Impala - Strengthening the Documentary Film Sector in 11 African Countries through Distribution, Project Incubation and Access to Funding
Funds Allocated: 83 584,00 USD
Beneficiary countries: Côte d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Mali, Niger, Senegal, Togo
Applicant: Africadoc - Côte d'Ivoire
Africadoc - Côte d’Ivoire, an association committed to the development and promotion of creative documentary film, proposes to strengthen the sector in 11 African countries by: 1) disseminating African documentary films; 2) providing a capacity-building programme in film writing and production for 40 young professionals; 3) implementing an incubation programme for film projects; 4) facilitating access to markets though international co-production meetings.
How does this project contribute to the implementation of the 2005 Convention?
Supports access to markets and the mobility of artists and cultural professionals through the implementation of operational programmes. The project will allow directors and producers from the 11 beneficiary countries to exchange during the production workshops. Likewise, through the co-production meetings, the project will promote the creation of networks, exchanges on projects and access to the market with multiple opportunities for partnerships and financing.
Reinforces the capacities of young professionals working in the documentary film sector. The project responds to the training needs of African directors and producers, providing them with the necessary tools to improve the quality of their productions, access to funding opportunities, and dissemination of their productions.
Main activities
- Organize practical workshops to strengthen the skills of at least 2 young documentary professionals from each of the 11 countries.
- Provide scholarships for the development of film projects to reach international quality.
- Organize international co-production meetings to facilitate networking, access to markets and funding sources, as well as the mobility of African professionals.
- Organize visits of documentary film professionals to high schools and universities to conduct screenings.