10 igc Ignacio Marin Fernández

Tenth ordinary session of the Intergovernmental Committee


Highlights of the session:

  • Implementation of the Convention in the digital age: adoption of draft Operational Guidelines on the implementation of the Convention in the digital environment, and organization of a ministerial panel “Shaping digital policies for development” addressing the use of digital technologies and e-commerce in today’s cultural industries.
  • International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD): approval of 6 new projects.
  • Civil society: organization of the first working session between civil society organizations and members of the bureau to the Intergovernmental Committee to the 2005 Convention as well as a civil society panel on Creativity in the digital age.
  • Periodic Reporting: transmission to the Conference of Parties at its sixth ordinary session of the submitted quadrennial periodic reports and the 2015 edition of the Global Report.

This session included a number of debates, among which: the Secretariat’s report on its capacity-building and knowledge management activities; the Convention’s contribution to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development; the implementation of the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) and approval of new projects ; the engagement of civil society in the implementation of the Convention; and the Preliminary draft Operational Guidelines on the implementation of the Convention in a digital environment.

Working Documents

Information Documents

Participation of Civil Society

In accordance with Rule 7.4 of the  and its , nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) having interests and activities in the field covered by the Convention who wish to participate as observers to a session or all sessions of the Committee, are asked to submit a written request to the Director-General of UNESCO. Only NGOs which meet the criteria provided by the  to the operational guidelines of Article 11 (Role and participation of civil society) are eligible. The request must be accompanied by the documents mentioned in paragraph 2 of the .




Bureau Members

Chairperson: Mr. Stephen Arnott

Rapporteur: Ms. Jana Kňažková

Vice-Chairpersons: Brazil; France; Morocco and Nigeria