Mobilizing film professionals for regional cooperation in Asia
Local Partner(s):
- Pengkaji Film Indonesia (KAFEIN)
- 185 Films
- The Centre for Assistance and Development of Movie Talents (TPD)
Period: Jan 2019 --> Ongoing
The objective of this project is to empower governmental and non-governmental actors including the private sector to enhance the legal and institutional frameworks to strengthen the film industry, in particular in Indonesia, Thailand, and Viet Nam, through capacity building and empowerment of filmmakers, film professionals and policy makers, especially public film funding agencies and other major public stakeholders such as public service media, while enhancing regional collaboration in the film sector in Asia.
Policymakers, filmmakers, professionals and other industry stakeholders including from the private sector will be mobilized and their awareness raised about required policy and regulatory changes to support a strong and dynamic film industry. Their capacities will be developed in the areas of content creation and exchanges, with a view to developing possible co-production, distribution and exhibition opportunities. Regional networks of cooperation, with a focus on gender equality, will be strengthened and policy action among ASEAN countries will be advocated for.