Frequently asked questions

Periodic reports

Some Basic Facts to Complete the Quadrennial Periodic Report

The periodic reporting form is based on the . The periodic reporting form is a submission tool designed to:

  • Simplify the reporting exercise while providing a comprehensive reporting mechanism
  • Better monitor progress in the implementation of the Convention in line with the
  • Facilitate data collection and management and improve the transferability of information with the and the

The periodic reporting form has been designed to show how the implementation of the Convention contributes to attaining the .

No. The purpose of the periodic reports is to facilitate information sharing, not to draw comparisons. Based on the analysis of the quadrennial periodic reports and other sources, the Secretariat publishes the , which monitors the implementation of the 2005 Convention and provides new and valuable evidence to inform cultural policy making and advance creativity for development. The Secretariat has also developed the in order to render the unique wealth of data and information offered by the periodic reports transparent and accessible. The platform is a search engine for hundreds of policies and measures that implement the 2005 Convention as well as innovative practices that demonstrate the role of culture in the implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

Only the executive summaries will be translated by the Secretariat into English or French. The entire reports and their annexes will be made public on the prior to each session of the Committee (). The policies and measures reported might also be featured on the .

Yes. The Global Report will draw from the periodic reports and various annexes submitted by the Parties, as well as other sources.

The Convention focuses on the diversity of cultural expressions, which is manifested through diverse modes of artistic creation, production, distribution, whatever the means and technologies used.

In the periodic report, specific attention should be paid to contemporary art forms, artistic expressions communicated through words (literature), sound (music, radio), images (photos, TV, films), movement (performing arts such as dance, theatre) or objects (sculpture, painting, design) and cultural goods, services and activities produced and distributed by the cultural and creative industries.

Intangible cultural heritage is not under the scope of the 2005 Convention and should therefore not be covered in your periodic report.

If your country has not yet submitted any periodic report, you will need to report on policies and measures, achievements and challenges since the ratification of the Convention. You may also report on major policies and measures adopted before the ratification of the Convention when impact has since been monitored.

If your country has already submitted periodic report(s), you will need to report on policies and measures, achievements and challenges from the submission of your last periodic report. You may also report on major policies and measures adopted before and included in your country’s previous periodic report when impact has since been monitored. In principle, periodic reports should be submitted every four (4) years.

Every year, the submission deadline is 30 June. For your country’s next year of submission, you can consult .

Periodic reports should be submitted in one of the Committee’s working languages (English or French). To the extent possible, periodic reports can also be submitted in the two working languages of the Committee, as well as in additional languages ().

To consult your country’s submitted periodic report, if one has been submitted, you can consult . Each periodic report submitted to the Secretariat is fully accessible and downloadable by clicking on the corresponding submission year.

Only one personal account can be created on the online submission platform for each periodic report. However, you can share your ID and password with the team responsible for the elaboration of the periodic report in order to facilitate collaborative work.

The mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk.

The key questions allow for systematic data collection on the implementation of each Convention goal and area of monitoring. While answering all key questions is not mandatory to proceed to the next step, it is highly recommended that as many key questions as possible be answered, so as to provide a coherent and comprehensive picture of the work carried out at the national level to implement the Convention. If an answer is missing, you can reach out to relevant stakeholders.

Yes, more than one answer is possible.

While it is not mandatory to report policies and measures in each of the 11 areas of monitoring, it is highly recommended that as many areas of monitoring as possible be covered, so as to provide a coherent and comprehensive picture of the work carried out at the national level to implement the Convention.

There is no limit on the number of policies/measures to report per area of monitoring. We recommend that at least one policy/measure is reported per area of monitoring.

There are no limits on the number of words per policy/measure. However, the following guidelines shall be taken into consideration when collecting information and data, and when writing reports:

  • long historical accounts are to be avoided;
  • declarative statements shall be supported by facts and explanations;
  • the reports shall be written in language consistent with the United Nations Charter and the 2005 Convention with a view to encourage dialogue and mutual respect among Parties and avoid politicization;
  • information and analysis are to be derived from a variety of sources and be illustrated with examples and, whenever possible, with data.
  • the description of the policies and measures should be clear and succinct, focusing on priority lines of action and, where possible, achieved impact.

Parties report on emerging transversal issues identified by the governing bodies of the Convention for each reporting cycle. The Conference of Parties through its resolutions could determine the transversal issue(s) to be reported in each four-year reporting cycle. For the current reporting cycle, no transversal issue has been identified by the Conference of Parties. Parties can therefore present any policy and measure that directly contributes to the implementation of the Convention and that would not necessarily be covered by one of the

Relevant documents (law, policy, agreement, regulation, strategy, etc.), studies and statistics can be uploaded in the periodic reporting form through the online submission platform. Annexes can be in the language of your choice, in PDF format and should relate to the implementation of the in your country. The documents must be produced during the reporting period covered by the periodic report. A title and a description of the main content of the document should be provided in English or French.

There is no limit to the number of annexes to be uploaded.