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Expert Facility

The Expert Facility is an international pool of recognized experts, renewed every 4 years, that have a relevant experience in supporting the design, revision or implementation of national policies to support cultural and creative sectors (e.g., publishing, visual arts, audiovisual/cinema, music, performing arts, media arts, design, etc.).

Members of the Expert Facility may be called upon to assist countries and other stakeholders in supporting the creative and cultural industries (CCI) sector ecosystem, notably by: 

  • Collecting data and information for long-term policy monitoring for creativity for sustainable development. 

  • Providing technical and methodological advice on participatory policy monitoring and elaboration involving a wide range of key stakeholders.

  • Moderating capacity-building workshops on the UNESCO 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions and the UNESCO 1980 Recommendation on the Status of the Artist. 

  • Sharing good practices and encouraging peer exchanges on cultural policies and measures through the 2005 Convention’s Global Report and thematic research. 

Members of the Expert Facility have been trained by UNESCO and are familiar with the UNESCO tools and technical assistance, which they adapt to local contexts and use to deliver training and capacity-building services in close collaboration with national stakeholders.

The Expert Facility has a global outlook and is geographically and linguistically balanced.


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EU / UNESCO Peer to Peer Learning

Phase I

The Expert Facility was initially established in 2011, in the context of a European Union funded project on “Strengthening the System of Governance for Culture in Developing Countries”. 30 international experts from 24 countries were initially recruited. This Facility supported developing countries during the period 2012-2014, through technical assistance missions, in their efforts to reinforce their human and institutional capacities and strengthen systems of governance for culture


Phase II

In February 2015, a renewed Expert Facility comprised of 43 international experts was created to support capacity development for the 2015-2018 period. This renewal diversified geographical representation, gender balance and areas of expertise.

fourteenth IGC

Phase III

This network of international experts was renewed for the 2019-2022 period, within the context of the project “”

Indigenous Cultural Start-ups Mexico