Bilateral cooperation in the field of creative economy

Ministry of tourism and creative economy/tourism and creative economy agency
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A number of bilateral cooperation in the field of creative economy that can be reported in this period are between the government of indonesia and the following countries: great britain and northern ireland (2016), china (2016, 2017), france (2017), denmark (2018), australia (2018), italy (2018), malaysia (2018), and thailand (2019). in the memorandum of understanding between the government of the republic of indonesia and the government of the kingdom of thailand regarding cooperation in the field of creative industries dated 13 may 2019, indonesia and thailand are committed to collaborating closely in the creative industry field, through joint projects, human resource development, and mutual support in enhancing the role of the creative economy in economic development and the quality of life of people in indonesia and thailand. the memorandum will be followed by concrete programs that focus on design, photography, music and animation, as well as the exchange of knowledge and experts. in the cooperation agreement between indonesian creative economy agency and the french national center for film and animation on cinematography dated 29 march 2017, indonesia and france expressed the desire to enhance cooperation in all fields of contemporary creations and expressions, especially in the digital technology, design, fashion, film and visual art. this collaboration will also guarantee the preservation of cinematographic heritage along with the promotion and circulation of cinematographic works in both countries. the two countries also agreed to promote french and indonesian cinematographic production through various activities and festivals, both in the field of cinematographic heritage, institutional exchanges, film-related education, as well as in the fields of joint production, distribution and use of audio-visual works, by respecting intellectual property rights through sharing experiences, transfer of expertise, and exchange of best practices. in general, bilateral cooperation in the field of creative economy is aimed at contributing to the realization of the following national strategy for culture (see goal 1, main policies and measures that contain strategies and frameworks for the development of the integrated cultural and creative economy sector): 1. provide space for the diversity of cultural expressions and encourage cultural interaction to strengthen the inclusiveness of culture (agenda 1); 2. develop and utilize cultural resources to strengthen the position of indonesia internationally (agenda 3); and 3. strengthen the role of government as facilitator in the advancement of culture (agenda 7).