Promote international trade and investment

Ministry of trade, ministry of foreign affairs and regional integration
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure

• promote the made-in-ghana (mig) policy, value addition and seek marketing opportunities within africa and beyond (sdg targets 2.3, 9.3, 17.11) • pursue pragmatic measures to remove bottlenecks along the entire supply chain of exports, including addressing port capacity issues, transport links, finance, trade facilitation, port and market access issues • (sdg targets 17.10, 17.12) • restructure the operations of the ghana export promotion authority (gepa) and implement the national export strategy (sdg target 17.11) • pursue the objectives of ecowas, including the rapid establishment of an ecowas regional market • promote the effective implementation of the ecowas trade liberalization scheme (etls) and remove bottlenecks (sdg targets 2.b, 17.10, 17.12) • facilitate the adoption and implementation of the ecowas common external tariff (cet) (sdg target 17.12) • pursue the objectives of the african union (au) and create the african continental free trade area (cfta) (sdg target 17.12) • pursue measures to take full advantage of multilateral trade agreements such as the african growth and opportunity act (agoa) initiative of the us government, and the eu-ecowas economic partnership agreement (epa) (sdg target 17.10) • provide support to stakeholder organizations in export promotion o exploring and expanding local and external markets for cultural goods and services and creating a niche for indigenous cultural products from the sub region and the continent o facilitating access to credit o supporting sub regional festivals, art fairs and other artist’s programmes to raise the profile of cultural products on the world cultural scene
Sustainable Development Goal(s)
Transversal Priority(ies)

Results achieved

• strong framework, regulations and institutions for promoting ghanaian culture • good appreciation of national culture • good governance regime for emerging areas in the creative and cultural industries

Financial resources allocated to the policy

About usd $172,491.078.82 in 2019

Evaluation of the policy/measure

Government’s obligations to protect the flow of cultural goods and services should be integrated/factored into the domains of action of the following treaties and agreements: • ecowas common external tariff (cet) • au continental free trade area (cfta) • african growth and opportunity act (agoa) • eu-ecowas economic partnership agreement (epa) the customs division of the ghana revenue authority (gra) should be restructured to optimize its operational efficiency, improve the supply-side capacity of ghanaian firms, strengthen links between industrial and trade policies, improve conditions of trade infrastructure, regularize unauthorized entry and exit routes, promote the consumption of made-in-ghana products and adopt substitution strategies where feasible.