Round table “women in culture and media”, 2016 to 2017
Federal government commissioner for culture and the media
Federal government commissioner for culture and the media
Website of the policy/measure
Read the full report
Description of the policy/measure
Main aims: attaining greater gender equality in culture and the media; placing more women in senior positions; ensuring balanced composition of committees and juries; narrowing the wage gap; improving compatibility of family and career (see 2016 periodic report, p. 54f.) target groups: experts in the visual arts, music, literature, the performing arts, film and media arts and the press and broadcasting expected results: over the course of a multi-month working period, devising concrete policy recommendations for improving equality of opportunities in the artistic and cultural sector
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Results achieved
Work begun in 2016 as an outgrowth of an initiative from 2015 and 2016 (see 2016 periodic report, p. 54f); concrete demands for improved gender equality developed: demands include equal representation on juries and committees under the commissioner for culture's authority, making the round table permanent, gender monitoring via ongoing data collection, establishing prizes exclusively for women to be awarded by the commissioner for culture, improving women artists' social circumstances, mentorships; the "women in culture and media" project office was established at the german cultural council from 2017 to 2020 as a hub and for the sake of cementing activities, provided with extensive financial resources; the office conducts the mentorship programme and publishes a data report, see chapter 4.1.2.: supporting women artists and cultural professionals