National institute of copyright (indautor)

National institute of copyright (indautor)
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure

The national institute of copyright (indautor) is the public body responsible for the protection and safeguarding of copyright, as well as, promoting their knowledge in the various sectors of society, promoting creativity and cultural development, and promoting international cooperation and exchange with other responsible institutions for registration and protection of copyright and related rights. indautor also provides services to national and foreign authors, artistic community and rights holders, including: - registration of works and assignment contracts and use licenses; - authorizations to collecting societies; - obtention of international standard book number (isbn) and the international standard number for periodical publications (issn) - legal consultations and advice - resolution of copyright infringements - arbitration proceedings - training and orientation courses to sensitize society to the importance of respecting copyright to create a culture of legality. - among others the indautor is also responsible for the application of the federal copyright law, which protects works as literature, music, drama, dance, painting and drawing, cartoons and comics, architecture, cinema, radio and tv shows, computer programs, photography, works of applied art, compilations (such as encyclopedias and anthologies), and other works such as databases, which constitutes an intellectual creation, and other works considered as literary or artistic works.