Amendment of copyright law to implement the eu copyright directives amended in april 2019, 2019 to 2021
Federal ministry of justice and consumer protection
Federal ministry of justice and consumer protection
Website of the policy/measure
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Description of the policy/measure
Main aims: adapting copyright law to the requirements of a digital society; implementing the provisions of the amended european directive on copyright and related rights in the digital single market (copyright directive) adopted in 2019; strengthening copyright target groups: originators of creative content; collective rights management organisations and publishers, including press publishers; creative industries; users of cultural content; general public expected results: conducting public consultation on the implementation of the two eu copyright directives of 17 april 2019 - the digital single market directive, (eu) 2019/790, and the satellite and cable directive, (eu) 2019/789 and on the discussion draft for a first bill to adapt copyright law to the requirements of the digital single market dated 15 january 2020; creating an opportunity for stakeholders and institutions involved to submit public and comprehensive opinions
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Results achieved
First consultation procedure held from june to september 2019; over 130 opinions received from initiatives, associations, networks, institutes and businesses; legislative process begun with the discussion draft of 15 january 2020 for a first bill to adapt copyright law to the requirements of the digital single market (erstes gesetz zur anpassung des urheberrechts an die erfordernisse des digitalen binnenmarkts); further consultation procedure conducted in january 2020; 110 statements received from initiatives, associations, networks, institutes and businesses: gesetz_i_anpassung-urheberrecht-dig-binnenmarkt.html