Music as a driver of sustainable development in Morocco
Local Partner(s):
- Ministry of Culture and Communication
- Ministry of National Education and Vocational Training
- Ministry of Economy and Finance
- Institut national supérieur de musique et des arts chorégraphiques (INSMAC)
- Bureau d’ Export de la Musique Marocaine (MOMEX)
Period: Mar 2018 --> Dec 2019
Recognizing the potential of the music sector as a growth sector, Morocco is interested in developing policies, measures and programmes that would support the development of the music sector. The overall goal of the project is therefore to strengthen the music sector as a source of integration, employment and income, particularly for young people. Particular attention will be given to girls and young women musicians and professionals to promote gender equality. Among the planned activities: development of a national strategy, support for the professionalization of music education, implementation of pilot projects for artist residencies, actions in favor of digital distribution.
Inception phase
An inception phase will involve consultation with key partners in order to ensure that the project’s goals and architecture are in line with local needs and priorities and adapt it accordingly. A coordination group involving key stakeholders will be established in this phase and will continue to meet throughout the project’s implementation. During this phase, an online questionnaire will be launched to assess the situation of the music sector in Morocco: production, education, programming, infrastructure, financing, distribution, gender equality, etc. This questionnaire will be used in particular to identify priory actions to reinforce the strength of the music sector in Morocco.
The project objective is to reinforce systems of governance for the music sector by strengthening human and institutional capacities, cultural infrastructure, as well as regulatory and policy frameworks in Morocco.
This will include consultation and research (analysis and recommendations to upgrade the music education framework), technical assistance (such as the revision of the INSMAC curriculum) and strategic projects (musicians’ residencies in 20 urban and rural schools).
This will include consultation and research (mapping of needs), technical assistance (policy recommendations) and strategic projects (on digital music distribution).
This will include consultation and research (identification of policy priorities) and capacity-building and awareness-raising activities (workshops, meetings, campaigns).