Cultural legislation
Description of the policy/measure
Approval of the convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions and its annex, adopted by unesco on 20 october 2005: law 18068 of 11 december 2006.聽creation of the national directorate of culture: law 18172 of 27 july 2007 (annual accounts). objectives: promotion, coordination, administration and exucution of cultural development projects by the government.聽creation of the national archive system: law 18220 of 20 december 2007. objectives: conservation and organization of the nation麓s documentary heritage and current administrative radio broadcasting in uruguay: law 18232 of 22 december 2007. (regulation, which recognizes and promotes community radio and tv stations as an exercise of freedom of expression).creation of the film and audiovisual institute (icau): law 18284 of 16 may system / exemption from value-added tax (vat) on discs and film distribution: law 18341 of 30 august 2008.聽social protection of artists and related occupations: law 18384 of 17 october 2008.聽creation of the sodre audiovisual archive: law 18501of 18 june 2009.creation of the contemporary arts space: by ministerial decree.creation of the pedro figari museum: law 18719 of 27 december 2010.
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring