'afrique | NGO | Benin | 99894 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12261 | Cartographie et renforcement des capacité des acteurs de la danse au cameroun | Association bristols house cameroun | NGO | Cameroon | 81335 | Non Recommended | 25.5 |
2023-12262 | Weaving cross-border traditions | Universidad politécnica estatal del carchi | Party | Ecuador | 88592 | Non Recommended | 22.5 |
2023-12263 | Youth strategy for crimean tatars cultural diplomacy | Institute of culture of ukraine | NGO | Ukraine | 97800 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12266 | Rescuing the human and artistic culture of santa barbara | Comisión acción social menonita "casm" | NGO | Honduras | 99919 | Non Recommended | 19.0 |
2023-12267 | Fundesotec: cultural center on move | Fundación desarrollo social y tecnologico | NGO | Ecuador | 99835 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12268 | Projet d'accompagnement et d'apprentissage de 65 femmes et jeunes du nord et centre de la côte d'ivoire aux techniques de tissage et de teinture de pagne tissés traditionnel | Crapme | NGO | Côte d'Ivoire | 99000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12269 | De la rue a la scene | Accordanse | NGO | Côte d'Ivoire | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12270 | Tambora magica | Quibdó mayor's office | Party | Colombia | 99 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12271 | Co-creation of public policies for the visibility and labor insertion of women in the audiovisual sector of rosario (argentina). | Municipality of rosario | Party | Argentina | 85500 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12272 | Strengthening of the infrastructure of the cultura venezuela plataform to support independent producers and directors | Sergio arria | Party | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | 82944 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12273 | Plaidoyons pour les personnes en situation de handicap à travers le cinéma. | Murekeyisoni | NGO | Rwanda | 96475 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12274 | Oral library of living authors | Orsai fundation | NGO | Argentina | 98960 | Non Recommended | 22.5 |
2023-12275 | Prevention of recruitment and the consumption of psychoactive substances (spa) as a protective factor in boys, girls, adolescents and/or young people, in vulnerable conditions in urban and rural areas of the municipality of tumaco - nariño. | Bejuco foundation | NGO | Colombia | 99906 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12276 | Döngü project | Hatay senfoni orkestrası culture and arts association | NGO | ü쾱 | 99880 | Non Recommended | 24.5 |
2023-12277 | Kuza: design thinking for cultural diversity and inclusion | Kadana foundation | NGO | Kenya | 67 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12278 | Transversal creative design workshop | Secretary of social policies of the national university of la plata | Party | Argentina | 52547 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12281 | Theater of cultures project | Al-intisar association for supporting educational projects | NGO | Jordan | 99600 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12282 | First green art science heritage activism diversity hub in nature | Urban house ideaa mostar | NGO | Bosnia and Herzegovina | 93791 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12283 | Promoting a sustainable cultural and creative industry: reviving livelihoods of poor rural women culture entrepreneurs | Teere | NGO | Ghana | 100000 | Non Recommended | 23.5 |
2023-12284 | Disabled cinema | فلاح البغدادي | NGO | Iraq | 50000 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12286 | Cultural imaginary of the peripheries (imaginários culturais das periferias) | Ceurbe - centro de estudos urbanos | NGO | Mozambique | 99789 | Non Recommended | 20.0 |
2023-12288 | Building a cross border creative industries corridor between la ciudad de las palmeras (venezuela) and curramba la bella (colombia). | Fundacion tleo | NGO | Colombia | 86600 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12289 | "art for all" | Centro cultural nuna - humanista | NGO | Ecuador | 85195 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12291 | Project for the creation of the cultural observatory for the promotion of a vibrant culture and heritage recovery | Young men´s christian association - ymca manabí | NGO | Ecuador | 99906 | Non Recommended | 16.0 |
2023-12292 | íԳٱ | Fundación síntesis laboratorios | NGO | Colombia | 89000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12293 | Creating a sustainable namibian film industry through local skills development, new distribution channels and formulation of policies | Namibian broadcasting corporation | Party | Namibia | 89205 | Non Recommended | 28.0 |
2023-12294 | Capacity building in workshops in english and twi for performing artist. | National theatre of ghana | Party | Ghana | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12295 | Freedom of cultural art synergy | Creative artitude skills development | NGO | South Africa | 88 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12298 | Project title: strengthening the peacebuilding documentary film niche in rwanda through training, production, and promotion | Christian action for reconciliation and social assistance (carsa) | NGO | Rwanda | 98447 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12299 | Rompiendo muros. discriminación por orígenes en méxico y latinoamérica. exposición móvil / breaking walls. discrimination based on origins in mexico and latin america. mobile exhibition. | Memoria y tolerancia, a.c. | NGO | Mexico | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12300 | Folklorica nacional | Camilo santa | NGO | Colombia | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12301 | Spotlighting cultural professionals among indigenous people of abuja | Africa caribbean heritage alliance (acha) | NGO | Nigeria | 66350 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12302 | Showcasing their cultural products: empowering indigenous youth artisans of india and nepal through film and documentary production | Sujitav dash | NGO | India | 94478 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12304 | La comunidad del agua / water community | Fundacion bahia pacifico | NGO | Colombia | 99950 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12305 | Editorial comic laboratory (lec) | La casa del autor de zapopan | Party | Mexico | 51002 | Non Recommended | 27.0 |
2023-12309 | Language learning with changing tools in a changing world: kurdish language learning with animations | Kurdish research association | NGO | ü쾱 | 89300 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12311 | Héritage des petites mains de gorée à haïti_ mémoire et souvenance | Christine stephenson | NGO | Haiti | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12312 | Projet d'appui au renforcement des capacités humaines et institutionnelles des minorités sexuelles. | Afrique arc-en-ciel guinée | NGO | Guinea | 97557 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12314 | The renaissance project | Culturans | NGO | Mexico | 99995 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12316 | La mise en oeuvre de la promotion du développement des arts numériques et des techniques graphiques dans une région déficitaire au cameroun et cartographie du secteur. | Commune de baré | Party | Cameroon | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12317 | Projet de développement institutionnel et renforcement organisationnel en faveur des politiques culturelles locales au cameroun (diro-pcl/cameroun) | André marie awoumou manga | NGO | Cameroon | 99383 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12320 | Children and youth chorus and symphonic orchestra of punta cana | Foundation for the cultural expansion of punta cana funeyca pc | NGO | Dominican Republic | 66497 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12323 | Theatre and dance practices for young audiences in south america: moving forward. | Fundación centro mori | NGO | Chile | 99700 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12324 | Observatory and metropolitan cultural market for peace. | Metropolitan area of aburra valley | Party | Colombia | 69 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12326 | Learning by doing: formation of a theater company with young people from vulnerable neighborhoods of parada robles, argentina. | Ssf | fundación sustentabilidad sin fronteras (es) sustainability without borders foundation (en) | NGO | Argentina | 96221 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12327 | Strengthening the participation of children and youth in the different cultural expressions of nueva concepción, chalatenango, el salvador | Centro cultural y de las artes monseñor oscar arnulfo romero-clamor | NGO | El Salvador | 86800 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12328 | Musical and dancing expressions of culture in quibdó and cartagena | Fundación círculo de estudios culturales y políticos / circle of cultural and politic studies foundation | NGO | Colombia | 98800 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12329 | Caravane citoyenne pour la diversité | Centre culturel kôrè | Party | Mali | 99893 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12330 | Herencia in the afrourbe: strengthening young people in creation, innovation and leadership in afro-venezuelan musical expression | Asociación civil herencia / civil association herencia | NGO | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | 60717 | Non Recommended | 21.0 |
2023-12331 | Popular communication: a tool for transformation in the marginal neighborhoods | Asociación civil la poderosa, integración por la educación popular | NGO | Argentina | 44180 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12333 | Revolutionizing through art: giving a voice to kids in indegenous communities | Mapa: abriendo caminos | NGO | Paraguay | 70000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12334 | Danses partagées | Luc françois dzou | NGO | Cameroon | 90000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12335 | Dynamique "amzgun" | Association atelier dramazigh pour la recherche dramatique | NGO | Morocco | 79670 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12336 | "rural development center and preservation of culture: revitalizing artistic traditions in cartago, valle del cauca" | /agazac stands for the association of ranchers and farmers of the highlands of cartago. | NGO | Colombia | 94876 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12337 | Evaluation, training and promotion program for the harmonious, inclusive and sustainable development of cultural enterprises on the island of margarita, nueva esparta state, bolivarian republic of venezuela | Viadetur cultura para el turismo (viadetur culture for tourism) | NGO | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | 95663 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12338 | Printmaking specialization and community workshops | Fernando aceves humana | NGO | Mexico | 94488 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12340 | Venezuelan cinematic network of cultural diversity | Asociacion nacional circuito gran cine | NGO | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | 85380 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12341 | ܱܱܰٱ | Consorcio boliviano de juventudes - casa de la juventud | NGO | Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | 97700 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12342 | "animarte: trinational program for the promotion of art and culture in 3 municipalities of the central american trifinio" | Mancomunidad trinacional fronteriza rio lempa | Party | Honduras | 100 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12343 | Enhancing access to knowledge about cultural ecosystems in digital media to promote the diversity of expressions in the cultural and creative industries of colombia and peru | Wikimedia colombia | NGO | Colombia | 99012 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12344 | Local heritage advocacy – cultural capital for sustainable development in laos | ສະມາຄົມສົ່ງເສີມການອະນຸລັກສິລະປະວັນນະຄະດີ/association for promotion preservation of art and literature (appal) | NGO | Lao People's Democratic Republic | 96357 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12346 | Revitalization and strengthening of the career of emerging musicians in conditions of exclusion in colombian territory | Observatorio del caribe colombiano | NGO | Colombia | 100000 | Recommended | 30.0 |
2023-12348 | Coppersmithing workshop | Gaziantep young businessmen association (gagiad) | NGO | ü쾱 | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12350 | Gender representation in visual media | Amity university noida | Party | India | 65773 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12351 | Red eco-arte para el litoral pacífico central | Fundación sayú | NGO | Costa Rica | 15945 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12352 | Establishment of cultural diversity corner (cdc) in sufia kamal national public library and other divisional libraries. | Department of public libraries, dhaka | Party | Bangladesh | 99400 | Non Recommended | 16.0 |
2023-12354 | Promouvoir le développement et la structuration des industries culturelles et créatives (icc) au niger | Association culture arts rumbu (aca rumbu) | NGO | Niger | 89085 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12355 | Rido wouj (rideau rouge en creole haitien) | Troupe de théâtre de bit-haiti | NGO | Haiti | 98675 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12359 | Empowerment des jeunes défavorisés de 4 régions de madagascar vers le métier du cinéma à travers la promotion de leur culture typique. | Association cinem'art | NGO | Madagascar | 85091 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12360 | Promote the implementation of the intercultural health system provided for in the ecuadorian regulations, through audiovisual narratives created collectively based on the knowledge of plants and techniques developed by the yachaks who belong to 10 rural p | Kiart | NGO | Ecuador | 61 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12361 | Hilando saberes - cartografía y fortalecimiento del sector cultural y creativo del departamento de boyacá | Unad universidad nacional abierta y a distancia de colombia (universidad nacional abierta y a distancia de colombia) | Party | Colombia | 99999 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12362 | Revitalization and rescue of the awapit mother tongue and ancestral music, through learning and thinking processes between wise elders and new generations. | Asociacion de autoridades tradicionales indi'genas awa "organizacion unidad indigena del pueblo awa- unipa | NGO | Colombia | 99975 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12363 | Trabzon cultural market place | Trabzon metropolitan municipality | Party | ü쾱 | 78000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12364 | Bright destiny | Yaser yousofi | Party | Afghanistan | 99000 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12365 | Programme form'arte : renforcement des compétences dans les arts de la scène du réseau des salles de théâtre et espaces alternatifs du pérou | Réseau des salles de théâtre et espaces alternatifs du pérou | NGO | Peru | 100000 | Non Recommended | 23.0 |
2023-12366 | Harmony of sacred sounds: promoting world cultural traditions through sacred music in colombia | Corporacion cultural intercolombia | NGO | Colombia | 99900 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12367 | Cultural arts driving development in matabeleland | Future dube | NGO | Zimbabwe | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12369 | Creativity without boundaries project | Al haneen charitable association | NGO | Jordan | 99000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12370 | Strengthening civil society organisations for effective participation and advocacy in cultural policy implementation in uganda. | Poverty alleviation and community development foundation(pacodef) | NGO | Uganda | 97183 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12371 | Creating in community: experiences in three cuban municipalities | Community initiative exchange and reference center (cieric) | NGO | Cuba | 99825 | Non Recommended | 20.0 |
2023-12374 | Culturizarte: strengthening of cultural schools of traditional music in the colombian caribbean region through visibility, strengthening of technical capacities and establishment of cooperation networks. | Corporación buen vivir colombia | NGO | Colombia | 86660 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12375 | Building a sustainable music tourism ecosystem in ambon city | Ambon music office | Party | Indonesia | 98351 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12376 | Fund for cultural divercity | The arab chamber of commerce and industry | NGO | Palestine | 100000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12378 | Different and equal. raising knowledge and understanding of diversity, equality and inclusion in the ukrainian media | Joint stock company “public broadcasting company of ukraine” | Party | Ukraine | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12380 | Rescue and empowerment of the artisan heritage and practice in ecuadorian communities, and the inclusion of new generations to generate economic and cultural development. | Escuela superior politecnica del litoral (espol) | Party | Ecuador | 81 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12381 | Strengthening capacities within the visual arts sector in zimbabwe | Urban culture and heritage initiative trust | NGO | Zimbabwe | 74600 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12382 | Cultivating voices: empowering women and youth through cultural diversity | Set her up to win women empowerment projects | NGO | South Africa | 96244 | Non Recommended | 28.0 |
2023-12383 | Fostering professionalization and growth in the music sector of cape verde through the creation of a digital platform and transnational networking | Sociedade cabo-verdiana de música | NGO | Cabo Verde | 98350 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12384 | Promouvoir les industries culturelles au tchad à travers la diffusion de la politique nationale de la cultur | Centre d'etude et de formation pour le développement (cefod) | NGO | Chad | 100000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12385 | Igniting regenerative and circular models through collaboration | Asociacion civil hecho por nosotros | NGO | Argentina | 96700 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12386 | Cultural harmony "strengthening diversity, equity and governance in uganda" | Faraja africa foundation | NGO | Uganda | 100 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12387 | Projet de sensibilisation et d'insertion socio-économique des femmes et jeunes en rupture sociale | Victoria sunshine foundation | NGO | Cameroon | 42750 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12388 | Strengthening and promoting the multi-cultural culinary art of antioch to support people affected from the earthquake. | Kuresel degisim dernegi (global change associ̇ation ) | NGO | ü쾱 | 83775 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12389 | Deaf culture promotion and awareness project | Deaf's sustainance and development organization (dsdo) | NGO | United Republic of Tanzania | 99984 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12390 | Assessing and developing media and information literacy among indigenous cultural communities in higher education | University of the punjab, lahore, pakistan | Party | Pakistan | 76 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12391 | Promotion de l'égalité des genres dans l'industrie musicale du nord kivu de 2024-2025 | Mumbiri bagheni roger | NGO | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 99696 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12392 | Promoting the palestinian culture and art | The palestinian vision organization | NGO | Palestine | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12394 | ܲԾپپ | South african national arts alliance | NGO | South Africa | 57351 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12395 | Building capacity to engage indigenous first nations in the culture and creative sector | !khwa ttu san culture and education centre npc | NGO | South Africa | 82900 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12397 | Site specific festival: celebrating cultural diversity | Al-harah theater | NGO | Palestine | 100 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12398 | Empowerher- promoting gender equality in film and video production for cultural diversity | Ikirenga art and culture promotion | NGO | Rwanda | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12399 | The cultural diversity accelerator program | Capli foundation | NGO | ü쾱 | 89220 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12400 | Revitalizing and promoting yakshagana: empowering communities through sri idagunji mahaganapati yakshagana mandali, keremane (r) | Shri idagunji mahaganapati yakshagana mandali keremanbe (r) | NGO | India | 71000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12401 | Projet d’initiation d’une plateforme d’offres de prêts solidaires et de financement participatif en direction d’icc- jeunes au cameroun. | Association des jeunes solidaires | NGO | Cameroon | 99512 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12403 | La culture est un pari pour le développement | Chouala rabat hassan | NGO | Morocco | 88650 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12405 | Room-pedagogical integral school of local arts | La rueda theater foundation | NGO | Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | 99313 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12406 | Strengthening the participation of minority communities in the preservation and promotion of their cultures and enhancing diversity | Kenya community support centre | NGO | Kenya | 99950 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12408 | Promotion de la diversité culturelle | Association aesco internationale orléans | NGO | France | 100000 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12409 | Migrant worker resource center in jordan | Arab trade union organization | NGO | Jordan | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12411 | Usmanu danfodiyo film lab project for critical capacity development in film making and cultural entrepreneurship, northwest, nigeria | Usmanu danfodiyo university sokoto | Party | Nigeria | 97857 | Non Recommended | 25.0 |
2023-12414 | Masakhane empowering the youth through cultural exchange | Portia ncwane foundation | NGO | South Africa | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12415 | Formulation of tana river county arts, culture and heritage policy | Mumina mohamed | NGO | Kenya | 70 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12416 | Entrepreneurial strategic planning to foster artisan cultural industries from the jequitinhonha valley in brazil | Agência de iniciativas cidadãs | NGO | Brazil | 99952 | Non Recommended | 23.5 |
2023-12417 | Formation des jeunes slammeurs et poetes dans l'ecriture des textes et la prestation sur scene | Meilleur avenir possible asbl | NGO | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 93720 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12419 | The music and audiovisual sector in colombia prepares to face the challenges of digital environments | Fundación karisma | NGO | Colombia | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12420 | Promotion de l'utilisation des tic dans la bande dessinée et le cinéma d’animation et création d’une base de données en ligne des acteurs du secteur. | Apmi (association camerounaise pour la promotion des mathématiques et de l’informatique) | NGO | Cameroon | 99527 | Non Recommended | 24.0 |
2023-12421 | Danaya ni dambe (la jeunesse et l art un moteur de changement) | Agoratoire | NGO | Mali | 100000 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12422 | Cultural heritage protection in international disaster frameworks: setting agenda for policy reforms amidst evolving risks of disasters | Prof. gretchen kalonji | Party | China | 99040 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12423 | Acp burakeye | INGO | Burundi | 100000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 | |
2023-12424 | Malawi cultural observatory centre- malawi university of science and technology | Malawi university of science and technology | Party | Malawi | 91 | Non Recommended | 17.5 |
2023-12426 | Talking book library | Bayasgalan maidar | NGO | Mongolia | 70108 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12427 | La culture au service de développement | Action jeunes régionale des associations des quartiers - ajr | INGO | Morocco | 89000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12428 | Creating economic value of culture by exploring sustainable entrepreneurial opportunities in tourism sector | Ritu bakshi | Party | India | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12429 | Preserving endangered ghanaian languages through digital tools and community engagement | Ghana library authority | Party | Ghana | 90000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12430 | Strategic expressions for equality and development (seed) | Hall of care and good humanitarian initiative (hchi) | NGO | Nigeria | 32846 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12431 | Play indonesia, reinforcing tolerance and promoting diversity through board games in indonesia | Yayasan perpustakaan permainan papan | NGO | Indonesia | 92 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12432 | Asset-based financing and market opportunities for cultural sites, visual artists and designers. | The innovation village hub | NGO | Uganda | 90900 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12433 | The body can speak | Sareyyet ramallah | NGO | Palestine | 82000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12434 | "arts pour l'inclusion : promouvoir la diversité culturelle et l'égalité des chances pour les groupes vulnérables pygmées, femmes, jeunes adolescents, personnes vivant avec handicap" | Acpej "actions des ex combattants pour l'encadrement des jeunes, lutte contre l'enrôlement des enfants, violences sexuelles et ceux basés sur les genres" | NGO | Democratic Republic of the Congo | 99560 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12435 | Créer un centre d'incubation des industries culturelles et créatives en côte d'ivoire | Institut superieur des arts et de l' ation culturelle | Party | Côte d'Ivoire | 91261 | Non Recommended | 21.0 |
2023-12438 | Strengthening systems and structures for improved cultural diplomacy and creativity in target states. | Association of grassroot counsellors on health and development(agcod) | NGO | Nigeria | 91570 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12441 | Projet faka | Rakotonindrina herinambinintsoa tsiry nantenaina | NGO | Madagascar | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12443 | Constructing meaningful engagement toward inclusive culture (count me in!) | Perkumpulan inovasi tangguh indonesia (inti) | NGO | Indonesia | 97885 | Non Recommended | 26.0 |
2023-12444 | Storytelling the future | Instituto criar | NGO | Brazil | 100000 | Recommended | 31.5 |
2023-12445 | Creating a cultural industry around black dolls in cote d’ivoire | Association 3535 | NGO | Côte d'Ivoire | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12446 | Project afrosphere | Benon maguta | NGO | South Africa | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12447 | To assess and remap the creative industries' social and economic contributions to development in uganda | Uganda national cultural centre (uncc) | Party | Uganda | 97507 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12448 | Design of incubators for creative and cultural ventures and industries led by afro-colombian managers in the city of barranquilla and the department of el atlántico. | Organizacion social de comunidades negras angela davis | NGO | Colombia | 94798 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12449 | Pendjari créative : artisanat et arts populaires – arts numériques – design- film-gastronomie – littérature – musique – théâtre forum – patrimoine – tourisme | Laboratorio arts contemporains bénin | NGO | Benin | 100000 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12450 | "art and craft fair of the indigenous cultures museum". (feira de artes e artesanato do museu das culturas indígenas) | Museu das culturas indígenas, administrator for the social organization acam portinari. | NGO | Brazil | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12452 | Innovation through arts and crafts | Impact hub lusaka | INGO | Austria | 100000 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12453 | Aligning belize's cultural policy for national development | The university of the west indies | Party | Belize | 99300 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12455 | Municipal library of pradópolis (brazil) | Foundation of the book and reading of ribeirão preto | NGO | Brazil | 100000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12458 | Revival of traditional arts | National college of arts | Party | Pakistan | 99999 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12459 | Appropriation de l’espace public, culturel et cultuel de la ville capitale du bénin par les personnes sourdes | Association universelle d'œuvres pour l'epanouissement des sourds (asunoes-benin) | NGO | Benin | 25042 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12460 | Ѳ | Movart | INGO | Angola | 100 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12461 | The relationship of human and camel: a cultural significance to the rewari community in india | Rachan daimary | Party | India | 29276 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12462 | The space 2250 | Bahradar organisation for youth development | NGO | Iraq | 100 | Pending Preselection | 0.0 |
2023-12464 | Children's portraits, a reflection on their essential rights | Ana leticia carpizo gonzález | Party | Mexico | 100 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12465 | Ise-abinibi: formalising skills on the verge of extinction to create jobs for women, youths and persons with disabilities in nigeria | The federal polytechnic offa, nigeria | Party | Nigeria | 95830 | Non Eligible | 0.0 |
2023-12467 | Promote cultural goods and services of the historically marginalized community (ex-batwa formal ethnic population in rwanda) through their pottery and dancing activities and their cultural expressions protection | Stand for people sustainable development-spsd | NGO | Rwanda | 75000 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12468 | Art 4 cultural diversity | Mac alunge | NGO | Cameroon | 99850 | Non Preselected | 0.0 |
2023-12470 | Programa cultural por el arte y la memoria peruana "cultural program for peruvian art and memory" | Profesionales al servicio de américa | NGO | Peru | 100000 | Non Recommended | 19.5 |