Dusseldorf: 2015–2017 cultural development planning (kulturentwicklungsplanung)

Cultural affairs office of düsseldorf, capital of north rhine-westphalia, society for cultural affairs (kulturpolitische gesellschaft e.v.), institute for cultural policy (institut für kulturpolitik)
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure

Main aims: developing longer-term governance guidelines to underpin robust cultural infrastructure that promotes diversity of cultural expression in cities with due consideration to demographic and digital change; implementing global sustainable development goals at the local level target groups: city society and administration; stakeholders funding, creating and/or interested in cultural content expected results: * safeguarding, strengthening and expanding diverse cultural content * setting objectives and concrete measures of municipal cultural policy for the coming years and creating planning certainty for cultural actors * signposting the inclusion of cultural policy in city-wide planning and urban development * identifying and protecting the public's cultural interests * promoting the transcultural openness of city society * establishing and transmitting cities' image as cultural sites across germany and internationally * bringing the activities of city administrations into line with the vision of the 17 sustainable development goals (sdgs)

Results achieved

Coordination office for implementing cultural development planning set up on a permanent basis; arts council (rat der kunste) founded; process implemented to develop up-to-date and transparent funding guidelines; final report made available online: https://www.netzwerk-kulturberatung.de/content/1-ueber/1-dr-patrick-s-fo...