Strategic Transformation
UNESCO wished to solicit independent and recognized personalities to the High Level Reflection Group with the objective in order to feed the undertaken reflection within the Organization on the emerging global trends and challenges, which are likely to have an impact on UNESCO’s field of competence.
In Focus
The High Level Reflection Group
Initially appointed in September 2019, this Group of 12 of scientists, historians, philosophers, writers, academics and other figures has now started its work. It is expected that this Group will enrich and shed light on UNESCO's Medium-Term Strategy for 2022-2029, which is under preparation and will be adopted by UNESCO's Member States in 2021.
Ideas and Opinions
Transformative Minds are the key for greening UNESCO
Putting people at the heart of institutional change
Building trust results key to UNESCO’s partnerships
National Commissions emphasize urgency of UNESCO’s work
Other Views
The High Level Reflection Group meeting at UNESCO in November 2019
UNESCO’s High Level Reflection Group started its work in November 2019, introduced by Charaf Ahmimed, Head of the Transformation Support Unit.