Monitoring Framework
Goals of the Convention
Access the Policy Monitoring Platform
Support Sustainable Systems of Governance for Culture
Guiding Principle: Ensuring the sovereign right of states to adopt and implement policies to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions, based on informed, transparent, and participatory processes and systems of governance.
Expected Results: National policies and measures support creation, production, distribution, and access with regard to diverse cultural activities, goods, and services and strengthen informed, transparent, and participatory systems of governance for culture.
Area of Monitoring:
- Cultural and creative sectors
- Media diversity
- Partnering with civil society
- Policies and measures support the development of dynamic cultural and creative sectors.
- Policies and measures support diversity of the media.
- Measures strengthen the skills and capacities of civil society.
Achieve a Balanced Flow of Cultural Goods and Services and Increase the Mobility of Artists and Cultural Professionals
Guiding Principle: Facilitate equitable access, openness, and balance in the flow of cultural goods and services as well as the free movement of artists and cultural professionals.
Expected Results: National policies and measures, including preferential treatment, facilitate a balanced flow of cultural goods and services and promote the mobility of artists and cultural professionals around the world.
Area of Monitoring:
- Mobility of artists and cultural professionals
- Flow of cultural goods and services
- Digital environment
- Policies and measures support the outward and inward mobility of artists and cultural professionals.
- Policies and measures support balanced international flows of cultural goods and services.
- Policies and measures support digital creativity, enterprises, and markets.
Integrate Culture in Sustainable Development Frameworks
Guiding Principle: Recognize the complementary of economic and cultural aspects of sustainable development.
Expected Results: Sustainable development policies and international cooperation programmes integrate culture as a strategic dimension.
Area of Monitoring:
- National sustainable development policies and plans
- International cooperation for sustainable development
- National sustainable development policies and plans include action lines to support diverse cultural expressions.
- Development cooperation strategies include action lines to support diverse cultural expressions.
Promote Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Guiding Principle: Respect human rights and fundamental freedoms of expression, information, and communication as a pre-requisite for the creation and distribution of diverse cultural expressions.
Expected Results: International and national legislation related to human rights and fundamental freedoms is implemented and promotes gender equality and artistic freedom.
Area of Monitoring:
- Gender equality
- Artistic freedom
- Policies and measures promote gender equality in the culture and media sectors.
- Policies and measures promote and protect freedoms of creation and expression and participation in cultural life.