Arabic-language guided tours of berlin museums; intercultural glass workshops, since 2016

Multaka: treffpunkt museum; berlin glas e.v.
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure

Main aims: helping refugees access and experience museums in berlin; increasing intercultural creativity; enabling exchange target groups: a) guided tours: arabic-speaking refugees b) workshops: anyone living in the city expected results: a) offering guided tours by refugees for refugees in berlin museums; enabling new arrivals to experience museums and their objects; attempting to reconcile past and present b) setting up workshops to encourage mutual awareness of diverse cultural backgrounds among new arrivals and berlin locals; establishing knowledge transfer in both directions between locals and new arrivals

Results achieved

A) arabic-speaking tour guides trained for four berlin museums; numerous arabic-language guided tours of four berlin museums performed regularly and successfully since 2016; new visitor groups able to experience the objects displayed in the museums b) participants at seven glass-blowing workshops in 2018 able to experience the shared historical and cultural connections between syria, iraq and germany