Cultural and creative industry clusters
National directorate of culture, ministry of education and culture, ministry of industry, energy and mining , planning and budget office
National directorate of culture, ministry of education and culture, ministry of industry, energy and mining , planning and budget office
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Description of the policy/measure
The clusters are the result of the coordination of leading private companies of each area and the government so as to define specific policies, which target the cultural sectors. they are based on the state´s capability to further economic development by promoting the coordination between companies, research institutes and other private and government institutions. 1) music and publishing clusters:  they are set up by the creative industries department of the ministry of education and culture´s national directorate of culture as part of the "vivi cultura" project, while their ongoing work is funded by the national budget. it relies on the technical support of the clusters and production chains programme (pacc- diprode- opp). "vivi cultura" contributed technical and financial resources to the preparation of a strategic plan, which was to represent the area and was drawn up on the basis of the protagonists´ participation in workshops and meetings during the formation of the clusters. it supports the participation of the publishing cluster in national and international fairs.  2) design and audiovisual clusters:  in both cases the public initiative for dynamization is part of the clusters and productive chains competitiveness enhancement programme (idb. loan 1763 / oc – ur), for which they are selected. the programme´s activities start with the election of a managing group of private sector delegates and a support group of public sector delegates, all of whom have to be committed to a participatory strategic planning process. together they choose a facilitator (coordinator) as well as national and international consultants to support them during the preparation of their strategic plan. as soon as the cluster has a strategic plan agreed by consensus the programme cofinances the projects presented by companies and/or institutions which share in the plan through non-refundable contributions.
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Transversal Priority(ies)
Financial resources allocated to the policy
Evaluation of the policy/measure
As to the publishing and music clusters the positive effects of the visualization of these sectors as providers of employment and exports are highlighted.   regarding the audiovisual cluster the work of the uruguayan film commission & promotion office ( was emphasized. with regard to the design cluster no in-depth information concerning this aspect has been made available.Â