Programmes supporting digital creativity and competencies: digital culture grant scheme, immerse\interact, digital heritage x public and literature on the screen

Ministerie van onderwijs, cultuur en wetenschap (ministry of education, culture and science), stimuleringsfonds creatieve industrie (creative industries fund nl)
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Description of the policy/measure

The netherlands is one of the five most innovative economies in the european union, since 2002, the netherlands has been focusing on reinforcing the social and economic utility of art and design disciplines including architecture, design (including fashion) and new media in the netherlands and internationally. the aim is to improve quality and access to the various disciplines at both the sectoral (creative industries) and the individual level (talent development). in the netherlands, the creative industry is one of the ten top sectors. 鈥榯op sectors鈥 policy was rolled out nationwide in 2011. as part of the cultural policy, the stimuleringsfonds voor creatieve industry (creative industries fund nl) and the nieuwe instituut (part of the basic cultural infrastructure) are ensuring that the cultural sector is integrated into the top sectors policy. in this section, you will find information on the measures by the stimuleringsfonds creatieve industrie (creative industries fund) that support digital creativity and competencies. 1. with the digital culture grand scheme, the creative industry fund supports artistic projects in the field of digital culture. in addition, the fund organises meetings devoted to current topics that are relevant in this field. 2. the immerse\interact programme stimulates projects within the interdisciplinary media landscape. started in 2019, this programme is a collaborative project of the stimuleringsfonds voor creative industrie and the nl filmfonds (netherlands film fund). artistic research and experimentation in the field of digital storytelling and the use of interactive or immersive media are central to this. 3. the stimuleringsfonds voor creatieve industrie invests in new stories created by consortia with makers from the creative industry. designers, makers and heritage institutions can jointly submit projects that bring digital heritage to the attention of a (wide) public by means of new applications. 4. 鈥渓iterature on the screen鈥 is a programme in which authors, together with interaction designers, game makers or digital media makers, develop literary productions aimed at the digital domain. with 鈥渓iterature on the screen鈥, the nederlandse letterenfonds (dutch foundation for literature) and the stimuleringsfonds voor creatieve industrie want to strengthen talent development, cooperation and knowledge exchange between different disciplines.

Results achieved

1. in regard to the digital culture grant scheme, we see that the measure has gained popularity in the period 2017-2020. not only was there a rise in applicants (from 58 to 99 per year), the average sum granted also increased (from usd 16.693/eur 13.768 in 2017 to usd 20.521/eur 16.925). 2. immerse\interact programme: the programme is used by applicants working in film, as well as by applicants working in the digital cultural domain. the projects vary significantly in form. 3. digital heritage x public: the increase in the number of applicants (from 18 in the first round to 27 in the second round) shows that there is a significant demand for support for opening up digital heritage and working with designers. the selected projects vary in size, form, theme and regional distribution and are developed by both relatively young and experienced designers in collaboration with large and smaller museums, archives and libraries. the diversity in design and approach of the various projects is also striking: where the focus is on one project on technical innovation, others are more emphatically aimed at audience reach and interaction or artistic research. 4. literature on the screen: in 2020 four teams of writers, designers and makers received grants to work on digital, literary projects. the presentation of these projects is planned in summer 2021.

Financial resources allocated to the policy

In 2020: - digital culture grant scheme 2020 (incl. literature on the screen): usd 2.031.607 (eur 1.675.537) - immerse\interact: usd 727.507 (eur 600.000) - digital heritage x public: usd 1.455.387 (eur 1.200.308)

Evaluation of the policy/measure

The sector is young and developing 鈥 involvement of the stimuleringsfonds voor creative industrie is expedient.