Value added services (vas) framework

Postal and telecommunications regulatory authority of zimbabwe
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Description of the policy/measure

The framework aims to promote growth, effective cooperation and collaboration amongst players in the vas value chain. local content creators and aggregators usually need to collaborate with network providers in order to deliver digital content to end-users. the guidelines seek to eliminate anti-competitive behaviour such as denial of service, unfair revenue sharing structures amongst other issues. the vass framework is aimed at benefiting consumers through the promotion of entrepreneurship, innovation and competition in the telecommunications market.the implementation of these guidelines was spread over a period of six (6) months to ensure seamless transition. the 'industry code of practice' was developed by the industry working group on vass forming addendum to the framework. the measure is inteded to ultimately reduce the cost of ict since icts are important tools in the cultural and creative industries value chain.

Results achieved

Infrastructure sharing by network providers, revenue sharing and prevention of unnecessary competition.