Cultural integration initiative (initiative kulturelle integration), since 2016
German culture council (deutscher kulturrat)
German culture council (deutscher kulturrat)
Website of the policy/measure
Read the full report
Description of the policy/measure
Main aims: facilitating culturally diverse community life; using the positive role of art and culture in the development of an immigration-rich society promoting respectful coexistence and equal rights in an increasingly heterogeneous society target groups: general public; cultural actors; political decision-makers; cultural institutions; associations; trade unions; foundations; civil society; professional artists; focus on refugees expected results: spotlighting ways in which cohesion can succeed in a diverse society and art and culture can contribute to integration; pooling and disseminating information about stakeholders, funding options and events; strengthening the competence, democratic participation, equality of opportunity and protection from discrimination of people with a personal or family background of migration and/or displacement
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Results achieved
Fifteen theses on cultural integration and cohesion presented to the federal government in 2017; gala event held with the german institute for human rights (deutsches institut fur menschenrechte) and first forum convened to launch the national action plan on integration (nationaler aktionsplan integration); joint campaign conducted with mcdonalds (#mehralseinhashtag - "more than a hashtag"); internet portal set up and newsletter sent out regularly
Financial resources allocated to the policy
The federal government commissioner for culture and the media: eu1.5 million between 2018 and 2020