
IV Latin American and Caribbean Film Festival (SALC 2024)

The fourth edition of the Latin American and Caribbean Film Festival (SALC 2024) will take place from 3 to 7 June 2024 at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. The theme of the Festival this year is “Women, indigenous peoples and popular craftsmanship in the evolution and development of Latin American and Caribbean art and culture”.
SALC 2024

Since 2019, the UNESCO SALC Film Festival allows the dissemination of visual creations (documentaries, short or feature films) in the framework of the celebration of the Latin American and Caribbean Week organized every year at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris. This year the audiovisual broadcast focuses on “Women, indigenous peoples and popular craftsmanship in the evolution and development of Latin American and Caribbean art and culture”. In this context, the Africa region was also invited to participate in the Festival in view of promoting cooperation in the field of creative industries in the area of film production between the two regions.

SALC 2024 Programme

SALC 2024 Programme

This year, the Festival takes place in a hybrid format, with programme in the UNESCO Cinema Room and online.

The festival will also be promoted on GRULAC's social networks:

Organizer: UNESCO Latin America and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)

Contact: Permanent Delegation of Chile to UNESCO (