Amendment of the interstate media agreement (medienstaatsvertrag) to implement the eu audiovisual media services directive, 2018 to 2019

All 16 l盲nder of the federal republic of germany
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Description of the policy/measure

Main aims: ensuring equal opportunities in communication offline and online by means of adapted, appropriate and jointly accepted rules; implementing the provisions of the european audiovisual media services (avms) directive, as amended in 2018, at the national level; guaranteeing protection of young people in relation to the media target groups: media consumers in germany expected results: adopting transparency rules and prohibitions against discrimination to govern influential media platforms, user interfaces and media intermediaries like smart speakers, search engines, smart tvs and cable network providers; updating the definition and concept of broadcasting: services with few users or which are provided sporadically or irregularly will no longer require a broadcasting licence; incorporating the results of the evaluation of the avms directive conducted across europe in 2016 into the amendment of the interstate media agreement

Results achieved

More than 1200 comments and contributions received in the first participation procedure in 2018; second public participation procedure held in 2019 as part of the process to amend the interstate media agreement; amendment adopted on 5 december 2019