Sixth ordinary session of the Intergovernmental Committee
During this session, the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD) was in the spotlight, with the evaluation of its pilot phase (2009-2012), the revision of its Guidelines and the adoption of selected projects submitted during the 3rd call.
The Committee examined the first quadrennial periodic reports of Parties to the Convention and continued its discussion on the implementation of Article 21 of the Convention. After discussing emblem proposals for the Convention and deciding to transmit them to the fourth session of the Conference of Parties, it adopted the draft operational guidelines for its use. Finally, it took note of the implementation of the ratification strategy for 2011 - 2012.
Working Documents
Information Documents
Bureau Members
Chairperson: Mr Paul Damasane (Zimbabwe) – was replaced by Ambassador Rodolphe Imhoof
Rapporteur: Mr Artashes Arakelyan (Armenia)
Vice-Chairpersons: Brazil, Lao PDR, Switzerland and Tunisia