Culture is strength. education alliances (kultur macht stark. bundnisse fur bildung), since 2013, evaluated in 2018

Federal ministry of education and research
Website of the policy/measure
Read the full report

Description of the policy/measure

Main aims: enabling children and young people to take part in cultural education regardless of their socio-economic backgrounds; offering opportunities for cultural education during and outside school hours; establishing cooperation between providers of education and/or culture at local and regional levels; triggering social developments and a sense of responsibility among the public; training artists for jobs in education; providing cultural affairs training for the coming generation of specialists and managers; supporting innovation in cultural education target groups: children and young people; schools associated with projects or programmes; multipliers; pupils; teachers; cultural stakeholders; artists; cultural institutions; potential international students with experience in the field who wish to expand their expertise in cultural affairs management expected results: * setting up cultural education measures in and outside schools as opportunities for educationally disadvantaged children and young people * enabling pupils to enjoy better educational prospects and a greater sense of social belonging * identifying project schools in the field of cultural education; providing training and networking opportunities for teaching staff and other art educators * building long-term ties among schools with a focus on culture * investigating the effect of performance art and musical education on pupils' socio-emotional experience and career choices * strengthening actors in amateur culture, particularly clubs, by creating opportunities to attract younger members * enabling creators of cultural content to tackle the challenges posed by digitalisation, demographic change and globalisation * offering programmes on personal development and good cultural leadership for the coming generation of specialists and managers

Results achieved

New in the 2016-2019 reporting period: programme evaluated from 2013 to 2017, final report published in 2018; between 2013 and 2019, a total of over 11,000 education alliances founded, more than 25,000 projects conducted with over 800,000 children and young people, over 90% of alliances involved volunteers

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Eu222 million in federal funding spent between 2016 and 2020

Evaluation of the policy/measure

Stated objectives of the "culture is strength" programme attained: children aged from 3 to 18 from educationally disadvantaged backgrounds who would have had no or limited access to culture enabled to participate in cultural events across germany; local actors successfully networked; the evaluation of this measure for 2013 to 2017 is available online: