Cultural education – cross-regional to nationwide
Description of the policy/measure
1 kulturagenten fur kreative schulen (cultural agents for creative schools): pilot programme in baden-wurttemberg, berlin, hamburg, north rhine-westphalia and thuringia with the german federal cultural foundation (with funding from the federal government commissioner for culture and the media), stiftung mercator, among others (2011 and 2012 to 2015); second phase 2015 to 2019 2 kreativpotentiale, programme of the stiftung mercator (since 2013), cooperation inter alia with lower saxony: schule:kultur! (school:culture!, 2014 to 2017), schleswig-holstein: kultur trifft schule – schule trifft kultur (culture meets schools – schools meet culture), 2015 to 2017), and brandenburg: plattform kulturelle bildung (cultural education platform, ‘dart‘) (since 2009) 3 culture is strength. education alliances, pilot programme of the federal ministry of education and research of extracurricular cultural education measures for disadvantaged children and youth, 2013 to 2017
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Transversal Priority(ies)
Results achieved
- children and youth, school pupils using cultural offerings in a self-confident, curious and knowledgeable way - cultural facilitators acquiring qualifications, raising the level of professionalism. expected for 2015 onward: e.g. in schleswig-holstein, approx. 700 qualified cultural facilitators - offering cultural education throughout the country through improved cooperation between schools and cultural institutions and thereby opening up educational opportunities - developing and implementing innovative cultural education formats in selected programme schools: for example, kreativpotenziale in lower saxony: 40 schools in cooperation with 31 cultural institutions - making culture-related school development projects systematic and quality-oriented - transferring results to the lander structures, firmly establishing permanent cultural education offerings and cementing them in everyday school life, 2015 to 2019 - fortifying and consolidating extracurricular cultural education measures for (educationally) disadvantaged children and youth through local educational alliances - teachers receive continuing education as cultural facilitators and are equipped with time quotas at schools, for example in schleswig-holstein
Financial resources allocated to the policy
1 “kulturagenten fur kreative schulen”: pilot programme 2011/2012 to 2015 about 22.8 million eur (10 million eur of which from the education alliances funded by the federal government commissioner for culture and the media); programme phase ii (2015 and 2016 to 2019) up to 9 million eur (4.5 million eur of which from the german federal cultural foundation), additional co-funding through the relevant state ministries in baden-wurttemberg, berlin, hamburg, north rhine-westphalia and thuringia 2 “schule:kultur!” (lower saxony) 2014 to 2017: 1.595 million eur, a third of which from the stiftung mercator 3 “culture is strength. education alliances”: up to 230 million eur, 2013 to 2017, federal ministry of education and research 4 “kultur trifft schule” (schleswig-holstein) 2015 to 2017: 1 million eur, 500,000 of which from the stiftung mercator
Evaluation of the policy/measure
1 cultural agents for creative schools: - 2011 to 2015: 46 cultural agents have sparked up to 84,000 children’s and youth’s interest in art and culture and anchored cultural education offerings in everyday school life through more than 1200 projects at 138 participating schools and with 620 different cultural partners in 5 lander - final publication mission kulturagenten (mission cultural agents), 2 lower saxony: 2013 to 2017, cf. lower saxony education server: evaluation by the state institute for school quality development (nlq) planned 3 culture is strength: there are more than 5000 education alliances, which have to date implemented nearly 11,000 measures. some 325,000 children and youth have taken part in the measures. 94 per cent of the education alliances reach children and youth who otherwise do not take part in cultural education offerings. 23 associations receive funding from the federal ministry of education and research, which they pass on to local education alliances upon request. 10 initiatives are part of education alliances themselves and carry out projects together with local partners (last updated 31 december 2015, evaluation accompanying programming) other important results: the 2014 national education report sponsored by the standing conference of the ministers of education and cultural affairs of the lander in the federal republic of germany and the federal ministry of education and research shows that more than a third of all children and youth under age 18 are growing up under circumstances with at least one major risk factor. their parents’ unemployment, low income, or low level of education limit their opportunities. young people with a migrant background are often affected by such circumstances. the number of children needing special pedagogical support in the priority area of language use doubled between 2000/2001 and 2012/2013. in 2015, on behalf of the rat fur kulturelle bildung (council for cultural education), the allensbach institute surveyed 9th and 10th grade school pupils at secondary schools nationwide about their cultural understanding and their cultural interests and activities. the study jugend/kunst/erfahrung.horizont 2015 (youth/art/experience.horizon) documents that to date, school offerings alone have not been able to balance out the tremendous gaps between children of poorly educated parents and children of university-educated parents.