King Kaka and UNESCO released "BESHTE YANGU" Song in Kenya: A Powerful Message on Positive Masculinity, Mental Health, and HIV Awareness
Renowned Kenyan artist King Kaka released his latest song BESHTE YANGU in collaboration with UNESCO through the O3 Plus project during World Population Day in Nairobi on 11th July 2023 Developed in collaboration with UNESCO the song delivers a powerful message on Positive Masculinity Mental Health and HIV Awareness The launch took place at the University of Nairobi bringing together hundreds of students from the University of Nairobi Kenya Medical Training College faculty members and the wider community for an amazing concert to celebrate the importance of investing in youth education health and wellbeing to build a sustainable future for both individuals and societies The song with 10000 views immediately after its release underscoring the importance of music in reaching young people with health information