Study entitled “audiovisual diversity? gender representation in german film and television”, 2017
University of rostock, malisa foundation
University of rostock, malisa foundation
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure
Main aims: addressing diversity and gender equality in the artistic and cultural sectors; identifying characteristic representations of female and male roles target groups: the film and television industry expected results: conducting a study on the role of women and men in fictional productions and entertainment formats, and on their positioning and presentation as experts in journalistic and documentary content
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Cultural Domain(s)
This measure was reported by civil societyResults achieved
Detailed analyses conducted of over 3000 hours of tv shows from 2016, and of over 800 german-language films from 2013 to 2019; data showed that women appear less in german audiovisual media, across all television programmes; just one in three people in the field of tv journalism is a woman, especially among presenters and journalists; three-page summary published describing courses of action for achieving more gender equality in film and television; position paper listing 15 commitments on gender equality published by german film schools, recognised internationally as best practice, and named by the council of europe as the only german measure in the context of implementing its recommendation on gender equality in the audiovisual sector (cm/rec(2017)9)