Cultural and creative industries initiative of the federal government, launched in 2009 and restructured in 2016
Federal ministry for economic affairs and energy, federal government commissioner for culture and the media
Federal ministry for economic affairs and energy, federal government commissioner for culture and the media
Website of the policy/measure
Read the full report
Description of the policy/measure
Main aims: improving the competitiveness of the cultural and creative sectors; spotlighting the potential of cultural and creative professionals for business and society target groups: freelance, independent and employed cultural and creative professionals; private-sector companies expected results: * creating jobs in these sectors and increasing the earning capacity of the people working in them * raising the economic significance of the cultural and creative sectors * building a denser network of ties between cultural and creative enterprises and traditional sectors of the economy * sparking innovative ideas for other sectors * encouraging coordination on relevant topics among the government departments responsible
2005 Convention Monitoring Framework Goal(s)
Area(s) of Monitoring
Cultural Domain(s)
Transversal Priority(ies)
Results achieved
* new in the 2016-2019 reporting period: federal centre of excellence for the cultural and creative industries (kompetenzzentrum kultur- und kreativwirtschaft des bundes) newly set up in 2016 and a project office opened in berlin, flanking the initiative with projects, a regularly published magazine and academic research; most recent event in 2019: cultural and creative industries forum (forum kultur- und kreativwirtschaft), a day-long conference with discussions and workshops * each year, 32 companies honoured as cultural and creative pilots (kultur- und kreativpiloten) for exemplary work on projects in the cultural and creative industries * cultural and creative industries monitoring reports (monitoringberichte uber kultur- und kreativwirtschaft) published annually since 2009 by the federal ministry for economic affairs and energy, with the following focuses in the years of this reporting period: internationalisation (2016); employment and skills (2017); the cultural and creative industries - stimulating the overall economy (2018); cultural and creative industries in rural areas (2019)
Financial resources allocated to the policy
Funding total for 2016-2019: eu26.1 million (eu2.8 million in 2016 followed by eu7.8 million each year)
Evaluation of the policy/measure
* according to the 2017 monitoring report, the value created by the cultural and creative industries in 2016 was eu98.8 billion gross; the 2019 monitoring report found this figure had risen to eu100.5 billion in 2018; the monitoring reports highlight the innovative potential of the creative industries in relation to the various focus areas. * it remains a challenge to assess the effects of non-technological innovations in the creative industries.