Digital culture (kultur digital), 2018 to 2024

German federal cultural foundation
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure

Main aims: enabling cultural institutions to make full use of digital possibilities and to tailor use to their respective specific activities; supporting cultural institutions in their efforts to proactively seize the opportunities offered by digital possibilities and address the corresponding challenges in a professional manner target groups: publicly funded cultural institutions and associations such as museums, theatres, concert and literature venues expected results: financially supporting the (further) development of public cultural institutions' digital planning; facilitating exchange with experts on digital matters; promoting in particular measures for the production of digital art, digital curation and the use of digital means to disseminate content and communicate

Results achieved

Over eight culture-hackathons run since 2014; digital fund (fonds digital) support since 2020, submission deadline for projects was july 2019; academy for theatre and digitality founded and grant programme launched in 2019

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Eu21,000 (2018); forecast eu485,000 (2019), total of eu18 million in funding (2018 to 2024)