Logo Convention 2005

2005 Convention on Diversity of Cultural Expressions


Text of the 2005 Convention

The 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions is a legal instrument whose text contains seven chapters:

Text of the Operational Guidelines

The Operational Guidelines of the Conventioninclude a set of texts elaborated by the Intergovernmental Committee and adopted by the Conference of Parties, providing general guidelines for the implementation and application of the provisions of the Convention. They are to be considered as a “roadmap” for understanding, interpretation and implementation of specific articles of the Convention.

Art. 7. 

Art. 8 and 17. 

Art. 9.  (Revised at 9.CP in June 2023)

Art. 10. 

Art. 11. 

Art. 12. 

Art. 13. 

Art. 14. 

Art. 15. 

Art. 16. 

Art. 18.  (Revised at 9.CP in June 2023)

Art. 19. 


Basic texts of the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions, 2023 edition


As an international law, the 2005 Convention operates within the context of the United Nations rules and procedures. All the countries that have ratified the Convention are called “Parties” and together form “the Conference of Parties”. When a country ratifies a Convention, it becomes legally bound to the terms of that Convention. 

How to ratify

The Convention is subject to ratification, acceptance, approval or accession by Member States of UNESCO in accordance with their respective constitutional procedures.

The Convention is open to accession by non-Member States of UNESCO and regional economic integration organizations.

A designated authority – the President, Prime Minister or Foreign Minister in the case of Member States – must deposit the instrument of ratification with the Director-General of UNESCO. The internal procedure leading to this varies considerably in terms of its duration and mode of implementation, as it is specific to each Member State or regional economic integration organization.

For more information on how to ratify, please contact the 2005 Secretariat: convention2005@unesco.org.

National Points of Contact

Upon ratification, Parties designate a point of contact responsible for sharing Convention-related information with relevant Ministries and public agencies. Points of contact coordinate information and data from different governmental and non-governmental sources, and assist in the drafting of the quadrennial periodic reports.


In order to promote the 2005 Convention on the Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions ("the Convention") and increase its visibility at the national, regional and international levels, Parties to the Convention adopted in June 2013 an emblem encapsulating its objectives and principles.