Eleventh session of the Intergovernmental Committee
During this session, the Committee established its work plan for 2018-2019, including activities to implement the operational guidelines on the diversity of cultural expressions in the digital age; discussed the future revision of the Framework for periodic Reporting; approved funding for new projects presented to the International Fund for Cultural Diversity (IFCD). Based on the results of the second external evaluation of the Fund, the Committee adopted recommendations for its future management. Two major side events opened to the public were organized:
- on 12th December, from 3 to 5 PM, “Cultural and Creative Industries: A New Agenda for the Development Community?”
- on 14th December, from 3 to 6 PM, launch of the UNESCO 2018 Global Report “Re-Shaping Cultural Policies”, and debate on “Towards Support Policies for Independent Cinema?”
Working Documents
Information Documents
Address by Jyoti Hosagrahar, Director of the Division of Creativity
Participation of civil society
In accordance with Rule 7.4 of the and its , nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) having interests and activities in the field covered by the Convention who wish to participate as observers to a session or all sessions of the Committee, are asked to submit a written request to the Director-General of UNESCO. Only NGOs which meet the criteria provided by the to the operational guidelines of Article 11 (Role and participation of civil society) are eligible. The request must be accompanied by the documents mentioned in paragraph 2 of the .
Bureau Members
Chairperson: Mr Fernando Griffith (Paraguay)
Rapporteur: Mr Aman Wirakartakusumah (Indonesia)
Vice-Chairpersons: Côte d’Ivoire, Czech Republic, France