Healthywithart urbanculture. network of bavarian cities, 2019–2020

Stadtkultur. netzwerk bayrischer städte e.v.
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Description of the policy/measure

Main aims: promoting the health and resilience of the public with and through art and culture; opening up museums to new audiences; fulfilling the public health mission of cultural institutions target groups: general public of bavaria expected results: using the positive physical, spiritual and mental effects of engaging with art to promote and strengthen health and help prevent chronic conditions; offering artistic and art-education workshops in museums to promote health; recognising ways in which cultural and art institutions can shape our environment to raise quality of life and improve health; encouraging local authorities to revise their thinking on preventive healthcare

Results achieved

Pilot phase successfully implemented in 2018 in the form of an 80-day urbanculture (stadtkultur) festival called "art&healthy" (kunst&gesund) with more than 33 exhibitions in 21 bavarian cities attracting tens of thousands of visitors; longer-term programme initiated to promote and establish museums as good for people's health; innovative measures and new ideas to promote health developed; museums and galleries recruited and established as providers of healthcare programmes; workshops they provide paid for by statutory health insurance provider aok

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Bavarian aok: eu250,000; total budget: eu450,000