Pilot project on promoting the socio-cultural dimension in hesse, 2016 to 2020

Land hesse working group on cultural initiatives and socio-cultural centres (laks, (landesarbeitsgemeinschaft der kulturinitiativen und soziokulturellen zentren in hessen e.v.)
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure

Main aims: creating and professionally developing stable structures for cultural diversity in the socio-cultural landscape of hesse; strengthening civil society engagement target groups: socio-cultural centres; non-governmental organisations; civil society beneficiaries expected results: stabilising and strengthening specific activities and effects related to socio-cultural work in terms of cultural diversity, participation in culture and cultural education, regardless of age, background, gender or income; using funding in an efficient and effective manner; supporting structures all year round ("from project to structure"); making funding arrangements more transparent

Results achieved

Laks set up as a contact point for actors submitting applications for funding: advice, information, eligibility assessments; simplified management and award of funding; structural funding has made it easier for cultural operators to plan beyond project funding for cultural operators

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Approx. eu3 million (2016 to 2020)

Evaluation of the policy/measure

Nationwide one-off and innovative pilot project brought a new, nationwide awareness of the socio-cultural scene and professional associations and boosted their reputation; the confidence and future prospects of many actors has been significantly increased; funding has been significantly increased (double the level of 2014); the pilot project relieved the burden on land hesse laks and participating stakeholders