Quadrennial Periodic Reports

Information sharing and transparency stands at the heart of the 2005 Convention. Upon ratification, countries commit to submit every four years “quadrennial periodic reports” on the policies and measures they have adopted, and challenges encountered in implementing the Convention. These reports are key instruments for civil society to engage with government officials in assessing progress made to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions.
Reports submitted since 2012
Reports expected in 2024
+ 4830
Measures reported since 2012
Search reports by Party or year in the search bar.

Disclaimer: The ideas and opinions expressed in the periodic reports are those of the submitting governments, Parties to the 2005 Convention. They are not necessarily those of UNESCO and do not commit the Organization.


Following Resolution  adopted at the ninth session of the Conference of Parties in 2023, all Parties are asked to submit their next periodic report according to a single global submission date on 30 June 2027 and every four years thereafter.

Submit your country's Quadrennial Periodic Report

In accordance with the revised Operational Guidelines on Article 9 on "Information Sharing and Transparency", Parties are requested to use an online form to submit their periodic reports that follows the structure of the framework for quadrennial periodic reports.

In December 2023, the Secretariat sent a letter inviting the concerned Parties to prepare their quadrennial periodic reports. Additionally, Parties were requested to designate a person who will be granted access to the online form six months before the submission deadline (30 June 2024). 

In order to facilitate consultations with relevant actors, you may use the offline form for periodic reporting and the Civil Society Organisation form

The final submission of your report through the online form is very important. This will contribute to a more effective monitoring of the implementation of the 2005 Convention and inform the , an interactive online database containing information on cultural policies and measures around the world. 

Should you need any further information, please contact reports2005@unesco.org.