Centre for digitisation and culture (zentrum fur digitalisierung und kultur), land schleswig-holstein, since 2018

Ministry of education, science and culture, land schleswig-holstein
Website of the policy/measure
Read the full report

Description of the policy/measure

Main aims: digitally transforming the cultural infrastructure of land schleswig-holstein and facilitating cooperation between cultural institutions target groups: cultural institutions, land universities, theatres and museums, the open-access channel of the public service broadcaster expected results: setting up a centre for digitisation and culture; supporting cultural institutions in their digital transformation through education programmes, subsidies, projects and advice; networking the centre with kiel university of applied sciences (fachhochschule kiel) and setting up exchange opportunities

Results achieved

Building on the land's digital master plan on culture, standards and offerings for institutions and cultural actors drafted which focus on reflecting digitality in cultural policy, audience development, marketing, data use, developing strategies for digital transformation, change management and archiving and digitising cultural heritage

Financial resources allocated to the policy

Eu500,000 annually, in total eu1.5 million; the equivalent of two full-time positions

Evaluation of the policy/measure

Results of the evaluation are due to be provided in 2022