Establishment of the youth service “funk” in 2016

Broadcaster swr (südwestrundfunk)
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure

Main aims: creating contemporary content for adolescents and young adults; familiarising and involving a young audience with the output of public broadcasters; examining matters of democracy and social cohesion to actively address the social, democratic and cultural needs of 14- to 29-year-olds target groups: 14- to 29-year-olds of all genders expected results: generating media output for young users on social and political topics, thereby filling a crucial gap; reaching mobile and internet-savvy target audiences by having "funk" play its content via major private media platforms

Results achieved

Videos put out via more than 60 distribution channels and posted on; opportunity created for collaboration with partners from the internet video scene and young media creators; 291 million views achieved on youtube and 102 million on facebook between october 2016 and october 2017

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Eu45 million