Reshaping Policies for Creativity

Re|Shaping Policies for Creativity

Addressing culture as a global public good

The UNESCO Global Report, Re|Shaping Policies for Creativity – Addressing culture as a global public good, is the third edition of a series designed to monitor the implementation of the . As the only Report of its kind, it provides a global overview of the state of the cultural and creative sectors, through insightful new data that shed light on emerging trends at a global level and puts forward policy recommendations to foster creative ecosystems that contribute to a sustainable world by 2030 and beyond.

Key figures

6.2% of all workers operate in the creative and cultural sectors,

contributing a significant 3.1% to global GDP.

10 million
jobs lost

in culture and creativity in 2020 globally.

of development aid

was spent on culture in 2018.

Only 33%
of film awards go to women.

People are enjoying more cultural content, yet creators are struggling to make ends meet.

Ernesto Ottone R.UNESCO's Assistant Director-General for Culture

Support sustainable systems of governance for culture

This section analyses the normative frameworks, policies, infrastructures and capacities that shape the cultural and creative sectors and their ability to create, produce, disseminate and enable access to diverse cultural expressions.
Building resilient and sustainable cultural and creative sectors
Ensuring a diversity of voices in the media
New opportunities and challenges for inclusive cultural and creative industries in the digital environment
Opening up cultural governance through civil society participation

Achieve a balanced flow of cultural goods and services and increase the mobility of artists and cultural professionals

This section analyses the current state of cultural exchanges at global level and assesses the opportunities that exist today for equitable access to a rich and diverse range of cultural expressions from around the world, through openness to other cultures and balanced support for the diversity of cultural expressions.
Re-imagining mobility for artists and cultural professionals
Global flow of cultural goods and services: still a one‑way trade
Protecting diversity:

Still room to pursue a legitimate public policy objective outside the framework of the Convention

Integrate culture in sustainable development frameworks

This section focuses on the cultural and creative sector’s contribution to enhancing policy coherence for sustainable development, both nationally and internationally. It also measures the share of the sector in developed countries’ official development assistance commitments.
Culture and sustainable development: a still untapped potential

Promote human rights and fundamental freedoms

This section assesses the state of gender equality and artistic freedom in the cultural and creative sector, as necessary conditions for the protection and promotion of diversity and the recognition of the equal dignity and respect of all cultures.
Gender equality: one step forward, two steps back
Safeguarding the freedom to create

With the support of

The Government of Sweden and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)

Sweden Sverige