
General directorate "creativit脿 contemporanea" (mibact)
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure is a project promoted by mibact (dg- contemporary creativity, dg museums and dg- entertainment), in collaboration with gai association for the circuit of young italian artists, takes place every two years and is divided into a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing and promoting italian artists at the international level, to support the most interesting projects from the point of view of innovation and design and to create new job opportunities and professional figures. aimed at young people between 18 and 35 years old engaged in the various sectors of the visual arts, design, photography, entertainment, writing, dance to offer you growth opportunities. the project is divided into a series of initiatives aimed at enhancing and promoting italian artists internationally, supporting the most interesting projects from the point of view of innovation and design and to the creation of new employment opportunities and professional profiles.

Results achieved

The project inspired by the italian cultural and artistic heritage, to be used for merchandising in museum bookshops and artshops as well as offered opportunities for new job opportunities and create new professional figures; enhancing projects through exhibitions and shows and encouraging their subsequent production for sale in the commercial spaces of museums, also involving companies in the sector.

Evaluation of the policy/measure

In past editions a total of more than 430 prototypes have been selected, designed by 140 designers, for the exhibitions held at the galleria civica in modena, the palazzo delle esposizioni in rome, the macef in milan, castel sant'elmo in naples, the maxxi in rome. among these, some were produced by specialized companies or self-produced by the designers themselves and presented at the milan triennale, museum expressions in paris and open design italia in venice and trento, as well as sold in various bookshoops, including those of the venice biennale, of the mart of trento and of the madre of naples. the program has made it possible to support 667 out of 2,050 projects presented [visual and sound arts (approx. 45%), theater - dance - music (approx. 40%), others (approx. 5%)], for a total of over 1,200 artists and has awarded through a specific call 4 residency scholarships for artists in the visual arts sector at prestigious international institutions.