
High-level launch of the 2023 GEM Report in Central America

Sub-regional launch of the 2023 GEM Report taking place in El Salvador
GEM Report
High-level launch of the 2023 GEM Report in Central America
Hotel Intercontinental, San Salvador, El Salvador
Arrangement type :

About the high-level launch of the 2023 GEM Report in El Salvador

The launch of the GEM Report will take place on May 16 and 17, 2024, in San Salvador, as a result of the collaboration between UNESCO and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank.

The event will count with the participation of high-level authorities from the Ministries of Education - Ministers, Vice-Ministers and Directors in curricular, pedagogical, technological and evaluation issues - and representation from regional and sub-regional multilateral governmental organizations, including the Central American Educational and Cultural Coordination (CECC-SICA), banks and other agencies of the United Nations System.

The meeting takes place within the framework of processes of exchange of experiences and dialogue between countries that have been taking place at global, regional and sub-regional levels since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, on how to continue advancing and deepening the transformation of education to accelerate the achievement of the right to quality education for all people throughout life, and which already shows lessons learned and challenges around which it is key to think of solutions that allow a structural approach especially to the problems around equity, inclusion and the purposes of education. 

In these processes of dialogue, information and communication technologies have played a relevant role, not only in terms of access but also in terms of their applications in education systems, policies, governance, teaching and learning processes, community linkage and participation, and, above all, in the preparation of people both in digital literacy and in a citizenship that can develop skills for life, work and sustainable development, who learn to navigate and articulate visions, emotions and behaviors with and without the use of ICTs, in the preparation of people both in digital literacy and in a citizenship that can develop skills for life, work and sustainable development, that learn to navigate and articulate visions, emotions and behaviors with and without technologies, but always with a humanistic perspective in their use that contributes to the common good and the development of life projects with dignity.

In this context, the meeting aims to:

  • Share among countries, from dialogue and territorial experience, how educational transformation processes have been developing with a national and regional perspective, even before the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the role that technologies have played in them.
  • To share the main findings and conclusions of the UNESCO GEM 2023 Report.
  • Promote the discussion about the link between technologies, education and development, for the strengthening of a citizenship that contributes to the achievement of societies with peace, well-being and prosperity/social justice.


Agenda (PDF)


During the first day, one of the main highlights of this meeting will be the sub-regional launch of the Global Education Monitoring Report 2023 on Technology in education: a tool in what terms? published by UNESCO, which will generate spaces for dialogue, exchange and collaboration among the participating countries to begin to outline a useful tool for analyzing, planning and monitoring transformation policies, including a comprehensive view of information and communication technologies. 

On the second day, participants will visit selected schools to exchange educational experiences, encouraging feedback and strengthening them. After the visits, a space will be created to share impressions and perspectives, taking into account the dialogues held the previous day. Participants will learn how El Salvador has promoted during the current administration processes of transformation of education based on various reforms and the promotion of key policies and initiatives aimed at improving the quality, inclusion and equity in education, including those related to the promotion of digital citizenship in educational communities, and the move towards universal access and use of devices and connectivity.