Culture development strategy
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ministry of civil affairs of b&h, federal ministry of culture and sports, ministry of education and culture of the rs, 10 cantonal ministries in federation of b&h
Ministry of civil affairs of b&h, federal ministry of culture and sports, ministry of education and culture of the rs, 10 cantonal ministries in federation of b&h
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Description of the policy/measure
The fb&hmeasures, activities, holders and dynamics of realization of the priorities set, as well as indicators and mechanisms for theirimplementation and evaluation are defined in the action plans of mentioned strategic documents. also, very important is thatdetermination and implementation of cultural policies is within the competence of the 10 cantons in the entity of federation of b&h.the rsthe strategy emphasizes strengthening and empowering of cultural understanding through dialogue between all stakeholders in the fieldof culture, and the main objectives of the strategy are defined accordingly: improve the legal framework of cultural policy; build a newapproach to cultural heritage and make it attractive and accessible to all categories of population and ages (museums, libraries, archives,etc.); education for culture; improve intercultural understanding in order to achieve inter-cultural dialogue; strengthen cultural industries;improve tolerance versus diversity/promote diversity of cultural expression; include minorities and vulnerable groups (persons withspecial needs, gender equality, returnees and displaced persons, the poor).based on the rs culture development strategy, a special attention has been focused on three areas: advancement of culturemanagement, mobility of art and artists, and rs capacity building for the development of cultural industries, impact on the legislation andallocation of funds for this type of support.the process of defining and harmonizing legal regulations governing the area of support for independent artists is in progress now.the main issues and priorities of the rs cultural policy are: cultural diversity through intercultural dialogue and strengthening of culturalorganizations and associations, including minority groups, support for partnerships and networking of organizations dealing with culture,improving access to information, digitization of cultural heritage and support for digital creativity, development of cultural/creativeindustries.special attention is paid to the decentralization of culture and cooperation with the local level - encouraging local level to build asustainable cultural development, to incorporate culture in the development documents and capacity to participate in culturalprogrammes and projects in terms of domestic and international public calls.challenges聽identified in the implementation of this measure: key challenges in this mission are reaching balanced development of all cultural activities at the national, entity and local level,strengthening legal and institutional support and strengthening human resources capacities.
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Transversal Priority(ies)
Evaluation of the policy/measure
Measures, activities, holders and dynamics of realization of the priorities set, as well as indicators and mechanisms for theirimplementation and evaluation are defined in the action plans of mentioned strategic documents.