Cultural education – programmes of the lander
Verband der musik- und kunstschulen brandenburg e.v. (brandenburg association of music and art schools) on behalf of the ministry for science, research and culture of brandenburg, state association of lower saxony music schools on behalf of the ministry f
Verband der musik- und kunstschulen brandenburg e.v. (brandenburg association of music and art schools) on behalf of the ministry for science, research and culture of brandenburg, state association of lower saxony music schools on behalf of the ministry f
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Description of the policy/measure
1 brandenburg: “musische bildung fur alle“(musical education for all), since 2010 2 lower saxony: “wir machen die musik” (we set the tone), since 2009-2010, evaluation in 2015 3 north rhine-westphalia: “kulturrucksack“ (culture backpack), since 2012 4 rhineland-palatinate: “jedem kind seine kunst” (every child’s art), since 2013 5 schleswig-holstein: year of cultural education campaign 2014, “kreativpotentiale” (creative potentials) programme beginning in 2015 (see measure 8) 6 cross-regional or nationwide collaborations, see measure 8
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Transversal Priority(ies)
Results achieved
- strengthening children’s and youth’s social skills and personality development through music, singing, dance and engagement with art (“tertium comparationis”) - making art and culture accessible to all, integrating many different backgrounds, developing language skills - emboldening people to express themselves artistically, discovering and fostering talents early - successfully stimulating and developing networking between actors in the fields of culture and education - strengthening and intensifying public attention to the diversity of cultural education
Financial resources allocated to the policy
1 brandenburg: 1.3 million eur per year in state funding 2 lower saxony: approx. 1.95 million eur each for the 2015/2016, 2014/2015, 2013/2014 school years 3 north rhine-westphalia: 4.40 eur annually per child or youth as support for the 196 municipalities taking part in the kulturrucksack programme 4 rhineland-palatinate: approx. 1 million eur per year in state funding 5 schleswig-holstein: 2014: 60,000 eur only for networking actions
Evaluation of the policy/measure
1 brandenburg: evaluation conducted by the centre for cultural research in 2013: 89 per cent of children with better-educated parents and 54 per cent of children with less educated parents expressed an interest in continuing their artistic and creative activities beyond the programme. 93 per cent of parents wished for their children to continue their musical education, especially in a school context (80 per cent). a majority of participating institutions are located in rural or socially disadvantaged areas that are considered especially to merit support, 2 lower saxony: in 2014 and 2015 76 music schools in cooperation with 680 nursery schools and 462 primary schools participated. more than 37,000 children aged 10 or younger reached through 1,000 projects. in 2013 and 2014, first evaluation of the pilot project by educult (vienna): comprehensive music education offering successfully developed, thorough evaluation in 2015. results available in 2016. 4 rhineland-palatinate: since 2013 some 1,300 projects in almost all cities and administrative districts have been realised by more than 100 artists. according to an evaluation by the university of koblenz-landau, the programme enables as many boys and girls as possible to participate in cultural life and strengthens their interest; highly positive feedback from youth, artists and cooperation partners; continuation of cooperation as part of the programme recommended 5 schleswig-holstein: 2014 campaign brought lasting impetus to the forward-looking dialogue about cultural education; documented press coverage; networking of actors in sub-regions intensified; institutional linkage with cultural hubs (regional interface management) established; handbook for providers of cultural education drafted, cf. additionally, successful participation in the “kreativpotentiale” programme from 2015 to 2017, see measure 10.