Consultas regionales
De enero a febrero de 2023, la UNESCO organizó una serie de consultas regionales en línea. Cada consulta estuvo presidida por un Estado Miembro de la región, según los Grupos Electorales de la UNESCO. Las consultas ofrecieron una plataforma para presentar perspectivas matizadas y contextualizadas de las preocupaciones y prioridades regionales en materia de cultura y educación artística. Los resultados de las cinco reuniones regionales de expertos servirán de base al contenido estratégico del Marco y a los preparativos de la Conferencia Mundial sobre la ܳó Cultural y Artística 2023.
"Education and Culture together are not only two core pillars of UNESCO’s mandate, but the backbone for achieving true sustainable development. Engaging the synergies between education and culture in a more systemic interdisciplinary approach enables to address the complex nature of today’s world, and to equip educators and learners with the knowledge, values and competencies, necessary to navigate the opportunities and challenges before them.
Education and Culture, together, are crucial for realizing such a vision. Learners need to be empowered with critical thinking, to create, innovate and take risks. These are all competences developed through culture and arts education, and which underpin societies of resilience. We have a responsibility to not only equip future generations with a relevant skillset, but one that is based on the respect for and understanding of cultural diversity. Learning about one’s own culture and heritage as well as that of others is part of this aspiration and contributes to peace and social cohesion. These are paramount factors to be considered in nurturing societies that can live peacefully in diversity.
Building together this Framework on Culture and Arts Education presents a key opportunity to shape principles, objectives and a series of recommendations to better understand and address the caveats that have hindered such an agenda from becoming the reality across the world."
Stefania Giannini, Assistant Director-General for Education and Ernesto Ottone R., Assistant Director-General for Culture of UNESCO