2024 SDG 4 Scorecard progress report on national benchmarks
Setting SDG 4 benchmarks is a novel process. It has involved countries specifying their contribution to the achievement of the global targets based on their national plans and policies. Overall, 79% of countries have submitted benchmarks, or national targets, to be achieved by 2025 and 2030 for at least one of eight SDG 4 indicators. This process, supported by the UIS and the GEM Report, responds to the Education 2030 Framework for Action which had called on countries to establish ‘appropriate intermediate benchmarks … for addressing the accountability deficit associated with longer-term targets’.
In total, 54% of the potential 2025 benchmark values (i.e. for all 8 indicators and the 23 disaggregation possibilities) have been submitted. Apart from the public expenditure indicators, for which there is a common benchmark for all countries, the two benchmark indicators with the highest submission rates are the early childhood education participation rate (72%) and the completion rate (65%). The two indicators with the lowest submission rates are the gender gap in upper secondary completion (36%), and school internet connectivity(32%). The latter is a new benchmark indicator and countries may have had too little time to set a target if they did not already have one.
SDG 4 Scorecard dashboard
The UNESCO SDG 4 Scorecard dashboard visually displays progress towards countries SDG 4 benchmarks. Coordinated by the UNESCO Institute for Statistics and the Global Education Monitoring Report, it tracks national benchmarks for various education indicators to address accountability gaps. The dashboard provides data on countries' targets for 2025 and 2030, highlighting areas of progress and setbacks in achieving these benchmarks. It also offers downloadable reports and related resources for further insights.