
The 2023 GEM Report during Digital Learning Week

Presentation of the 2023 GEM Report during Digital Learning Week
UNESCO, 7 place Fontenoy, Paris, 75007, France
Rooms :
Room I
Arrangement type :
Language(s) :

The Digital Learning Week will take place at UNESCO's headquarters from 4-7 September. It is the rebranding of the decade-long UNESCO Mobile Learning Week and will serve as the new UNESCO annual flagship event on digital learning to steer the human-centred digital transformation of education. It aims to convene in-person events to reassemble the global community of policy-makers, practitioners, educators, private sector partners, researchers and development agencies to jointly respond to the new dynamic around digital learning.   

The inaugural edition of Digital Learning Week will look closely at public digital learning platforms and generative AI, examining how both can be steered to reinforce and enrich humanistic education. 


Presentation of the 2023 GEM Report during the high-level segment 

The latest edition of the will be presented during the high-level segment of the conference on Tuesday 5 September. During this session, the GEM Report's director will join Stefania Giannini, UNESCO's Assistant Director-General for Education and Sobhi Tawil, Director of Future of Learning and Innovation at UNESCO's in explaining the organization's integrated approach on AI and digital learning.

The session is taking place from 10:45 to 11:15 am at Room I at the UNESCO´s headquarters in Paris and webcasted via


Improving access and empowering refugee learners: lessons from the 2023 GEM Report on technology in education

Anna d'Addio, the GEM Report's thematic lead will present the findings and recommendations of the 2023 GEM Report on technology in education on access to disadvantaged groups, with a particular focus on refugees during the breakout session 3.3 "Bridging the digital divide: Empowering refugee learners through digital connectivity and innovative learning platforms" organized by UNHCR. The session will bring together representatives from UNICEF, UNHCR, Learning Equality, Vodafone and ProFuturo to discuss how to improve access to refugee learners through the use of technology. 

The session is taking place from 2:00 to 3:30 pm at Room IV at UNESCO's headquarters in Paris.