
Review of Ghana’s 2004 Cultural Policy

Close-up of a musician playing traditional drums on the beach in Accra, Ghana.


Funds Allocated: 82 558,00 USD

Beneficiary countries: Ghana

Applicant: Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture


The Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, the ministry responsible for policy formulation, planning and promotion of tourism, arts and culture, proposes to review Ghana’s cultural policy to reflect the current realities on the ground by: 1) establishing an expert committee to review the current Ghana’s 2004 cultural policy; 2) organizing stakeholder consultations and validation meetings across Ghana.

How does this project contribute to the implementation of the 2005 Convention?

  • Cross-sectoral cooperation as well as processes and mechanisms in cultural policy making are reinforced. The policy review process envisages the participation of different ministries related to cultural and creative industries as well as regional consultations with the different stakeholders. 

  • The role of civil society in the implementation of Ghana’s cultural policy is strengthened. The project foresees the involvement of civil society in the elaboration, consultation and validation processes of the cultural policy.

Main activities

  • Form a committee of representatives to develop a zero draft of the revised cultural policy of Ghana. 
  • Organize three zonal consultative meetings on the zero draft of the revised cultural policy of Ghana. 
  • Present the draft to stakeholders and relevant parliamentary subcommittees for their inputs. 
  • Organize two zonal consultations meetings on the final draft of the revised cultural policy of Ghana.
  • Present the final draft of the policy to stakeholders and relevant parliamentary sub-committees for validation.