Culture opens worlds (kultur offnet welten), since 2015
Young ears network (netzwerk junge ohren)
Young ears network (netzwerk junge ohren)
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure
Main aims: facilitating culturally diverse community life; using the positive role of art and culture in the development of an immigration-rich society contributing significantly to the development of a diverse cultural sector across all areas target groups: general public; cultural actors; political decision-makers; cultural institutions; associations; trade unions; foundations; civil society; professional artists; focus on refugees expected results: raising the visibility of participants' commitment nationwide; having cultural actors build ties to existing networks and to one another; contributing to the development of a diverse cultural sector; raising awareness of the goals of the 2005 unesco convention
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Transversal Priority(ies)
Results achieved
Network for diversity in germany's cultural sector (netzwerk fur diversitat im kulturbereich in deutschland) built up with more than 700 professional participants registered; primarily under-represented cultural actors featured in podcasts; several hundred consultations conducted on project and format development, strategies, financing, partnership structures, etc.; formats developed for workshops and training on diversity, migration, integration, accessibility and social cohesion; information from the network about job vacancies, specialist events and best practice disseminated on social media; special award presented as part of culture opens worlds (kultur offnet welten) in 2016 and 2017 to honour the outstanding dedication of recipients - music group banda internationale, film festival kino asyl and museum project multaka in 2016 and youth centre demokratiebahnhof anklam, orchestra academy kammerakademie potsdam and community culture project new hamburg in 2017; awareness of cultural participation and diversity issues actively raised among associations/trade unions; objectives of the 2005 unesco convention actively adopted by network members
Financial resources allocated to the policy
Eu260,000, including the culture opens worlds special award (2016 and 2017); as part of the kiwit group from 2017 - eu150,000 (2017 and 2018); eu200,000 (2018 and 2019); eu200,000 (2019 and 2020)