Institutionalization of culture in the academy
Pontifical catholic university of peru, university of piura
Pontifical catholic university of peru, university of piura
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Description of the policy/measure
The pontifical catholic university (pucp) and the university of piura (udep) have promoted the institutionalization of culture in the academy through the creation of academic departments dedicated to train students in cultural management and performing arts, among others, thus allowing the transmission of expertise by the greatest exponents of culture in peru. in 2012, the pontifical catholic university of peru created the faculty and the academic department of performing arts in order to call and bring together its professors who dedicate to the creation, research and teaching of the performing arts, in order to provide an education to actors, musicians and dancers, so they can become highly qualified to assume with efficiency and leadership all the areas of their artistic discipline, capable of carrying out performing, research and creation works in line with the cultural development of the country and the world. currently, the faculty has around one hundred and twenty professors with great professional experience in the performing arts from different fields of action and reflection, and more than 700 students. the main objective is to consolidate a community through teacher training and the development of the teaching career to provide a high-level artistic education committed to our context, in addition to promote and develop research in and for the performing arts, to make known their methodologies and approaches for the reflection and production of knowledge, also enriching other academic disciplines. moreover, in 2017, the master's degree programs in performing arts and musicology were created. the professionalization of the cultural sector proposed by the university of piura is carried out on the basis of the development of educational programs. it promotes the licenciatura (licentiate) in history and cultural management (a five-year program); the master's degree in cultural management (a two-year postgraduate program); and the doctorate in humanities with a specialization in culture studies. the undergraduate program is taken in piura and in lima.
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Transversal Priority(ies)
This measure was reported by civil societyResults achieved
In the case of the catholic university of peru, the positioning of the performing arts as a professional career; it has 39 licenciados (licentiates) in performing arts; 107 holders of bachelor's degrees in performing arts; 42 professors from our faculty are studying for a master's degree at pucp and other universities to regularize their academic degrees and comply with the new university law. for its part, the university of piura's undergraduate program with a licenciatura (licentiate) in history and cultural management, has had more than 100 graduates since 2008. more than 90% of them work in the cultural sector. within the postgraduate program, udep has held the master's degree program twice so far, the first time with 24 graduates and the second one with 42 students. in the doctoral program, it has 36 doctoral students and 39 students enrolled for the next program. it is contributing to the professional education of the local cultural agents and to the research on issues of the cultural sector through theses and studies.