Strategy for development support of culture and creative industries
Description of the policy/measure
The main target is to support and develop the ccis in czechia. the strategy solves the problems caused by pandemic covid-19. this document states strategic framework of czech ministry of culture. the strategy is to be implemented from years 2022 to 2025. the document newly defines culture and creative industries and suggests main goals and the way to implement them. development support of ccis shall contribute to meet goals of national recovery plan.
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Results achieved
Constitution of interdepartmental working groups. first subsidies for mobility of creative workers, revitalization and building of culture and creative centers, data collection and local strategies of development of ccs. other subsidies are being prepared for digitalization and creative education.
Financial resources allocated to the policy
347 000 000 usd in next 3-4 years (cca 8 billion czk)