Weya Viatora

Strengthening the sustainability of creative industry in Lao PDR, Uzbekistan, and Rwanda

Creative Industries development for the diversity of cultural expressions
With the support of Republic of Korea
Period: Jan 2017 --> Dec 2020


Within the framework of the implementation of the 2005 Convention, this KFIT project aimed to strengthen cultural and creative industries in Lao PDR, Uzbekistan and Rwanda through capacity building, networking efforts, information sharing and awareness raising among various stakeholders on culture鈥檚 contribution to sustainable development. Recent evidence shows that cultural and creative industries (CCIs) are one of the fastest growing sectors in the world. Consequently, many developing countries, including the beneficiary countries of this project, are raising awareness of the importance of CCIs and starting to include CCIs as part of their national development strategies. 

The overall goal of Activity 1 in Lao PDR was to contribute to building a good governance for culture through supporting the development of knowledge management systems and communication and networking mechanisms among representatives of various government ministries, civil society actors and the private sector of the cultural and creative industries in order to strengthen the culture sector as a whole. Activity 2 in Uzbekistan, aimed at contributing to effective development and promotion of the film industry in Uzbekistan through conducting an overall assessment, enhancing national capacities and organizing promotional events in the field. The aim of Activity 3 in Rwanda was to contribute to the development of cultural industries in Rwanda, through identifying capacity gap and developing and implementing capacity-building programmes for artists, cultural professionals, and representatives of concerned government ministries/public institutions in Rwanda.